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600 Computer Science MCQs

Here, you will have some MCQs Computer Science. These MCQs of Computer Science are very important for all kinds of tests i.e FPSC, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC. NTS, PTS and OTS etc. Therefore, if you are going to appear in kind of Computer Science test post. Then, do prepare these Computer Science MCQs.

MCQs Computer Science

41. Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?

A. Laser printer B. Ink jet printer C. Plotter

D. Dot matrix printer

42. Computers with 80286 microprocessor is

A. XT computer B. AT computers C. PS/2 computer D. None of above

43. An application suitable for sequential processing is

A. Processing of grades

B. Payroll processing

C. Both a and b

D. All of above

44. Which of the following is not processing?

A. arranging

B. manipulating

C. calculating

D. gathering

45. The digital computer was developed primarily in

A. USSR B. Japan C. USA D. UK

46. Software in computer

A. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine

B. Increase the speed of central processing unit

C. Both of above

D. None of above

47. Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changes in

1924. What was that name?

A. Tabulator Machine Co.

B. Computing Tabulating Recording Co. C. The Tabulator Ltd.

D. International Computer Ltd.

48. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?
A. Track number

B. Sector number C. Surface number D. All of above

49. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called

A. Sorting

B. Classifying

C. Reproducing

D. Summarizing

50. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?

A. To produce result

B. To compare numbers

C. To control flow of information

D. To do math’s works

51. Abacus was the first A. electronic computer B. mechanical computer C. electronic calculator D. mechanical calculator

52. If in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify address in a RAM, the number of addresses will be

A. 216

B. 65,536

C. 64K

D. Any of the above

53. Instructions and memory address are represented by

A. Character code

B. Binary codes

C. Binary word

D. Parity bit

54. The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the:
A. Data collection terminal

B. OCR register terminal C. Video Display terminal D. POS terminal

55. A set of flip flops integrated together is called

A. Counter

B. Adder

C. Register

D. None of the above

56. People often call as the brain of computer system

A. Control Unit

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit

C. Central Processing Unit

D. Storage Unit

57. Which is used for manufacturing chips?

A. Bus

B. Control unit

C. Semiconductors

D. A and b only

58. The value of each bead in heaven is

A. 1

B. 3

C. 5

D. 7

59. The first computer introduced in Nepal was

A. IBM 1400

B. IBM 1401

C. IBM 1402

D. IBM1402

60. Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which of the following language?

A. Machine language B. Assembly language C. High level language D. None of above

61. Instruction in computer languages consists of


C. Both of above

D. None of above

62. Which generation of computer is still under development

A. Fourth Generation

B. Fifth Generation

C. Sixth Generation

D. Seventh Generation

63. A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a

A. Counter B. Loader C. Adder

D. Shift register

64. Which was the most popular first generation computer?

A. IBM 650

B. IBM 360

C. IBM 1130

D. IBM 2700

65. Which is considered a direct entry input device?

A. Optical scanner

B. Mouse and digitizer

C. Light pen

D. All of the above

66. A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is

A. Process control


C. Register Unit

D. Process description

67. Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of rods.

A. 5

B. 9

C. 11

D. 13

68. BCD is

A. Binary Coded Decimal

B. Bit Coded Decimal C. Binary Coded Digit D. Bit Coded Digit

69. When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?
A. Hewlett-Packard, 1980

B. Epson, 1981

C. Laplink Traveling Software Inc, 1982

D. Tandy Model-200, 1985

70. From which generation operating systems were developed?

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

71. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was


B. Super UNIVAC C. Radio Shaks

D. Data General Corporation

72. How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 x 4 memory chip?
A. 10

B. 11

C. 8

D. 12

73. Properly arranged data is called

A. Field

B. Words

C. Information

D. File

74. A computer consists of A. A central processing unit B. A memory

C. Input and output unit

D. All of the above

75. Why are vacuum tubes also called valves?

A. Because they can amplify the weak signals and make them strong

B. Because they can stop or allow the flow of current

C. Both of above

D. None of above

76. John Napier invented Logarithm in A. 1614
B. 1617

C. 1620

D. None of above

77. An integrated circuit is

A. A complicated circuit

B. An integrating device

C. Much costlier than a single transistor

D. Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

78. What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?
A. Bus control

B. Interrupts

C. Bus arbitration

D. Status

79. Where as a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is

A. Stationary

B. Difficult to move

C. Dragged

D. Moved in small steps

80. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?

A. Magnetic drum

B. Hard Disks

C. Floppy

D. All of above

81. Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single processing unit to link several
A. Personal computers

B. Workstations

C. Dumb terminals

D. Mainframes

82. What are the three decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer?

A. Grater than

B. Less than

C. Equal to

D. All of the above

83. The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is

A. Editing

B. Writing

C. Formatting

D. All of above

84. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of

A. first generation

B. second generation

C. third generation

D. fourth generation

85. Algorithm and Flow chart help us to

A. Know the memory capacity

B. Identify the base of a number system

C. Direct the output to a printer

D. Specify the problem completely and clearly

86. Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. It is understood by a computer B. It is understood by programmer C. It is understood user

D. Both a & b

87. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is and storage is

A. Temporary, permanent B. Permanent, temporary C. Slow, fast

D. All of above

88. When was Pascaline invented?

A. 1617

B. 1620

C. 1642

D. 1837

89. Which of the following statement is valid?

A. Lady Augusta is the first programmer

B. Ada is the daughter of Lord Byron, a famous English poet C. ADA is a programming language developed by US Defense D. All of above

90. A compiler is a translating program which

A. Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language

B. Translates entire source program into machine language program

C. It is not involved in program’s execution

D. All of above

91. What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?

A. Light pen

B. Mouse C. Digitizer D. Terminal

92. Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept?


D. None of above

93. The term gigabyte refers to

A. 1024 bytes

B. 1024 kilobytes

C. 1024 megabytes

D. 1024 gigabyte

94. in which year was UK’s premier computing event started?

A. 1980

B. 1985

C. 1986

D. 1987

95. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. This feature is known as
A. Accuracy B. Reliability C. Versatility D. Automatic

96. What is a brand?

A. The name of companies that made computers

B. The name of product a company gives to identify its product in market

C. A name of class to indicate all similar products from different companies

D. All of above

97. Machine language is A. Machine dependent B. Difficult to program C. Error prone

D. All of above

98. A byte consists of

A. One bit B. Four bits C. Eight bits

D. Sixteen bits

99. Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not

A. Fast

B. Powerful C. Infallible D. Cheap

100. What is the date when Babbage conceived Analytical engine A. 1642
B. 1837

C. 1880

D. 1850

101. What was the expected feature of fifth generation computers when Japan started FGCS?

A. Operating Systems B. Parallel Processing C. ULSI

D. None of above

102. Which of the following memory medium is not used as main memory system?

A. Magnetic core B. Semiconductor C. Magnetic tape

D. Both semiconductor and magnetic tape

103. The storage subsystem in a microcomputer consists mainly of or media with varying capacities
A. Memory or video

B. Magnetic or optical C. Optical or memory D. Video or magnetic

104. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as

A. system software

B. application software

C. utility programs

D. operating system

105. Computer operators

A. writes computer programs for specific problems

B. operate the device which input and output data from the computer

C. normally require a college degree in computer science

D. all of the above

106. Which of the following is not anti-viruses software?


B. F-Prot C. Oracle D. McAfee

107. What is a compiler?

A. A compiler does a conversion line by line as the program is run

B. A compiler converts the whole of a higher level program code into machine code in one step

C. A compiler is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution

D. None of the above

108. computers are also called personal computers

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. Super Computers

109. Which of the following is not input unit device?

A. scanner B. camera C. plotter D. digitizer

110. Identify the correct statement A. IBM PCs used RISC CPU designs B. Macintosh used CISC CPU design C. IBM used CISC CPU design
D. None of above is true

