Ministry of Defence (MOD) 2021 Assistant Director (AD) Solved Past Paper MCQ

Here, you will find Ministry of Defence (MOD) 2021 Solved Past Paper MCQs conducted by Ministry of defence Pakistan itself for the post of Assistant Director (AD). These MCQs were given in AD post exam of Ministry of Defence (MOD) 2021.

Ministry of Defence (MOD) 2021 Assistant Director (AD) Solved Past Paper MCQ

  1. Boiling point of water? 373k
  2. Freezing point of water? OC
  3. Zaboor revealed on? Hazrat Daud AS
  4. Which Prophet was the carpenter? Hazrat Zakaria AS
  5. Name of Pakistan-Turkey Joint military exercise 2021? Ataturk X1
  6. NWFP Name Changed? 2010
  7. The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is also called? Peace Pipeline
  8. Locust related new department? NLCC
  9. Which country visited by PM in Nov. 2020? Afghanistan
  10. Hazrat Ibrahim AS relation with Hazrat Loot?
  11. Loot AS was Nephew of Ibrahim AS
  12. The first Artificial satellite sent in space was? Sputnik 1
  13. Jalsa in Namaz is? Wajib
  14. Lowari Pass connects? Chitral & Dir
  15. Peshawar is connected to chitral through? Lowari Pass
  16. Covid was declared as pandemic? 11 March 2020
  17. Human Rights Day? 10th December
  18. Restriction enzymes? Cat at specific sites
  19. Agile Antonym? Stiff
  20. Inter Provincial Coordination minister? Fahmeda Mirza
  21. Budget 2019-20 was presented by Hamad Azhar
  22. Cm of Baluchistan? Jam Kamal
  23. Wuzu is mentioned in? Surah Maida
  24. Which Surah has Bismillah Twice? Surah Namal
  25. Agriculture growth? 2.67%
  26. Thailand currency? Thai Baht
  27. Vietnam currency? Dong
  28. Angola Capital? Luanda
  29. Cripps commission was rejected by? Both AIML & Congress
  30. Lucknow Pact? Muslim League & Congress
  31. Urdu Hindi controversy? 1867
  32. Supports hindu muslim unity? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  33. Rainfall is recorded in? cm
  34. With altitude air pressure? Decreases
  35. Runner of PSL 4? Lahore
  36. Barrages on Indus River? 6
  37. Supreme good is defined? Aristotle
  38. Earthquake magnitude? Richter Scale
  39. Wakhan Corridor separate Pakistan from? Tajikistan
  40. Length of Durand line? 2250
  41. Smallest Ocean? Arctic
  42. Water on Earth? 71%
  43. Leukemia is related with? Blood
  44. Pakistan ranks in corruption perception index 2021? 124th
  45. Ruins of Harrapa? Sahiwal
  46. Kharif Crop? Rice
  47. Icy bodies around sun are? Comets
  48. Asteroids are? Rocky Bodies
  49. Nearest plant to sun? Mercury
  50. Water freezing point in Fahrenheit is? 32 Fahrenheit
  51. Pic of prism? Dispersion
  52. Lowari tunnel connects with? Dir & Chitral
  53. Sub Himalayan mountains are? Siwaliks
  54. CPEC is a part of? OBOR
  55. 1954-62 is era of? Alliances
  56. CPEC signed in? 2015
  57. Who convinced to join a AIML by? M Muhammad Ali Johar
  58. Emergency loading motorways? M1 & M2
  59. Number of electoral votes got trump? 232
  60. Misaq-e-Madina was b/w? Muslim & Jews
  61. Boris Johnson? Conservative Party?
  62. Longest river of Pakistan? Indus
  63. OIC Member? 57
  64. New OIC leader will be Hussain Taha is From? Chad
  65. Thal is b/w? Indus & Jehlum Rivers
  66. Trimmu barrage in on? Chenab River
  67. NFC Award? Provinces & Center
  68. ICJ is in? Hague Netherlands
  69. Article 6 deals with? High Treason
  70. Xylem plant function is to? Deliver water
  71. Heat methods? Conduction, Convection and Radiation
  72. BRICS Countries? Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa
  73. Iner planets of Solar System? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  74. What is on back side on the note of 100? Quaid Residency
  75. Laurel museum is in? USA
  76. PAEC set to open cancer hospital in? Gilgit
  77. Most fertile desert in the world? Thal Desert
  78. Greece is famous for? Olive Trees
  79. Sky is blue because? Dispersion of light
  80. Louvre Museum is in? France
  81. Ref Cliff gave India an additional area called? Gurdaspur
  82. Pakistan 1st joined Organization was? UN
  83. KPK Film Documentary won Award? Armed with Faith
  84. Allama Iqbal Supported? Shafi League
  85. Antibiotic Penicillin extracted from? Fungus
  86. Larri language spoken area? Lower Sindh
  87. Citizenship amendment bill (CAB) date? 12th Dec, 2019
  88. Which Chinese company interest to purchase 62% K-Electric is? CMEC
  89. Atomic reactor fuel is? Uranium
  90. Best Pollinator for Pollination is? Grass Hoppers
  91. Which country’s ambassador die in Congo? Italian
  92. Tashkent Declaration mediator was? Soviet Union
  93. Saudia restores relations with Qatar after? Three Years
  94. Coagulation of water done to remove? Dirt
  95. To purify water, Chemical use is? Chlorine
  96. Which food has less protein? Potato
  97. Climate of Area is calculated by? Temperature
  98. Govt. College Lahore got status of University in? 2002
  99. Retina is? Convex
  100. Chinkara Deer & Peacocks are present in? Deserts
  101. Indus Gets into Arabian sea at? Thatha

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Ministry of Defence (MOD) 2021 Assistant Director (AD) Solved Past Paper MCQ

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