General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS

General Knowledge Mcqs:
The section General Knowledge Mcqs consists of World Geography, Atmosphere, Science & Literature, events Mcqs, Current Affairs Mcqs , Pakistan Affairs Mcqs and International Organizations. These general knowledge questions are very important for all type of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, etea and other testing agencies of Pakistan.

1. The polar diameter of the earth is shorter than the equatorial diameter by?
A. 35 km
B. 41 km
C. 43 km
D. 54 km
2. Which of the following crops needs maximum water per hectare?
A. Wheat
B. Sugarcane
C. Maize
D. Barley
3. Atmospheric temperature increases at the higher altitudes due to?
A. Radiation
B. Inversion
C. Convection
D. Conduction
4. A violent whirlwind characterized by a black funnel-shaped cloud hanging from heavy cumulonimbus is known as?
A. Typhoon
B. Tornado
C. Hurricane
D. Antipodes
5. A nautical mile is equal to?
A. 1005 meters
B. 1255 meters
C. 1550 meters
D. 1852 meters
6. The land-mass of which of the following continents is the least?
A. Europe
B. Australia
C. Asia
D. Africa
7. The longest river is located in?
A. North America
B. Latin America
C. Africa
D. Asia
8. Asia accounts for nearly % of world population?
A. 35%
B. 40 %
C. 60%
D. 65%
9. Which of the following countries is known as the Land of Midnight Sun?
A. Sweden
B. Norway
C. Holland
D. Belgium
10. Imaginary lines drawn on a global map, from pole to pole and perpendicular to the equator, are called?
A. Steppes
B. Meridians
C. Isobars
D. Contours
11. What is the duration of a day at the poles?
A. 12 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 3 months
12. When the earth reaches its perihelion, then?
A. It is between the sun and moon
B. It is farthest from the sun
C. It is nearest to the sun
D. None of these
13. The belt of low atmospheric pressure on either side of the equator are called?
A. Easterlies
B. Latitudes
C. Westerlies
D. Doldrums
14. The process by which water and wind wear down the rocks is called?
A. Derosion
B. Cosrision
C. Erosion
D. None of these
15. Which of the following is not a Scandinavian country?
A. Norway
B. Belgium
C. Denmark
D. None of these
16. Which of the following countries has longest land frontiers?
A. Laos
B. China
C. Russia
D. Burma
17. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of?
A. 112 km
B. 55 km
C. 80 km
D. 96 km
18. The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approx.?
A. 3o per day
B. 1o per day
C. 2o per day
D. 5o per day
19. Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope in?
A. 1506
B. 1502
C. 1498
D. 1494
20. The shortest day in Northern Hemisphere is?
A. 22 June
B. 15 June
C. 22 December
D. 25 December