111. Which of the following statement is false?

A. Mechanical analog computers have existed for thousands of years

B. There are mechanical analog computers and electronic analog computers.

C. All electronic computers are digital computers

D. All of above are false

112. Which of the following require large computers memory?

A. Imaging B. Graphics C. Voice

D. All of Above

113. Which of the following is machine independence program?

A. High level language B. Low level language C. Assembly language D. Machine language

114. When was the first electro-mechanical computer developed?

A. 1880

B. 1990

C. 1944

D. None of above

115. The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was:

A. ENIAC B. Mark-I

C. Analytic Engine


116. Which one is the largest space?

A. kilobyte B. petabyte C. terabyte D. gigabyte

117. FORTRAN programming language is more suitable for

A. Business Applications

B. Marketing Applications C. Scientific Applications D. None of the above

118. The brain of any computer system is

A. Control Unit

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit

C. Central Processing Unit

D. Storage Unit

119. Analog computer works on the supply of

A. Continuous electrical pulses

B. Electrical pulses but not continuous

C. Magnetic strength

D. None of the above

120. An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?
A. Leech B. Squid C. Slug D. Glitch

121. The advantage of COM are its and

A. Compact size; speed readability

B. Compact size, speed

C. Readability; speed

D. Low cost; readability

122. The BIOS is the abbreviation of .

A. Basic Input Output System B. Best Input Output System C. Basic Input Output Symbol D. Base Input Output System

123. Which printer is very commonly used for desktop publishing?

A. Laser printer

B. Inkjet printer

C. Daisywheel printer

D. Dot matrix printer

124. IBM 1401 is

A. First Generation Computer

B. Second Generation Computer

C. Third Generation Computer

D. Fourth Generation Computer

125. Most of the first generation computers were

A. Special purpose computers B. General purpose computers C. Both of above

D. None of above

126. Floppy disks typically in diameter

A. 3

B. 5.25

C. 8

D. All of above

127. The output quality of a printer is measured by

A. Dot per inch

B. Dot per sq. inch

C. Dots printed per unit time

D. All of above

128. On a PC, how much memory is available to application software?

A. 1024 KB B. 760 KB C. 640 KB D. 560 KB

129. In a computer is capable to store single binary bit.

A. Capacitor B. Flip flop C. Register D. Inductor

130. What does DMA stand for?

A. Distinct Memory Access B. Direct Memory Access C. Direct Module Access

D. Direct Memory Allocation

131. Who invented Integrated Circuits?

A. Jack Kilby

B. Robert Noyce C. Both of above D. None of above

132. Operating system, editors, and debuggers comes under?

A. System Software

B. Application Software

C. Utilities

D. None of the above

133. One computer that is not considered a portable is

A. Minicomputer

B. Laptop computer

C. Notebook computer

D. All of above

134. Which of the following is not an electronic computer?




135. What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention?
A. Pixel

B. Reverse video C. Touch screen D. Cursor

136. Which is the largest computer?

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. Super Computers

137. Which of the following are the best units of data on an external storage device?

A. Bits

B. Bytes

C. Hertz

D. Clock cycles

138. The personal computer industry was started by


B. Apple

C. Compaq


139. What is meant by a dedicated computer?

A. Which is used by one person only

B. Which is assigned one and only one task

C. Which uses one kind of software

D. Which is meant for application software

140. Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?

A. Basic, COBOL, FORTRAN B. Prolog 2, Expert Systems

C. Knowledge based Systems

D. Assembly Languages

141. What was the main disadvantage of vacuum tubes?

A. They were larger in size

B. They consumed a lot of electricity

C. They produced heat and often burned out

D. The operation cost was high

142. Registers, which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional, are known as


B. Memory address registers C. General purpose register D. Flags

143. Which is not a computer of first generation?



C. IBM 360

D. IBM 1401

144. Registers which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are known as

B. Flags

C. Memory Address Registers

D. General Purpose Registers

145. Who invented vacuum tubes?

A. John Bardeen

B. William Shockley

C. Lee de Forest

D. All of above

146. An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead of one is

A. On-line thesaurus

B. Multiprogramming

C. Over lapped processing

D. Outline processor

147. Who suggested Stored Program Concept

A. John Mauchley

B. J.P. Eckert

C. John Neumann

D. Joseph Jacquard

148. The central processing unit (CPU) consists of

A. Input, output and processing

B. Control unit, primary storage, and secondary storage C. Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage D. Control unit, processing, and primary storage

149. The notable features like keyboards, monitors, GUI were developed in

A. First generation

B. Second generation

C. Third generation

D. Fourth generation

150. UNIVAC is

A. Universal Automatic Computer

B. Universal Array Computer

C. Unique Automatic Computer

D. Unvalued Automatic Computer

151. Which is the highest form?

A. Data

B. Information C. Knowledge D. All of above

152. Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving machine?

A. Pascal

B. Hollerith

C. Babbage

D. Jacquard

153. What is an interpreter?

A. An interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run
B. An interpreter is the representation of the system being designed

C. An interpreter is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution

D. None of the above

154. Which is a semi conductor memory?

A. Dynamic

B. Static

C. Bubble

D. Both a & b

155. RJ45 UTP cable has Cables.

A. 2 pair B. 3 pair C. 4 pair D. 5 pair

156. Which of the following is not a valid size of a Floppy Disk?

A. 8?

B. 5 ¼?

C. 3 ½? D. 5 ½?

157. The earliest calculating devices are

A. Abacus

B. Clock

C. Difference Engine

D. None of these

158. Word length of a Personal Computer is

A. 4 bits

B. 8 bits

C. 16 bits

D. 64 bits

159. What was the first computer to perform all calculation using electronics rather than wheels, ratchets, or mechanical switches?
A. Mark I

B. ABC C. Z3

D. None of above

160. A directly accessible appointment calendar is feature of a resident package

B. Memory

C. Buffer


161. Which unit converts computer data into human readable form?

A. Input unit

B. Output unit


D. Control Unit

162. The full form of ALU is

A. Arithmetic Logic Unit

B. Array Logic Unit

C. Application Logic Unit

D. None of above

163. What produces useful information out of data?

A. Computer

B. Processing

C. Programming

D. none of above

164. Which of the following device was not invented by Babbage?

A. Pascaline

B. Difference Engine

C. Analytical Engine

D. None of above

165. A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of

A. Speed

B. Accuracy

C. Reliability

D. Cost

166. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?

A. Binary

B. Decimal

C. Hexadecimal

D. Octal

167. A computer has very low failure rate because it uses electronic components. It produces very consistent results. This is highlighted by which of the feature of computer?
A. Accuracy

B. Reliability C. Versatility D. Automatic

168. A paper printout of a document is known as

A. Softcopy output

B. Hardcopy output

C. Permanent Output

D. All of above

169. Which electronic component was made out of semiconductor material?

A. Vacuum tubes

B. Transistors

C. ICs

D. All of above

170. The act of retrieving existing data from memory is called

A. Read-out

B. Read from

C. Read

D. All of above

171. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?

A. Disk unit

B. Control unit


D. Modem

172. ABC is a

A. Special purpose computer

B. General purpose computer

C. All Purpose Computer

D. None of above

173. The computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is




D. All of above

174. When was the X window system born?

A. 1984

B. 1989

C. 1988

D. 1990

175. What is the first stage in software development?

A. Specification and design

B. Testing

C. System Analysis

D. Maintenance

176. Which of the following is valid statement?

A. Data in itself is useless unless it is processed

B. The data that is processed is called a program

C. The data which is not yet processed is information

D. Information is processed by computer to generate data.

177. The Second Generation Computer was based on .

A. Vacuum Tube B. Silicon Chips C. Transistor

D. Bio Chips

178. EBCDIC stands for

A. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

B. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code

C. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

D. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

179. Personnel who design, program, operates and maintains computer equipment refers to

A. Console-operator

B. Programmer

C. Peopleware

D. System Analyst

180. IBM System/360 is

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. None of above

181. A system is

A. an integration of different units so as to achieve an objective

B. input unit

C. input and output unit

D. input, output and storage units

182. Which of the following programming language started from second generation?

A. Cobol B. BASIC C. C


183. The translator program used in assembly language is called

A. Compiler

B. Interpreter C. Assembler D. Translator

184. EEPROM stands for

A. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

B. Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

C. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

D. None of the above

185. Regarding data, computers are very good at

A. store

B. Processing

C. retrieve

D. All of above

186. Bit map terminal

A. support display containing multiple windows

B. require considerable amount of video RAM

C. requires tremendous amount of copying and hence low performance

D. all of above

187. First generation computers used for memory

A. vacuum tubes

B. silicon chips

C. magnetic drum


188. Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations?



D. None of above

189. EPROM can be used for

A. Erasing the contents of ROM

B. Reconstructing the contents of ROM

C. Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM D. Duplicating ROM

190. ENIAC uses

A. Decimal Numbering System

B. Octal Numbering System

C. Binary Numbering System

D. Hexadecimal Numbering System

191. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer system is:




192. which of the following is problem oriented language?

A. High level language

B. Machine language C. Assembly language D. Low level language

193. A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length equal to

A. 2 byte B. 32 byte C. 4 byte D. 8 byte

194. The term GIGO is related to

A. Accuracy

B. Reliability C. Versatility D. Automatic

195. Web cam is an

A. input unit device B. output unit device C. processing device

D. Input and Output device

196. Bit stands for A. Binary digits B. bit of system C. a part of byte D. All of above

197. Access time is

A. seek time + latency time

B. seek time

C. seek time ? latency time

D. latency time

198. Which device can understand difference between data & programs?
A. Input device

B. Output device

C. Memory

D. Microprocessor

199. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?

