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Dawn News Articles Summaries for CSS Exam Preparation

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Concluding Thoughts

In essence, in a world filled with information overload, the art of summarization becomes a potent tool for CSS aspirants, helping you master the skill of extracting the essence from voluminous content, making your preparation focused, efficient, and enriched with diverse perspectives.

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SUMMARY of “Relying on debt,” Editorial, Dawn, October 3rd, 2023

Pakistan is facing a concerning debt crisis that could lead to severe consequences if it loses access to the loans that are currently sustaining its economy. The country is grappling with various economic issues, including high inflation, large fiscal deficits, low productivity in industrial and agricultural sectors, a fragile balance of payments position, and a weak exchange rate. Due to its inability to collect sufficient taxes and generate enough dollars to cover imports, Pakistan heavily relies on cash injections from foreign lenders and global institutions like the IMF and the World Bank. In fact, Pakistan was the top borrower of cheaper funds from the International Development Association (IDA) in South Asia, securing $2.3 billion in financing from the IDA during the last fiscal year. The country’s growing dependence on domestic and external loans is exacerbating its debt burden, with total public debt reaching 74.3% of GDP by the end of FY23. This mounting debt is hindering the government’s ability to address inflation and stimulate economic growth. Despite warnings from multilateral agencies and other countries, Pakistan’s leadership has not taken adequate measures or implemented sound economic policies to address these issues. Instead, they continue to seek bailouts from Gulf monarchies. While such investments may offer temporary » Read More…

SUMMARY of “Southern Conundrum,” Mohammad Ali Babakhel, Dawn, October 2nd, 2023

The southern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has a tumultuous history, known for its freedom-loving anti-imperialists and religiously devoted residents. It comprises 36% of KP’s total area, divided into three divisions and 12 districts. The region shares borders with Afghanistan, making it a sensitive area with reported militant concentrations. The demographics have shifted due to militancy and counterterrorism operations, causing migration to urban areas like Tank, Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu, and Kohat. Militancy in south KP results from historical, political, and socioeconomic factors, compounded by its diverse tribal dynamics, languages, and sectarian diversity. Marginalization, poverty, unemployment, and inadequate access to education contribute to radicalization and militant recruitment among the youth. Poor infrastructure has hindered economic development and connectivity, with railway stations and airports in disrepair. » Read More…

SUMMARY of “Courting Controversy,” Maleeha Lodhi, Dawn, October 2nd, 2023

The interim government in Pakistan is facing unnecessary political controversies when its primary duty should be ensuring free and fair elections. Statements from the caretaker prime minister and some cabinet members have raised questions about the inclusivity of the upcoming elections. The prime minister’s comment that elections could be fair without Imran Khan and his jailed party members sparked criticism from the PTI and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. The interim interior minister’s remarks about arresting Nawaz Sharif also drew ire from PML-N leaders. Political parties are expressing concerns about a lack of a level playing field for the polls, questioning the impartiality of the interim government and the Election Commission. This controversy highlights a gap between the caretaker government’s role and its actions, contrary to what is prescribed by the Elections Act of » Read More…

SUMMARY of “Refugee Question,” Huma Yusuf, Dawn, October 2nd, 2023

The refugee issue has gained prominence recently, raising questions about the relevance of the UN’s refugee convention. A significant portion of the public in the US and the UK feels that immigration is too high, as per a Financial Times poll. Pakistan faces a dilemma as both a host and exporter of refugees. It is under pressure to sign the UN refugee convention due to hosting over 2 million Afghan refugees. Still, it is also deporting undocumented Afghan refugees, causing international concern. Pakistan’s policies are ill-equipped to manage this challenge effectively. While it may use deportations as a tool to address cross-border militancy, it should consider the benefits of welcoming refugees and sign the UN refugee convention with Western allies’ support. Such a stance would enhance » Read More…

SUMMARY of “Exporting beggars,” Dawn Editorial, October 2nd, 2023:

A recent revelation by the Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis has exposed a distressing truth. It has been revealed that 90% of beggars arrested abroad, particularly in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and even Japan, are Pakistanis. This raises serious concerns not only about human trafficking but also tarnishes Pakistan’s global image. Misuse of pilgrim visas, even at places of reverence like Masjid al-Haram, adds to the gravity of the issue. To address this problem, Pakistan must not only tackle poverty, which affects 40% of its population, through cash handouts but also provide skills-based education to empower individuals to lift themselves out of poverty. The authorities must investigate human trafficking rings involved in this activity, establish proper exit checks, and focus on creating respectful employment opportunities within the » Read More…

SUMMARY of “Faizabad redux,” Dawn Editorial, October 2nd, 2023:

The memory of the 2017 Faizabad dharna, which propelled the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) into the political mainstream, haunts Pakistan once more. As the Supreme Court reviews petitions against its 2019 verdict related to the dharna, the TLP has resurfaced, this time targeting minority communities. The state has not yet taken steps to curb their disruptive activities, reminiscent of its previous approach to allow the group a free hand. Interestingly, those who filed review pleas against the 2019 verdict, including the PTI, now seek to withdraw them. The situation raises questions about the current political context and the need for accountability. The Faizabad ruling was seen as a call for unelected quarters to respect their oath and check religious extremists, but no one was prosecuted for » Read More…

Detailed SUMMARY of “Brutalising Society,” Dawn Editorial, October 2nd, 2023

The Senate Standing Committee on Interior passed a bill in favor of public hangings of rapists, a move criticized by the PPP and the interior and foreign affairs ministries. This bill seeks to amend certain sections of the Pakistan Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code to legalize public executions. The call for public hangings gained momentum after the 2018 rape and murder of Zainab Ansari, with prominent figures, including former Prime Minister Imran Khan, endorsing the idea. Critics argue that executions do not act as deterrents and that public hangings will further brutalize an already violent society. Instead of focusing on improved funding for the police, better criminal investigations, and officer training in rape cases, public emotions are being exploited to call for executions. » Read More…