General Knowledge MCQs includes General Geography, World Information, Countries, Atmosphere, Universe Info, Rivers, Oceans, Mountains, Lakes, Empires, Books, Sports and International Organizations. These questions are very important for all type of exams across all countries.

If you want to compete with others in different tests, then you must have a grip on General knowledge as it covers more portion of the paper. So be prepared with GK Questions and General Knowledge Quiz.
If you want to compete with others in different tests, then you must have a grip on General knowledge as it covers more portion of the paper. So be prepared with General Knowledge.
1. The plane of contact of the troposphere and stratosphere is known as:
A. Lonosphere
B. Troppause
C. Mesosphere
D. Stratopause
2. The trade winds are caused by:
A. Rotation of earth
B. Inflaming movement of air along the earth’s surface towards the equator
C. Rotation of the earth
D. None of these
3. The Sea breeze blows during:
A. Day from sea to land
B. Day from land to sea
C. Night from sea to land
D. Night from land to sea
4. Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to:
A. Revolution of earth
B. Gravitational pull of the earth
C. Rotation of earth
D. Uneven hating of earth
5. Doldrums are:
A. Equatorial zone with low pressure
B. Sub-polar zone with high pressure
C. High latitudes with heavy snow
D. High pressure areas on mountains
6. Winds blow:
A. In region of high pressure
B. In regions of low pressure
C. From a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure
D. From a region of low pressure to a region of high pressure
7. All the watches of a country are set according to:
A. Time of sunrise and sunset
B. Local time
C. Greenwich mean time
D. Standard time of the country
8. Through which one of the following countries the Tropic of Cancer does not pass through?
A. China
B. Bangladesh
C. Nepal
D. Myanmar
9. In how many time zones has the world been divided?
A. 15
B. 24
C. 50
D. 70
10. The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of:
A. January
B. February
C. June
D. September
11. The distance of the equator from either of poles is:
A. 500 km
B. 5001 km
C. 10,002 km
D. 15,003 km
12. Latitude and Longitude both:
A. Rum perpendicular to each other
B. Run parallel to the equator
C. Pass through poles
D. Run parallel to each other
13. The sun reaches its maximum angular distance from the equator at the:
A. Equinox
B. Zenith
C. Solstice
D. Noontime
14. The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from:
A. East to West
B. Poles to equator
C. Equator to poles
D. West to East
15. Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of percent by mass in the earth’s crust?
A. Oxygen
B. Silicon
C. Calcium
D. Carbon
16. The upper Set of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called:
A. Mesosphere
B. Mohorovic discontinuity
C. Asthenosphere
D. Barysphere
17. Latitude of place is indicative of its:
A. Temperature
B. Altitude
C. Time
D. Amount of rainfall
18. The Earth rotates around and axis pointing towards:
A. The sun
B. The pole star
C. The moon
D. Venus
19. What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth?
A. 30,000 km
B. 40,000 km
C. 50,000 km
D. 55,000 km
20. The total surface area of earth is:
A. 410 million sq km
B. 510 million sq km
C. 610 million sq km