A. Floppy Disk


C. Hard Disk

D. None of these

200. Symbolic logic was discovered by

A. George Boole

B. Herman Hollerith

C. Van Neumann

D. Basic Pascal

201. Which of the following is not valid statement?

A. Hard is referred to mean something temporary

B. Hard is used to mean something tangible

C. Soft is used to mean something permanent

D. Soft is used to mean something tangible

202. Digital devices are

A. Digital Clock

B. Automobile speed meter

C. Clock with a dial and two hands

D. All of them

203. Primary memory stores

A. Data alone

B. Programs alone

C. Results alone

D. All of these

204. After copying the content how many times can you paste?

A. 1

B. 16

C. 32

D. Many

205. WAN stands for

A. Wap Area Network B. Wide Area Network C. Wide Array Net

D. Wireless Area Network

206. An error in computer data is called

A. Chip B. Bug C. CPU

D. Storage device

207. The instructions for starting the computer are house on

A. Random access memory

B. CD-Rom

C. Read only memory chip

D. All of above

208. 1 nibble equals to

A. 1 bits B. 2 bits C. 4 bits D. 8 bits

209. Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as

A. paper tapes

B. magnetic tape

C. punched papers tape

D. card punch

210. The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform

A. Arithmetic Operation

B. Logic operation

C. Fetch operations

D. Either of the above

211. Which American computer company is called Big Blue?

A. Microsoft

B. Compaq Corp


D. Tandy Svenson

212. It was in 2028 BS the was brought in to calculate census data.

A. IBM 1400

B. IBM 1401

C. ICL 2950

D. None of above

213. Who is the inventor of ABC Computer?

A. John v. Atanasoff

B. Clifford Berry C. Both of above D. None of above

214. Which of the following is the largest unit?

A. data

B. field

C. record

D. database file

215. Find out who is not the inventor of transistors among following names

A. John Burdeen

B. William Shockley C. Walter Brattain D. Lee de Forest

216. Which of the following is not true for a magnetic disk?

A. It is expensive relative to magnetic tape

B. It provides only sequential access to stored data

C. Users can easily update records by writing over the old data

D. All of above

217. A disadvantage of the laser printer is

A. It is quieter than an impact printer

B. It is very slow

C. The output is of a lower quality

D. None of the above

218. The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called


D. All of above

219. Which access method is used to access cassette tape?

A. Direct

B. Sequential

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

220. A Compiler is

A. a combination of computer hardware

B. a program which translates from one high-level language to another

C. a program which translates from one high-level to a machine level language

D. None of these

221. Which unit holds data temporarily?

A. Input unit

B. Secondary storage unit

C. Output Unit

D. Primary Memory Unit

222. The computer size was very large in

A. First Generation

B. Second Generation

C. Third Generation

D. Fourth Generation

223. A name or number used to identify storage location devices?

A. A byte

B. A record

C. An address

D. All of above

224. Which of the following is not computer language?

A. High level language

B. Medium level language

C. Low level language

D. All of the above

225. Reading data is performed in magnetic disk by

A. Read/write leads

B. Sectors

C. Track

D. Lower surface

226. IBM 7000 digital computer A. Belongs to second generation B. Uses VLSI

C. Employs semiconductor memory

D. Has modular constructions

227. Which of the following is not electro-mechanical computer?

A. Mark I B. ABC

C. Zuse


228. The term ‘computer’ is derived from

A. Greek language

B. Sanskrit language

C. Latin language

D. German language

229. Which statement is valid about magnetic tape?

A. It is a plastic ribbon

B. It is coated on both sides with iron oxide

C. It can be erased and reused

D. All of above

230. Which of the following is first generation computer?


B. IBM 1401

C. CDC 1604

D. ICL 2950

231. A hard copy would be prepared on a

A. Line printer

B. Dot matrix Printer

C. Typewriter terminal

D. All of the above

232. The term GIGO is relate to which characteristics of computers?

A. Speed

B. Automatic C. Accuracy D. Reliability

233. Which of the following programming language were used in first generation computers?

A. Machine language B. Assembly language C. Both of above

D. None of above

234. To locate a data item for storage is

A. Field

B. Feed

C. Database

D. Fetch

235. Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers?

A. Charles Babbage

B. Dr. Herman Hollerith

C. Howard Aikin

D. Joseph Jacquard

236. Hard disk is coated in both sides with

A. Magnetic metallic oxide

B. Optical metallic oxide

C. Carbon layer

D. All of the above

237. Which of the following term means to reckon?

A. putare

B. com

C. computa

D. computar

238. An input /output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is

A. Keyboard B. Terminal C. Printer

D. Plotter

239. Which of the following is first generation of computer


B. IBM-1401

C. CDC-1604

D. ICL-2900

240. A name or number used to identify a storage location is called

A. A byte

B. A record

C. An address

D. All of above

241. Computer professionals working in a computer centre are

A. Software B. Firmware C. Hardware

D. Humanware

242. The first general purpose electronic computer in the world was


D. All of above

243. The contents of information are stored in

A. Memory data register

B. Memory address register

C. Memory arithmetic registers

D. Memory access register

244. Which of the following is correct full form of BCD?

A. Binary Coded Decimal

B. Bit Coded Decimal C. Binary Coded Digit D. Bit Coded Digit

245. Which was the world’s first microcomputer that used Intel

80386 microprocessor chip?


B. HP-9830

C. DeskPro-386

D. IBM-360

246. The qualitative or quantitative attribute of a variable or set of variables is termed as

A. data

B. information

C. both of above

D. none of above

247. Main storage is also called

A. Accumulator B. Control Unit C. Register Unit D. Memory

248. Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component?

A. Resolution B. Color depth C. Refresh rate

D. All of the alcove

249. For what Antikyathera was used?

A. For counting

B. For Calculating tax collection

C. For calculating astronomical positions

D. For calculating firing weapons

250. Memory unit is one part of

A. Input device

B. Control unit

C. Output device

D. Central Processing Unit

251. Microprocessors can be used to make

A. Computer

B. Digital systems

C. Calculators

D. All of the above

252. Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute

B. High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute

C. It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level programs

D. All of above

253. By programmable machine we mean

A. computers

B. modern television

C. washing machines

D. anything that can be set to perform different tasks with suitable programs

254. Which of the following is a secondary memory device?

A. Keyboard

B. Disk


D. All of the above

255. The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured



256. One of the popular mass storage device is CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for?
A. Compactable Read Only Memory

B. Compact Data Read Only Memory

C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory

D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

257. Identify the true statement

A. Computers are 100% accurate but it can suffer from GIGO

B. Computers are reliable because they use electronic component which have very low failure rate
C. Computer is never tired and does not suffer from boredom

D. All of above

258. FORTRAN is

A. File Translation

B. Format Translation C. Formula Translation D. Floppy Translation

259. The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as

A. Hardware B. Software C. Firmware D. ROM ware

260. Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

A. Static RAM

B. Dynamic RAM C. EPROM


261. What do you call the translator which takes assembly language program as input & produce machine language code as output?
A. Compiler

B. Interpreter C. Debugger D. Assembler

262. Serial access memories are useful in applications where

A. Data consists of numbers

B. Short access time is required

C. Each stored word is processed differently

D. Data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form

263. In mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time?

A. Full-duplex

B. Simplex

C. Half-duplex

D. None of the above

264. Who invented Slide Rules?

A. John Napier

B. William Oughtred C. Gottfried Leibnitz D. Blaise Pascal

265. The proper definition of a modern digital computer is

A. An electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers

B. A more sophistic and modified electronic pocket calculator

C. Any machine that can perform mathematical operations

D. A machine that works on binary code

266. Memory is made up of

A. Set of wires

B. Set of circuits

C. Large number of cells

D. All of these

267. Which of the following is the most powerful computers?

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. Super Computers

268. Which of the printers used in conjunction with computers uses dry ink powder?

A. Daisy wheel printer

B. Line printer

C. Laser printer

D. Thermal printer

269. What is the path from which data flow in a computer system is known as

A. Car

B. Bus

C. Truck

D. Road

270. Which term is used to describe RAM?

A. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) B. Static RAM (SRAM)

