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10th Aug | Dawn Vocabulary Alphabetical order

These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed.

Daily Dawn Vocabulary words | 10th August 2024

  1. Accountability (جوابدہی): The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
  2. Alienation (الگ تھلگ کرنا): The state of being isolated or estranged.
  3. Alignment (سیدھ): Arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions.
  4. Alleviated (ختم کرنا): To make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
  5. Anthropogenic (انسانی ساختہ): Originating in human activity, especially regarding environmental pollution.
  6. Anecdotal (واقعاتی): Based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
  7. Appraisal (جائزہ): The act of assessing something or someone.
  8. Autonomously (خود مختاری سے): Acting independently or having the freedom to do so.
  9. Bereft (محروم): Deprived of or lacking something.
  10. Bolstered (مضبوط کیا): Supported or strengthened.
  11. Broad Shoulders (عظیم): Indicating strength and responsibility.
  12. Campaign (مہم): A series of military operations intended to achieve a particular objective, confined to a particular area, or involving a specified type of fighting.
  13. Caveat (تنبیہ): A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
  14. Circumvent (گول چکر میں ڈالنا): Find a way around (an obstacle).
  15. Circumvented (ہوشیاری سے بچنا): To avoid or find a way around (an obstacle or rule).
  16. Circularity (گردشی): Involving processes that are sustainable and regenerative, minimizing waste.
  17. Cohesion (اتحاد): The action or fact of forming a united whole.
  18. Competitiveness (مقابلہ): The ability of a country or company to compete effectively in the market.
  19. Compass (قطب نما): An instrument or device for finding direction.
  20. Conflation (خَلط مَلط کرنا): The merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc. into one.
  21. Constitutional (آئینی): Relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
  22. Contempt (حقارت): The feeling that someone or something is not worthy of respect or approval.
  23. Counterfactual (غلط مفروضہ): Relating to or expressing what has not happened or is not the case.
  24. Counterterrorism (دہشت گردی کے خلاف): Political or military activities designed to prevent or combat terrorism.
  25. Cautious (محتاط): Careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
  26. Crucial (انتہائی اہم): Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
  27. Critics (ناقدین): People who express disapproval of someone or something.
  28. Depletion (کمی): Reduction in the number or quantity of something.
  29. Delivered (پورا کیا): Successfully achieved.
  30. Degeneration (انحطاط): The process of decline or deterioration.
  31. Demonetisation (سکہ بندی): The act of stripping a currency unit of its status as legal tender.
  32. Disparities (غیر مساوات): A great difference.
  33. Disenfranchised (محروم): Deprived of the right to vote or other rights.
  34. Endemic (اندرونی): Regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
  35. Enfranchisement (حق رائے دہی): The giving of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote.
  36. Endogenous (اندرونی): Having an internal cause or origin.
  37. Equilibrate (توازن پیدا کرنا): To bring into or keep in balance.
  38. Executed (انجام دیا گیا): Carried out or put into effect.
  39. Exacerbated (بڑھا ہوا): Made a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse.
  40. Existential (وجودی): Relating to existence, especially human existence.
  41. Explosive (دھماکہ خیز): Rapidly expanding and potentially dangerous.
  42. Extractive (نکالنے والا): Involving the extraction of resources, often in a way that is harmful or unsustainable.
  43. Extremism (انتہا پسندی): Holding extreme political or religious views.
  44. Facilities (سہولیات): Buildings, services, or equipment provided for a particular purpose.
  45. Fatwa (فتویٰ): A ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority.
  46. Financial Inclusion (مالی شمولیت): The process of ensuring access to financial services and timely, adequate credit for vulnerable groups.
  47. Fractured (ٹوٹنا): Broken.
  48. Frustration (مایوسی): The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.
  49. Glory (عظمت): High renown or honor won by notable achievements.
  50. Grievance (شکایت): A real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest.
