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Headquarters of World’s Organizations

Here, you will have all the Headquarters of World’s Organizations.

What is an international organization?

An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence.

What are the types of international organizations?

There are two main types:

  1. International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs):
  2. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group which is organized on a local, national or international level.

Here we have listed some important Organizations with its Headquarters. We hope it will help you to score more marks in the upcoming examinations.

Lists of Headquarters of World’s Organizations

1. World Trade Organization (WTO) –

  1. Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Head – Roberto Azevedo
  3. Founded on – 1 January, 1995

2. World Health Organization (WHO) –

  1. Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Head – Tedros Adhanom
  3. Founded on – 7 April, 1948

3. World Economic Forum (WEF) –

  1. Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Head – Klaus Schwab
  3. Founded on – 1971

4. International Labour Organisation (ILO) –

  1. Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Head – Guy Ryder
  3. Founded on – 1919

5. United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) –

  1. Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Head – MukhisaKituyi
  3. Founded on – 1964

6. World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) –

  1. Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Head – Petteri Taalas (Secretary-General) David Grimes (President)
  3. Founded on – 23 March, 1950

7. International Monetary Fund (IMF) –

  1. Headquarters – Washington DC, US
  2. Head – Christine Lagarde
  3. Founded on – 27 December, 1945

8. The World Bank –

  1. Headquarters – Washington DC, US
  2. Founded on – July, 1944
  3. President- Jim Young Kim

9. United Nations Organization (UN) –

  1. Headquarters – New York, US
  2. Secretary General– Latest UN Secretary-General for united nations organisation was António Guterres appointed 13 October 2016
  3. Founded on – 24 October, 1945

10. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) –

  1. Headquarters – New York, US
  2. Head – Anthony Lake
  3. Founded on – December, 1946

11. United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) –

  1. Headquarters – Paris, France
  2. Head – Irina Bokova
  3. Founded on – 16 November, 1945

12. Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) –

  1. Headquarters – Paris, France
  2. Head – Jose Angel Gurria
  3. Founded on – 30 September, 1961

13. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) –

  1. Headquarters – Brussels, Belgium
  2. Secretary General – The current Secretary General is Jens Stoltenberg, the former Prime Minister of Norway, who took office on 1 October 2014
  3. Founded on – 4 April, 1949

14. International Maritime Organisation (IMO) –

  1. Headquarters – London, UK
  2. Head – Ki Tack Lim
  3. Founded on – 1959

15. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) –

  1. Headquarters – Vienna, Austria
  2. Head – Yukiya Amano
  3. Founded on – July 29, 1957

16. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) –

  1. Headquarters – Vienna, Austria
  2. Secretary General – OPEC Secretary General is Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo from 1 August 2016
  3. Founded on – 1961-62

17. International Olympic Committee (IOC) –

  1. Headquarters – Lausanne, Switzerland
  2. Head – Thomas Bach
  3. Founded on – 23 June, 1894

18. Food & Agricultural Organisation (FAO) –

  1. Headquarters – Rome, Italy
  2. Head – Jose Graziano da Silva
  3. Founded on -16 October, 1945

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