C. Video RAM (VRAM) D. All of the above

271. In which year was chip used inside the computer for the first time?

A. 1964

B. 1975

C. 1999

D. 1944

272. Assembly language started to be used from

A. first generation computers

B. second generation computers

C. third generation computers

D. fourth generation computers

273. Which technology is more reliable?

A. Mechanical

B. Electro-Mechanical

C. Electronic

D. For reliability it does not matter. So all of above are reliable

274. Which of the following is not an XT microprocessor?

A. 8006

B. 8086

C. 8088

D. None of above

275. Hard disk is coated in both side with

A. Magnetic metallic oxide

B. Optical metallic oxide

C. Carbon layer

D. All of the above

276. ASCII stands for

A. American Stable Code for International Interchange

B. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange

C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

D. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

277. Raw facts and figures about any particular topic are

A. Information

B. facts

C. data

D. none of above

278. A computer can solve more than one kind of problem. This is related to which of the following characteristics?
A. Accuracy

B. Reliability

C. Versatility

D. Automatic

279. From which generation computers the printers were used?

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

280. How many symbols exist in Baudot code?

A. 32

B. 116

C. 58

D. 76

281. Following IC chip integrates 100 thousands electronic components per chip



282. An application program that helps the user to change any number and immediately see the result of that change is
A. Desktop publishing program

B. Database

C. Spreadsheet

D. All of above

283. In 1830, Charles Babbage designed a machine called the Analytical Engine which he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which year was it exhibition?
A. 1820

B. 1860

C. 1855

D. 1870

284. What is the name of the new color laptop computer which is powered by a 386 processor at 33 MHz and is built by Epson? A. AX3/33
B. NEC-20

C. Magnum 2000

D. HCL-3000

285. In analog computer

A. Input is first converted to digital form

B. Input is never converted to digital form

C. Output is displayed in digital form

D. All of the above

286. Which of the following computer is not invented by J.P. Eckert and John Mauchly?


287. When was the company named IBM?

A. 1914

B. 1924

C. 1975

D. None of above

288. Which of the following storage device can store the largest amount of data?

A. Hard Disks

B. Flash Disks

C. Blu-Ray Disks


289. Who invented Mark I?

A. Howard Aikin

B. J. P. Eckert

C. John Mauchley

D. John v. Atanasoff

290. ALU is

A. Arithmetic Logic Unit

B. Array Logic Unit

C. Application Logic Unit

D. None of above

291. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an
A. Interpreter


C. Compiler

D. Simulator

292. When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?

A. 1978

B. 1984

C. 1990

D. 1991

293. The purpose of vacuum tube was to NOT act like

A. an amplifier

B. a switch

C. a router

D. None of above

294. As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are

A. More expensive B. More portable C. Less rigid

D. Slowly accessed

295. Which of the following is the most quickly accessible storage?


B. Registers

C. Disks

D. Pen Drive

296. The octal equivalence of 111010 is

A. 81

B. 72

C. 71

D. None of above

297. Excessive parallel processing is related to

A. First generation

B. Fourth generation C. Fifth Generation D. Third generation

298. Second generation computers were developed during A. 1949 to 1955
B. 1956 to 1965

C. 1965 to 1970

D. 1970 to 1990

299. What do you call a single point on a computer screen?

A. Cell

B. Element

C. Pixel

D. Bit

300. Mostly which of the following device is used to carry user files?

A. Floppy Disk

B. Hard Disk



301. Which of the following computer implemented binary numbers, perform calculations using electronics and implemented separate computation and memory for the first time?
A. Mark I B. ABC

C. Z3

D. None of above

302. FORTRAN is a programming language. What does FORTRAN stand for?
A. File Translation

B. Format Translation C. Formula Translation D. Floppy Translation

303. Which of the following memories needs refreshing?


D. All of above

304. Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports?

A. Data

B. Bytes

C. Graphics

D. Pictures

305. An output device that uses words or messages recorded on a magnetic medium to produce audio response is
A. Magnetic tape

B. Voice response unit

C. Voice recognition unit

D. Voice band

306. Which of the items below are considered removable storage media?

A. Removable hard disk cartridges

B. (Magneto-optical) disk C. Flexible disks cartridges D. All of the above

307. Which of the following is not purely output device?

A. Screen B. Printer C. Speaker D. Plotter

308. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtract, multiple, divide and find square roots?
A. Napier

B. Babbage

C. Pascal

D. Leibniz

309. The first Macintosh computer was from

A. First generation

B. Second generation

C. Third generation

D. Fourth generation

310. Which of the following is not a form of data?

A. numbers and characters

B. images

C. sound

D. none of above

311. Which is not a computer classification?

A. mainframe

B. maxframe

C. mini

D. notebook

312. The control unit of a microprocessor

A. Stores data in the memory

B. Accepts input data from keyboard C. Performs arithmetic/logic function D. None of above

313. Which of the following is internal memory?

A. Disks

B. Pen Drives


314. Which operation is not performed by computer

A. Inputting B. Processing C. Controlling

D. Understanding

315. Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?

A. Hard disks

B. High-density disks

C. Diskettes

D. Templates

316. The magnetic storage chip used to provide non-volatile direct access storage of data and that have no moving parts are known as
A. Magnetic core memory

B. Magnetic tape memory

C. Magnetic disk memory

D. Magnetic bubble memory

317. A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred to as

A. File

B. Database

C. Program

D. None of above

318. Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and

A. Buffer size

B. Resolution

C. Vertical dimensions

D. Intelligence

319. Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called
A. Mnemonics

B. Symbolic code

C. Gray codes

D. Opcode

320. Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

A. Machine language

B. Assembly language

C. High level language

D. None of above

321. On which aspect the analog computers are better than digital?

A. Speed

B. Accuracy C. Reliability D. Automatic

322. Which of the following processors use RISC technology?

A. 486dx

B. Power PC C. 486sx D. 6340

323. Which of the following machine was not invented by Charles Babbage?
A. Tabulating Machine

B. Analytical Engine C. Difference Engine D. Both C and D

324. How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory A. 100
B. 20

C. 80

D. 40

325. The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of

A. Genetics

B. Control and communication

C. Molecular biology

D. Biochemistry

326. Why ABC is considered electro-mechanical computer?

A. Because it was invented before electronic computers were developed

B. Because there are wheels, drums, bars to rotate and move to produce result

C. Because they use the flow of electrons in different component

D. None of above

327. Binary circuit elements have

A. One stable state B. Two stable state C. Three stable state D. None of above

328. Which of the following is used for manufacturing chips?

A. Control bus B. Control unit C. Parity unit

D. Semiconductor

329. Which of the following is not a micro computer?

A. Laptop PCs

B. Tablet PCs

C. Desktop PCs

D. None of above

330. The value of each bead in earth is

A. 1

B. 3

C. 5

D. 7

331. When did John Napier develop logarithm?

A. 1416

B. 1614

C. 1641

D. 1804

332. Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?

A. Non volatile

B. Permanent C. Control unit D. Temporary

333. Which was the world’s first minicomputer and when was it introduced?
A. PDP-I, 1958

B. IBM System/36, 1960

C. PDP-II, 1961

D. VAX 11/780, 1962

334. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is

A. Cylinder B. Surface C. Track

D. Cluster

335. The word length of a computer is measured in

A. Bytes

B. Millimeters

C. Meters

D. Bits

336. What type of memory is not directly addressable by the CPU and requires special softw3are called EMS (expanded memory specification)?
A. Extended B. Expanded C. Base

D. Conventional

337. Which unit holds data permanently?

A. Input unit

B. Secondary storage unit

C. Output Unit

D. Primary Memory Unit

338. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be

A. Formatted

B. Reformatted

C. Addressed

D. None of the above

339. Computer system comprises of major units

A. input unit, output unit, control unit

B. input unit, output unit, control unit and storage

C. input unit, output unit, central processing unit and storage unit

D. input, output and storage units

340. The first general purpose electronic digital computer in the world was


D. All of above

341. Signals can be analog or digital and a computer that processes the both type of signals is known as
A. Analog computer B. Digital Computer C. Hybrid Computer

D. Mainframe Computer

342. High level language is also called

A. Problem oriented language

B. Business oriented language

C. Mathematically oriented language

D. All of the above

343. Human beings are referred to as Homosapinens, which device is called Sillico Sapiens?

A. Monitor

B. Hardware

C. Robot

D. Computer

344. Which of the following file organization is most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity?
A. Sequential


D. B-Tree Index

345. Which of the following is associated with error detector?

A. Odd parity bit

B. Even parity bit

C. Both of the above

D. None of above

346. Magnetic tape can serve as

A. Secondary storage media

B. Output media

C. Input media

D. All of the above

347. Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry?

A. Motorola

B. IBM C. Intel D. AMD

348. The first digital computer built with IC chips was known as

A. IBM 7090

B. Apple ? 1

C. IBM System / 360

D. VAX-10

349. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?