  51. Hallucinate (وہم پیدا کرنا): Experience a seemingly real perception of something not actually present.
  52. Harvested (کٹائی کرنا): To gather (a crop) as a harvest.
  53. Inevitable (ناگزیر): Certain to happen; unavoidable.
  54. Imbalance (عدم توازن): A situation in which different things do not occur in equal or proper amounts.
  55. Imposing (شاندار): Grand and impressive in appearance.
  56. Inexcusable (ناقابل معافی): Too bad to be justified or tolerated.
  57. Insolvency (دیوالیہ پن): The inability to pay debts when they are due.
  58. Insurgency (بغاوت): A rebellion against authority or government.
  59. Interference (مداخلت): The action of interfering or meddling in the affairs of others.
  60. Inevitable (ناگزیر): Certain to happen; unavoidable.
  61. Inevitable (ناگزیر): Certain to happen; unavoidable.
  62. Lucrative (فائدہ مند): Producing a great deal of profit.
  63. Mandated (حکم دیا ہوا): Officially required or commanded.
  64. Marine Biodiversity (سمندری حیاتی تنوع): The variety of life forms within the ocean.
  65. Mechanisms (میکانزم): Processes or systems that are used to produce a particular result.
  66. Medallist (تمغہ جیتنے والا): A person who has won a medal in a competition.
  67. Meritocratic (میرٹ پر مبنی): A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.
  68. Meticulous (انتہائی محتاط): Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
  69. Mismanagement (بدانتظامی): Poor management of something.
  70. Mistrust (بداعتمادی): Lack of trust or confidence.
  71. Mobilised (متحرک کرنا): To organize or prepare people or resources for action.
  72. Moratorium (تعطیل): A temporary prohibition or suspension of an activity.
  73. Moderation (اعتدال): The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions.
  74. Normative (اصولی): Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm.
  75. Onslaught (حملہ): A fierce or destructive attack.
  76. Opposition (مخالفت): Resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.
  77. Overparameterised (زیادہ معیارات والا): Having more parameters than necessary or data points.
  78. Paradigm (نظریہ): A typical example or pattern of something; a model.
  79. Pattern-spotting (رجحانات کو پہچاننے والا): The ability to recognize patterns in data.
  80. Perceived (محسوس): Recognized, understood, or interpreted in a particular way.
  81. Paucity (کمی): The presence of something in insufficient quantities or amounts.
  82. Patronage (سرپرستی): The support given by a patron, often in a political context.
  83. Pledged (عہد کیا): Committed to a particular course of action.
  84. Polarized (تقسیم شدہ): Divided into sharply opposing factions or groups.
  85. Polycrisis (پالی کرائسس): A complex and interconnected series of crises.
  86. Precautionary (احتیاطی): Taken in advance to prevent harm or to secure good results.
  87. Predicament (مشکل صورت حال): A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
  88. Preventative (روک تھام): Designed to keep something undesirable such as illness or harm from occurring.
  89. Quotidian (روزمرہ): Occurring every day; daily.
  90. Reform (اصلاح): Make changes in something

, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice, in order to improve it.
91. Resilient (لچکدار): Able to recover quickly from difficult conditions.
92. Redressal (درست کرنا): The act of setting something right.
93. Recognition (پہچان): The action or process of recognizing or being recognized.
94. Redundant (غیر ضروری): No longer needed or useful; superfluous.
95. Resurgent (دوبارہ ابھرنے والا): Increasing or reviving after a period of little activity.
96. Strategy (حکمت عملی): A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
97. Substandard (غیر معیاری): Below the usual or required standard.
98. Stimulated (ترغیب دی): Encouraged interest or activity in something.
99. Synonymous (ہم معنی): Closely associated with or suggestive of something.
100. Tightness (سختی): The state of being tight or limited in availability.
101. Trail (پیچھے رہنا): To lag behind or follow someone or something.
102. Tandem (ہم آہنگی سے): Working together or in conjunction.
103. Unfathomable (نا قابل فہم): Incapable of being fully explored or understood.
104. Unified Payments Interface (متحد ادائیگی انٹرفیس): A real-time payment system developed by India to facilitate inter-bank transactions.
105. Watershed Moment (اہم لمحہ): A critical turning point.
106. Whimsical (غیر متوقع): Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.

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