General Knowledge MCQs includes General Geography, World Information, Countries, Atmosphere, Universe Info, Rivers, Oceans, Mountains, Lakes, Empires, Books, Sports and International Organizations. These questions are very important for all type of exams across all countries.

If you want to compete with others in different tests, then you must have a grip on General knowledge as it covers more portion of the paper. So be prepared with General Knowledge.
1. Which is the longest commercial ocean of the world?
A. Arctic
B. Indian
C. Pacific
D. Atlantic
2. What is the length of English Channel?
A. 550 km
B. 564 km
C. 610 km
D. 624 km
3. State executive economic zone extend for how many kilometers from coast line of a country?
A. 15 km
B. 18 km
C. 19 km
D. 23 km
4. Territorial waters traditionally extend for how many kilometers from coast line of a country?
A. 22 km
B. 25 km
C. 19 km
D. 17 km
5. Which continent has no desert?
A. Australia
B. Europe
C. South America
D. Africa
6. Which country has the shortest coast line of 5.5 km in the world?
A. Monaco
B. Uganda
C. Kenya
D. Afghanistan
7. How far is Dead Sea below Mediterranean?
A. 300 meters
B. 400 meters
C. 500 meters
D. 600 meters
8. Chile has a longest shore along:
A. Black sea
B. Mediterranean Sea
C. Pacific Sea
D. Atlantic Sea
9. Nearest Set of atmosphere to earth is called:
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Lonosphere
10. Biggest Hail storm was recorded in 2003 in:
A. Sudan
C. India
11. Panama Canal is under the control of:
B. Cuba
D. Panama
12. Name the types of forest which accounts for the most of the total forest area in the world:
A. Coniferous forests
B. Broad-leaved forests
C. Littoral forests
D. Deciduous forests
13. In which province of Pakistan Volcano Mountains are located?
A. Sindh
B. Punjab
C. Balochistan
14. What is diameter of Earth?
A. 11556 km
B. 12756 km
C. 13758 km
D. 15348 km
15. Which of the following is a rift valley?
A. The Rhine Valley
B. The Thames valley
C. The Amazon valley
D. None of these
16. Speleology is the scientific study of:
A. Rain
B. Caves
C. Soil
D. Clouds
17. What is Sericulture?
A. Cultivation of vegetables
B. Cultivation of trees
C. Cultivation of fruits
D. Rearing of silk worm
18. A local wind blow from sea to land is:
A. Sirocco
B. Sea breeze
C. Land breeze
D. North breeze
19. In which country was the first oil-well drilled in 1859?
B. Russia
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Iran
20. When was Pakistan-Iran border line demarcated?
A. 24th September, 1870
B. 24th September, 1871
C. 24th September, 1872
D. 24th September, 1873