A. 256

B. 16

C. 32

D. 64

350. MICR stands for

A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader D. None

351. Number crunchier is the informal name for

A. Mini computer B. Super computer C. Microcomputer

D. Mainframe computer

352. RATS stand for

A. Regression Analysis Time Series B. Regression Analysis Time Sharing C. Real Analysis Series
D. All of above

353. Which technology is used in Compact disks?

A. Mechanical

B. Electrical

C. Electro Magnetic

D. Laser

354. Different components of the motherboard of a PC unit are linked together by sets of parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?
A. Conductors

B. Buses

C. Connectors

D. Consecutives

355. Which is the first electronic digital computer?



356. Which of the following is a storage device?

A. Tape

B. Hard Disk

C. Floppy Disk

D. All of the above

357. The metal disks, which are permanently housed in, sealed and contamination free containers are called
A. Hard disks

B. Floppy disk

C. Winchester disk

D. Flexible disk

358. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an

A. Interpreter

B. Simulator

C. Compiler

D. Commander

359. Intel corporation produces chips for which computers?


B. Apple/Macintosh PCs

C. Both of above

D. None of above

360. The first microprocessor built by the Intel corporation was called A. 8008
B. 8080

C. 4004

D. 8800

361. Which of the following is not a class of computers based on size?

A. Mainframe Computers

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. Super Computers

362. Who invented EDSAC?

A. John v. Neumann

B. J.P. Eckert and John Mauchley

C. Maurice Wilkes

D. Howard Aiken

363. EEPROM stands for

A. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

B. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

C. Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

D. Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

364. Which of the following is a class of computers based on model?

A. Digital Computer

B. Hybrid Computers C. Analog Computers D. AT Computers

365. What are the computers called that performs calculations and comparisons usually in the binary numbering system? A. Analog Computers
B. Digital Computers

C. Hybrid Computers

D. None of above

366. ASCII stands for

A. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

B. American Scientific Code for International Interchange C. American Standard Code for Intelligence Interchange D. American Scientific Code for Information Interchange

367. The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is

A. 7-bit ASCII

B. 7-bit EBCDIC C. 8-bit ASCII

D. 8-bit EBCDIC

368. Why ABC computer is called so?

A. Because it was developed by Atanasoff and Berry

B. Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English

C. Both of above are the reason to name the computer ABC D. None of above are true

369. Who designed the first electronics computer ? ENIAC/

A. Von Neumann

B. Joseph M Jacquard

C. J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchly

D. All of above

370. Central Processing Unit is combination of

A. Control and storage

B. Control and output unit

C. Arithmetic logic and input unit

D. Arithmetic logic and control unit

371. IBM 1401 computer was

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. None of above

372. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is

A. Delay times

B. Real time

C. Execution time

D. Down time

373. CD-ROM stands for

A. Compactable Read Only Memory

B. Compact Data Read Only Memory

C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory

D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

374. Which unit converts user data into machine readable form?

A. Input unit

B. Output unit


D. Control Unit

375. Which unit is known as nerve center of computer?


C. Memory

D. Registers

376. What does the disk drive of a computer do?

A. Rotate the disk

B. Read the disk

C. Load a program from the disk into the memory

D. Both b and c

377. Access time is

A. seek time + latency time

B. seek time

C. seek time

D. latency time

378. Who invented the microprocessor?

A. Marcian E Huff

B. Herman H Goldstein

C. Joseph Jacquard

D. All of above

379. MICR stands for

A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader C. Magnetic Ink Case Reader D. None of the above

380. The Width of a processor’s data path is measured in bits.

Which of the following are common data paths?

A. 8 bits

B. 12 bits C. 16 bits D. 32 bits

381. MSI is the abbreviation of

A. Medium Scale Integrated

B. Medium System Integrated

C. Medium Scale Intelligent

D. Medium System Intelligent

382. IMB launched its first personal computer called IBM-PC in

1981. It had chips from Intel, disk drives from Tandon, operating system from Microsoft, the printer from Epson and the application software from everywhere. Can you name the country which contribute
A. India

B. China

C. Germany

D. Taiwan

383. Which statement is valid about interpreter?

A. It translates one instruction at a time

B. Object code is saved for future use

C. Repeated interpretation is not necessary

D. All of above

384. Easily reloctable language is

A. Machine language

B. Assembly language

C. High level language

D. Medium level language

385. Which of the following memories needs refresh?


D. All of above

386. Through which device the main components of the computer communicate with each


A. Keyboard

B. System Bus

C. Monitor

D. Memory

387. What type of device is computer keyboard?

A. Memory

B. Output C. Storage D. Input

388. Which is the limitation of high level language?

A. Lower efficiency

B. Machine dependence

C. machine level coding

D. None of above

389. An example of a digital device can be

A. Digital clock

B. Automobile speed meter

C. Clock with a dial and two hands

D. All of the above

390. Which of the following is not true?

A. Transistors are much smaller

B. Transistors produce low heat

C. Transistors were less reliable

D. Transistors were used in radios and other electronic devices

391. A characteristic of card systems is:

A. Slowness in processing data

B. Using cards as records of transactions

C. Needing a larger DP staff

D. All of the above

392. The full form of EEPROM is

A. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

B. Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

C. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

D. None of the above

393. The original ASCII code used bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

394. A computer programmer

A. Does all the thinking for a computer

B. Can enter input data quickly

C. Can operate all types of computer equipments

D. Can draw only flowchart

395. Fifth generation computer is also known as

A. Knowledge information processing system

B. Very large scale integration (VLSI) C. Both of above

D. None of above

396. The commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called


D. All of above

397. Which of the following have low failure rate?

A. mechanical devices

B. electronic devices

C. electro-mechanical devices

D. None of above

398. Which of the following memories need refresh?


D. All of the above

399. A typical personal computer used for business purposes would have of RAM. A. 4 KB B. 16 K C. 64 K D. 256 K

400. The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage element called

A. Semiconductor memory

B. Registers

C. Hard disks

D. Magnetic disk

401. Which was the computer conceived by Babbage?

A. Analytical Engine

B. Arithmetic Machine

C. Donald Kunth

D. All of above

402. The processing speed of first generation computers was

A. milliseconds B. microseconds C. nanoseconds D. picoseconds

403. Model 5100 was in 1957.

A. The first PC built by IBM

B. The first PC built by Apple

C. The first PC built by Motorola

D. The first PC built by Intel

404. VGA is

A. Video Graphics Array

B. Visual Graphics Array

C. Volatile Graphics Array

D. Video Graphics Adapter

405. A kind of scanner MICR is the short form of

A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader

C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader

D. None

406. Which of the following is not a class based on size?

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Micro Computer

C. Mini Computer

D. Digital Computer

407. Which 8-bit chip was used in many of today’s TRS-80 computers?

A. Z-8000

B. Motorola 6809

C. Z-8808

D. Z-80

408. Which of the following disk is fixed disk?

A. Hard Disks

B. Flash Disks

C. Blu-Ray Disks


409. Which of the following professions has not been affected by personal computers?

A. Medical

B. Clerical and law

C. Accounting

D. None of the above

410. The word Abacus is derived from Abax, a word from

A. Latin language

B. Greek Language C. Sanskrit language D. Ancient Egypt

411. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed

A. Parallel only

B. Sequentially only

C. Both sequentially and parallel

D. All of above

412. Which of the following memory medium is not used as main memory system?

A. Magnetic core

B. Semiconductor C. Magnetic tape D. Both a and b

413. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is


B. Memory

C. Mass storage

D. Secondary storage

414. A kind of serial dot-matrix printer that forms characters with magnetically-charged ink sprayed dots is called

A. Laser printer

B. Ink-jet printer C. Drum printer D. Chan printer

415. Which of the following does not affect the resolution of a video display image?

A. Bandwidth

B. Raster scan rage

C. Vertical and horizontal lines of resolution

D. Screen size

416. Which of the following printing devices an output composed of a series of data?

A. Wire matrix printer

B. Band printer

C. Wang image printer

D. Both a and c

417. Which of the following is an example of fifth generation computer?

A. PIM/m

B. ICL 2950

C. IBM 1401

D. None of above

418. Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for

A. Direct access

B. Sequential access

C. Both of above

D. None of above

419. Which of the following is not a third generation computer?

A. IBM 360

B. IBM 1401

C. PDP-8

D. HP2115

420. The number of records contained within a block of data on magnetic tape is defined by the

A. Block definition

B. Record contain clause

C. Blocking factor

D. Record per block

421. Mark I is also known as

A. American Sequence Controlled Calculator

B. Automatic Sequence Calculating Controller C. American Sequence Controlled Computer D. Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator

422. Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC?
A. Memory address registers

B. Memory data registers

C. Instruction register

D. Program counter

423. Which of the following are the cheapest memory devices in terms of Cost/Bit?

A. Semiconductor memories

B. Magnetic Disks C. Compact Disks D. Magnetic Tapes

424. MIS is designed to provide information needed for effective decision making by?

A. Consumers

B. Workers

C. Foremen

D. Managers

425. Which is valid statement

A. 1 KB = 1024 Bytes

B. 1 MB = 1024 Bytes C. 1 KB = 1000 Bytes D. 1 MB = 1000 Bytes

426. Latency time is

A. Time to spin the needed data under head

B. Time to spin the needed data under track

C. Time to spin data under sector

D. All of above

427. Who built the first Mechanical Calculator

A. Joseph Marie Jacquard

B. John Mauchly

C. Blaise Pascal

D. Howard Aiken

428. The most important advantage of a video disk is

A. Compactness

B. Potential capacity

C. Durability

D. Cost effectiveness

429. Which of the following generation computers had expensive operation cost?

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

430. An IBM system/38 represents the computer class of:

A. Small-scale computer

B. Medium-scale computer

C. Large-scale computer

D. Super computer

431. Another word for a daisy wheel printer

A. Petal printer

B. Golf ball printer

C. Laser printer

D. Line printer

432. Cursor is a

A. Pixel

B. Thin blinking line C. Pointing device D. None of these

433. Which device is used to backup the data?

A. Floppy Disk

B. Tape

C. Network Drive

D. All of the above

434. Which of the following printers are you sure will not to use if your objective is to print on multi carbon forms?
A. Daisy wheel B. Dot matrix C. Laser

D. Thimble

435. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?

A. Floppy / hard disks


C. Tape devices

D. All of the above

436. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems.

What does ASCII stand for?

A. American Stable Code for International Interchange B. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange D. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

437. Which computers are used as servers for any medium sized organizations?

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. Super Computers

438. Slide Rules was invented in A. 1614
B. 1617

C. 1620

D. None of above

439. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to data?

A. 680 KB

B. 680 Bytes

C. 680 MB D. 680 GB

440. Which of the following required large computer memory?

A. Imaging B. Graphics C. Voice

D. All of above

441. Which was the computer conceived by Babbage?

A. Analytical engine

B. Arithmetic machine

C. Donald Knuth

D. All of above

442. The lower deck of an abacus is known as

A. heaven

B. sky

C. earth

D. floor

443. All modern computer operate on

A. Information

B. Floppies

C. Data

D. Word

444. The computer that can input analog signals and return result in digital form

A. Analog Computers B. Digital Computers C. Hybrid Computers

D. Mainframe Computers

445. Offline device is

A. A device which is not connected to CPU B. A device which is connected to CPU

C. A direct access storage device

D. An I/O device

446. What is the latest write-once optical storage media?

A. Digital paper

B. Magneto-optical disk

C. WORM disk

D. CD-ROM disk

447. Which of the following programming language started from second generation?




448. Which one of the following input device is user- programmable?

A. Dumb terminal B. Smart terminal C. VDT

D. Intelligent terminal

449. Floppy disks typically in diameter

A. 3?

B. 5.25? C. 8?

D. All of above

450. Current SIMMs have either or connectors (pins)

A. 9 or 32

B. 30 or 70

C. 28 or 72

D. 30 or 72

451. Dot-matrix is a type of

A. Tape

B. Printer

C. Disk

D. Bus

452. Which is not consisted in a processor



C. Memory

D. Registers

453. IBM 1401 is the first computer to enter in Nepal. It belonged to

A. First Generation

B. Second Generation

C. Third Generation

D. Froth Generation

454. The Third Generation Computer was made with .

A. Vacuum Tube

B. Discrete Components


D. Bio Chips

455. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?
A. Control Unit and Registers

B. Registers and Main Memory

C. Control unit and ALU D. ALU and bus

456. Fifth generation computer is also known as

A. Knowledge information processing system

B. Very large scale integration

C. Both of above

D. None of above

457. Second Generation computers were developed during A. 1949 to 1955
B. 1956 to 1965

C. 1965 to 1970

D. 1970 to 1990

458. What is the name of the computer terminal which gives paper printout?

A. Display screen

B. Soft copy terminal C. Hard copy terminal D. Plotter

459. Programs are executed on the basis of a priority number in a

A. Batch processing system

B. Multiprogramming

C. Time sharing

D. None of these

460. When was Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the market?

A. 1964

B. 1970

C. 1983

D. 1986

461. When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?

A. Hewlett-Packard

B. Epson, 1981

C. Laplink traveling software In1982

D. Tandy model-2000, 1985

462. Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changed in 1924. What was that name?
A. Computer Tabulating Recording Co.

B. The Tabulator Ltd.

C. International Computer Ltd.

D. None of above

463. The personnel who deals with the computer and its management put together are called

A. Software

B. Human ware

C. Firmware

D. Hardware

464. Which of the following is input device?

A. scanner B. speaker C. monitor D. projector

465. Which of the following is true?

A. Fields are composed of bytes

B. Records are composed of fields

C. Fields are composed of characters

D. All of above

466. Who built the world’s first electronic calculator using telephone relays, light bulbs and batteries?
A. Claude Shannon

B. Konrard Zues

C. George Stibits

D. Howard H. Aiken

467. WAN is a most used abbreviation in Networking, what is its full form?

A. WAP Area Network

B. Wide Area Network

C. Wide Array of Network

D. Wireless Access Network

468. In which language is source program written?

A. English

B. Symbolic C. High level D. Temporary

469. Which of the following is correct acronym of VGA?

A. Video Graphics Array

B. Visual Graphics Array

C. Volatile Graphics Array

D. Video Graphics Adapter

470. A song being played on computer speaker is

A. hard output

B. soft output

C. both hard and soft output

D. neither hard nor soft output

471. In the IBM PC-At, what do the words AT stand for

A. Additional Terminals B. Advance technology C. Applied technology

D. Advanced terminology

472. Size of the primary memory of a PC ranges between

A. 2KB to 8KB

B. 64KB & 256KB C. 256KB & 640KB D. None of these

473. What is the number of read-write heads in the drive for a 9- trac magnetic tape?

A. 9

B. 16

C. 18

D. 27

474. Apple company used chips from for its computers

A. Intel

B. Motorola

C. Both of above

D. None of above

475. Which of the following is a feature of fifth generation computers?

A. Use of natural language

B. artificial intelligence

C. bio-chips

D. All of above

476. Charles Babbage was awarded by Royal Society for his

A. Difference Engine

B. Analytic Engine

C. Binary System in Analytic Engine

D. His concept of input, mill, output and storage

477. A computer which CPU speed around 100 million instruction per second and with the word length of around 64 bits is known as
A. Super computer B. Mini computer C. Micro computer

D. Macro computer

478. When we look at the cost, which of the following computer is most expensive?

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers C. Micro Computers D. Super Computers

479. Which of the following will happen when data is entered into a memory location?

A. It will add to the content of the location

B. It will change the address of the memory location

C. It will erase the previous content

D. It will not be fruitful if there is already some data at the location

480. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a

Graphical User Environment?

A. Keyboard

B. Mouse

C. Joystick

D. Track ball

481. Mini computers and micro computers are from which generation of computers?

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

482. Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than. A. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
B. Control Unit

C. Both of above

D. None of above

483. The operating speed of third generation computer was

A. Milliseconds B. Microseconds C. Nanoseconds D. Picoseconds

484. Which of the following is true?

A. Mark I was 8 feet long B. Mark I was 2 feet long C. Mark I was 40 feet long D. None of above

485. Charles Babbage is considered the father of modern computers because

A. of his difference engine

B. of his analytical engine

C. his concept of input, mill and output

D. All of above

486. Which of the following is used only for data entry and storage, and never for processing?

A. Mouse

B. Dumb terminal

C. Micro computer

D. Dedicated data entry system

487. What was the first computer brought in Nepal?

A. ICL/2950


C. IBM 1401

D. None of above

488. The primary advantage of key-to-tape data entry system is

A. A large percentage of editing can be performed at the time of data entry

B. Key verification is easily performed

C. The tape is reusable

D. Keying errors can be detected as they occur.

489. Basic is language.

A. a procedural

B. an object oriented

C. both A and B

D. none of the above

490. A computer Program that translates one program instruction at a time into machine language is called a/an
A. Interpreter


C. Compiler

D. Simulator

491. Which of the following have the fastest access time?

A. Semiconductor Memories

B. Magnetic Disks C. Magnetic Tapes D. Compact Disks

492. The first electronic general purpose digital computer built by Eckert and Mauchly called ENIAC did not work on the stored program concept. How many numbers could it store in its internal memory?
A. 100

B. 20

C. 40

D. 80

493. The computer that process both analog and digital is called

A. Analog computer B. Digital computer C. Hybrid computer

D. Mainframe computer

494. What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip?

A. Intel 308

B. Intel 33

C. Intel 4004

D. Motorola 639

495. Which of the following class of computers can process physical quantities such as speed?

A. Analog Computers B. Digital Computers C. Hybrid Computers D. None of above

496. How many types of storage loops exists in magnetic bubble memory

A. 8

B. 4

C. 16

D. 2

497. When did IBM introduce the 20286 based PC/AT?

A. 1982

B. 1984

C. 1985

D. 1989

498. The silicon chips used for data processing are called

A. RAM chips

B. ROM chips

C. Micro processors

D. PROM chips

499. Which computers used operating systems by Microsoft?


B. Apple/Macintosh PCs

C. IBM Compatibles

D. Both A & C

500. One of the main feature that distinguish microprocessors from micro-computer is

A. Words are usually large in microprocessors

B. Words are shorter in microprocessors

C. Microprocessor does not contain I/O device

D. Exactly the same as the machine cycle time

501. Napier’s Bones were invented in A. 1614
B. 1617

C. 1620

D. None of above

502. One computer that is not considered a portable computer is

A. Minicomputer

B. A laptop computer

C. Tablet PC

D. All of the above

503. Computers built before the First Generation of computers were:

A. Mechanical

B. Electro-mechanical

C. Electrical

D. None of these

504. Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory?

A. Random access memory

B. Action method

C. Transfer method

D. Density method

505. What is System Analysis?

A. The design of the screen the user will see and use to enter or display data

B. System analysis defines the format and type of data the program will use

C. System Analysis involves creating formal model of the problem to be solved

D. None of the above

506. Which of the following devices have a limitation that we can only store information to it but cannot erase or modify it?
A. Floppy Disk

B. Hard Disk C. Tape Drive D. CDROM

507. Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?

A. Disk


C. Printer


508. Daisy wheel printer is a type of

A. Matrix printer

B. Impact printer

C. Laser printer

D. Manual printer

509. A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as

A. Binary

B. Octal

C. Decimal

D. Hexadecimal

510. The two basic types of record access methods are:

A. Sequential and random B. Sequential and indexed C. Direct and immediate D. Online and real time

511. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?

A. First Generation

B. Second Generation

C. Fifth Generation

D. Sixth Generation

512. One of a class of storage device devices that can access storage locations in any order is



513. The actual execution of instructions happens in


C. Memory

D. None of above

514. Floppy disks are available in

A. Single side single density B. Single side double density C. Both of above

D. None of above

515. Which of the following is not electro-mechanical computer?

A. Z3


C. mark I D. ENIAC

516. Which of the following is a programming language?

A. Lotus

B. Pascal

C. MS-Excel

D. Netscape

517. Which converts the user data into machine readable form?

A. input unit, output unit, control unit

B. central processing unit

C. output unit

D. decoder unit

518. In what respect human beings are superior to computers?

A. Diligence

B. Intelligence

C. Slavery

D. Reliability

519. As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is

A. Large B. Cheap C. Fast

D. Slow

520. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called

A. Machine language

B. Application software

C. System program

D. All of above

521. How was the generation of computer classified?

A. by the device used in memory & processor

B. by the speed of computer

C. by the model of the computer

D. by the accuracy of computer

522. Which of the following is not a feature of first generation computers

A. They used vacuum tubes or valves as main electronic component

B. They consumed lots of electricity and produced excessive heat

C. They used machine language and assembly language to program the machine

D. None of above

523. CAD stands for

A. Computer aided design

B. Computer algorithm for design C. Computer application in design D. All of the above

524. Which of the following memories has the shortest access times?

A. Cache memory

B. Magnetic bubble memory

C. Magnetic core memory


525. A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a

A. Computer

B. Microcomputer C. Programmable D. Sensor

526. Which of the following is not a primary storage device?

A. Magnetic tape

B. Magnetic disk

C. Optical disk

D. All of above

527. Who invented Analytical engine?

A. Blaise Pascal

B. George Bool

C. Charles Babbage

D. Dr. Herman Hollerith

528. CPU speed of a personal computer is

A. 32 KIPS

B. 100 KIPS C. 1 MIPS

D. None of these

529. Circular division of disks to store and retrieve data are known as

A. tracks

B. sectors

C. cycles

D. rings

530. Which statement is valid?

A. 1KB = 1024 bytes

B. 1 MB=2048 bytes

C. 1 MB = 1000 kilobytes

D. 1 KB = 1000 bytes

531. The least significant bit of the binary number, which is equivalent to any odd decimal number, is:
A. 0

B. 1

C. 1 or 0

D. 3

532. The latest PC keyboards use a circuit that senses the movement by the change in its capacitance,
A. Capacitance keyboard B. Mechanical keyboard C. Qwerty keyboard

D. Dvorak keyboard

533. The Stepped Reckoner was invented by

A. John Napier

B. William Oughtred C. Gottfried Leibnitz D. Blaise Pascal

534. A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is

A. Multiprogramming

B. Modulation

C. Multiprocessing

D. Micro program sequence

535. While inserting a diskette into the diskette drive of a PC, the diskette’s label side should face
A. East

B. North C. South D. Up

536. Most of the inexpensive personal computers do not have any disk or diskette drive. What is the name of such computes?
A. Home computers

B. Diskless computers

C. Dedicated computers

D. General purpose computers

537. What is a light pen?

A. Mechanical Input device

B. Optical input device

C. Electronic input device

D. Optical output device

538. Which of the following class of computers can not support multiple users simultaneously?

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers

C. Micro Computers

D. All of them can support

539. Which of the following is considered first computer in the world?

A. Z3


C. Mark I

D. None of above

540. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits?


541. In order to play and hear sound on a computer, one needs:

A. a sound card and speakers

B. a microphone

C. all of them required

D. none of them required

542. Which of the following devices can be sued to directly image printed text?


D. All of above

543. For which of the following computers can’t be used?

A. gathering data B. calculating data C. comparing data D. Arranging data

544. Which of the following is called low level languages?

A. Machine language B. Assembly language C. Both of the above D. None of above

545. A factor which would strongly influence a business person to adopt a computer is its

A. Accuracy

B. Reliability

C. Speed

D. All of above

546. Who invented punched cards?

A. Charles Babbage

B. Dr. Herman Hollerith

C. Howard Aikin

D. Joseph Jacquard

547. Each model of a computer has a unique

A. Assembly of a computer

B. Machine language C. High level language D. All of the above

548. Which of the following is not a primary storage device?

A. Magnetic tape B. Magnetic disk C. Optical disk

D. All of the above

549. In a punched card system, data is processed by a

A. Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine

B. Accounting machine, posting machine, and billing machine

C. Sorter, posting machine, and billing machine

D. Accounting machine, keypunch machine and sorter

550. Which device is required for the Internet connection?

A. Joystick B. Modem C. CD Drive D. NIC Card

551. A set of rods where numbers were carved and used for multiplication and division aids is known as
A. Pascaline

B. Napier’s Bones

C. Stepped Reckoner

D. Slide Rule

552. Seek time is

A. time to position the head over proper track

B. time to position the head over proper sector

C. time to position the head over proper cylinder

D. none of above

553. Tape speed is measured in

A. Feet per second

B. Inch per second

C. Meter per second

D. Centimeter per second

554. Punched cards were first introduced by

A. Powers

B. Pascal

C. Jacquard

D. Herman Hollerith

555. Which computer support co-processors?

A. XT computer

B. AT computers

C. None of these

D. Both of these

556. A floppy disk contains

A. Circular tracks only

B. Sectors only

C. Both circular tracks and sectors

D. None of the above

557. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is A. 1.40 MB B. 1.44 GB C. 1.40 GB D. 1.44 MB

558. The contribution of Konrad Zuse was long ignored because

A. He made the computers secretly

B. his computers were very complicated and it took time for the people to recognize its power

C. of political reasons. He was German. D. All of the above

559. Any method for controlling access to or use of memory is known

A. Memory map

B. Memory protection

C. Memory management

D. Memory instruction

560. In what respect computers are superior to human beings?

A. Diligence

B. Intelligence

C. Both of above

D. None of above

561. Com in Latin is

A. intensifying prefix

B. intensifying suffix

C. a term that means to reckon

D. None of above

562. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except:

A. Microprocessor B. Disk controller C. Serial interface D. Modem

563. Which of the following is related to fifth generation computers?

A. Knowledge information processing system

B. Very large scale integration (VLSI) C. Both of above

D. Only b

564. The process of starting a or restarting a computer system by loading instructions from a secondary storage device into the computer memory is called
A. Duping B. Booting C. Padding D. CPS

565. MSI stands for

A. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

B. Medium System Integrated Circuits

C. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit

D. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

566. A Pixel is

A. A computer program that draws picture

B. A picture stored in secondary memory

C. The smallest resolvable part of a picture

D. None of these

567. A/n Device is any device that provides information, which is sent to the CPU

A. Input

B. Output


D. Memory

568. What was the nick name of the computer used by the Americans in 1952 for their H-bomb project?



569. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?



570. LSI, VLSI & ULSI chips were used in which generation?

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

571. Which of the following is the largest manufacturer of Hard

Disk Drives?


B. Seagate

C. Microsoft

D. 3M

572. Networking such as LAN, MAN started from

A. First generation

B. Second generation

C. Third generation

D. Fourth generation

573. Which characteristic of computer distinguishes it from electronic calculators?

A. Accuracy

B. Storage

C. Versatility

D. Automatic

574. Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruction is located?
A. Memory address register

B. Memory data register

C. Instruction register

D. Program counter

575. Which of the following is not the classification of computers based on application?

A. Electronic Computers

B. Analog Computers C. Digital Computers D. Hybrid Computers

576. Which of the following is not a type of Software

A. System Software

B. Application Software

C. Utility Software

D. Entertainment Software

577. Who invented the high level language C?

A. Dennis M. Ritchie

B. Niklaus Writh

C. Seymour Papert

D. Donald Kunth

578. What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?

A. Operating system extensions

B. Cookies

C. Diagnostic software

D. Boot diskettes

579. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU?
A. Mass memory

B. Internal memory

C. Non-volatile memory


580. Which of the following code used in present day computing was developed by IBM Corporation?

B. Hollerith Code C. Baudot Code D. EBCDIC Code

581. When was the transistors invented?

A. 1948

B. 1938

C. 1958

D. 1968

582. In the third Generation of computers

A. Distributed data processing first became popular

B. An operating system was first developed

C. High level procedural language were first used

D. Online real time systems first become popular

583. Most important advantage of an IC is its A. Easy replacement in case of circuit failure B. Extremely high reliability
C. Reduced cost

D. Lower power consumption

584. Which of the following magazines covers only the IBM PC and its compatibles?

A. Byte

B. PC Magazine

C. Personal Computing

D. Interface Age

585. UNIVAC was a first generation computer. What is its full form?

A. Universal Automatic Computer

B. Universal Array Computer

C. Unique Automatic Computer

D. Unvalued Automatic Computer

586. Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?
A. Terminal B. Light pen C. Digitizer D. Mouse

587. Which of the following is not an output device?

A. Scanner

B. Printer

C. Flat Screen

D. Touch Screen

588. Personal computers used a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?
A. Daughterboard

B. Motherboard

C. Father board

D. Childboard



MCQs Computer Science ALL Answers

1-A       2-D      3-D      4-D      5-C      6-A       7-C      8-D      9-C      10-B

11-C     12-C     13-D    14-C     15-C     16-B     17-B     18-B     19-C     20-D

21-B     22-D    23-C     24-B     25-A     26-B     27-B     28-A     29-B     30-D

31-B     32-D    33-A     34-A     35-A     36-D    37-A     38-C     39-B     40-B

41-C     42-B     43-C     44-D    45-C     46-A     47-B     48-D    49-A     50-B

51-D    52-B     53-B     54-D    55-C     56-C     57-C     58-C     59-B     60-B

61-C     62-B     63-D    64-A     65-D    66-D    67-C     68-A     69-B     70-C

71-C     72-B     73-C     74-D    75-B     76-A     77-D    78-C     79-A     80-A

81-C     82-D    83-C     84-B     85-D    86-D    87-A     88-C     89-D    90-D

91-D    92-C     93-C     94-A     95-D    96-B     97-D    98-C     99-C     100-B

101-B   102-C   103-B   104-B   105-B   106-C   107-B   108-C   109-C   110-C

111-C   112-D   113-A   114-C   115-B   116-B   117-C   118-C   119-A   120-D

121-A   122-A   123-A   124-B   125-A   126-D   127-B   128-C   129-B   130-B

131-C   132-A   133-A   134-B   135-B   136-A   137-B   138-A   139-B   140-D

141-C   142-C   143-D   144-B   145-C   146-C   147-C   148-C   149-C   150-A

151-C   152-D   153-B   154-D   155-C   156-D   157-A   158-B   159-B   160-B

161-B   162-A   163-B   164-A   165-B   166-A   167-B   168-B   169-C   170-D

171-C   172-A   173-A   174-A   175-C   176-A   177-C   178-A   179-C   180-A

181-A   182-A   183-C   184-A   185-D   186-D   187-C   188-B   189-C   190-A

191-C   192-A   193-C   194-A   195-A   196-A   197-A   198-D   199-B   200-A

201-B   202-A   203-D   204-D   205-B   206-B   207-C   208-C   209-A   210-D

211-C   212-B   213-C   214-D   215-D   216-B   217-D   218-A   219-B   220-C

221-D   222-A   223-C   224-B   225-A   226-D   227-D   228-C   229-D   230-A

231-D   232-C   233-A   234-D   235-B   236-A   237-A   238-B   239-A   240-C

241-D   242-C   243-A   244-A   245-C   246-A   247-D   248-D   249-C   250-D

251-D   252-A   253-A   254-B   255-C   256-D   257-D   258-C   259-C   260-B

261-D   262-D   263-A   264-B   265-A   266-C   267-D   268-C   269-B   270-D

271-B   272-B   273-C   274-D   275-A   276-C   277-C   278-C   279-B   280-A

281-C   282-C   283-C   284-A   285-B   286-D   287-B   288-A   289-A   290-A

291-C   292-D   293-C   294-A   295-B   296-B   297-C   298-B   299-C   300-A

301-B   302-C   303-B   304-A   305-B   306-D   307-A   308-D   309-D   310-D

311-B   312-D   313-C   314-D   315-C   316-D   317-C   318-B   319-B   320-A

321-B   322-B   323-A   324-B   325-B   326-B   327-B   328-D   329-D   330-A

331-B   332-D   333-A   334-D   335-D   336-B   337-B   338-A   339-C   340-A

341-C   342-D   343-D   344-A   345-C   346-A   347-C   348-C   349-A   350-A

351-b    352-A   353-D   354-B   355-D   356-D   357-C   358-C   359-A   360-C

361-D   362-C   363-A   364-D   365-B   366-A   367-D   368-B   369-C   370-D

371-A   372-C   373-D   374-A   375-A   376-D   377-A   378-A   379-A   380-A

381-A   382-D   383-B   384-B   385-B   386-B   387-D   388-A   389-A   390-C

391-D   392-A   393-C   394-A   395-A   396-D   397-B   398-B   399-D   400-B

401-A   402-A   403-A   404-A   405-A   406-D   407-D   408-A   409-D   410-A

411-C   412-C   413-C   414-B   415-D   416-D   417-A   418-C   419-B   420-C

421-D   422-C   423-C   424-D   425-A   426-A   427-C   428-B   429-A   430-A

431-B   432-B   433-D   434-C   435-D   436-C   437-B   438-C   439-C   440-D

441-A   442-C   443-C   444-C   445-A   446-D   447-D   448-D   449-D   450-D

451-B   452-C   453-B   454-C   455-C   456-A   457-B   458-C   459-B   460-C

461-B   462-B   463-B   464-A   465-D   466-C   467-B   468-C   469-A   470-B

471-B   472-C   473-A   474-B   475-D   476-A   477-A   478-D   479-C   480-B

481-D   482-A   483-C   484-D   485-C   486-B   487-C   488-C   489-A   490-A

491-A   492-B   493-C   494-C   495-A   496-D   497-B   498-C   499-D   500-C

501-B   502-A   503-B   504-A   505-C   506-D   507-A   508-B   509-B   510-A

511-C   512-B   513-A   514-C   515-D   516-B   517-A   518-B   519-C   520-A

521-A   522-C   523-A   524-A   525-D   526-D   527-C   528-B   529-A   530-A

531-A   532-A   533-C   534-A   535-D   536-B   537-B   538-C   539-C   540-A

541-A   542-A   543-A   544-C   545-D   546-D   547-B   548-D   549-D   550-B

551-B   552-A   553-B   554-D   555-B   556-C   557-D   558-C   559-B   560-A

561-A   562-D   563-A   564-B   565-A   566-C   567-A   568-C   569-B   570-D

571-B   572-D   573-C   574-D   575-A   576-D   577-A   578-C   579-B   580-D

581-A   582-D   583-B   584-B   585-A   586-A   587-D   588-B



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