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Ministry of Defence MOD Solved MCQs of Past Papers 2019

1. Antonyms of Fend? Hostility
2. Opposite of Atrophy? Strengthen
3. Numismatist: Coins and Philatelist is? Stamps
4. Undaunted by long queues, people… their way during elections in all directions?
A. Spreadsheet : Financial
B. Review : theoretical
C. Letter : administrative
D. Formula : mathematical
6. High unemployment and rate of inflation is inversely relationship to each other? Phillips curve.
7. Low rate of interest and high saving is a condition of? Liquidity Trap
8. Having one job and moving to other expresses? frictional unemployment
9. During full employment curve is? vertically straight
10. Autism and Drug Addiction can be treated by which therapy?
11. . As children begin their elementary school years, they enter Eriksons stage of? Industry versus Inferiority
12. One of the main criticism of Freudian psychoanalytic theory is that it: Focuses too much attention on sexual conflicts and fixations
13. Which of the following research method DOES NOT allow drawing conclusions regarding causality in research? A. Experimental research B. Correlation research C. Case studies D. Surveys
14. Which of the following is NOT considered as an altered state of consciousness? A. Sleep B. Hypnosis C. Meditation D. Exercise
15. Which of the following statements best illustrates Maslows esteem need?
A. Going to a gym three days a week to improve your health
B. Donating a large sum of money to charity
C. Getting married to your high school class fellow
D. Going to university to earn a master’s degree in counselling
16. Art. 370 of Indian Article deal with? IHK& Ladakh
17. China’s interest in IHK is due to its possession on? Ladakh/Tibet
18. According to US constitution has the absolute authority for Presidential impeachment? Senate
19. Us Next Election? November 2020
20. Opposite of Capitalism? Communism
21. Who developed Realism into comprehensive IR study? Johan Vilsent Gultang
22. Legal Realism was analyzed in the US by? John Austin
23. Windrow Wilson’s policy during was based on? Morality/ Idealism
24. Vietnam War was ended in? 1957
25. Treaty of Westphalia year? 1648
26. 13 states of America adopted constitution in? 1788
27. Charter oh Human rights was adopted by? UN
28. Principal Founder of Peace and Conflict Studies?
29. Security advisor of Trump? Robert O’Brien
30. “Globalization of World Politics” written by? John Baylis
31. In Military War studies use of lethal weapons instead of formal techniques is called? Kinetic Military action
32. When did China (PRC not RC) join UN? 1971
33. Next G-20 Summit will hold? Saudi Arabia
34. Who gave the idea to use oil as weapon? Z A Bhutoo
35. Definition: a system of verbal symbols, facial expressions is called ( language)
36. Appeal to sex, needs (consumer emotion)… is type of advertising? Persuasive
37. During world wars states follow policy of …. To transmit info? Propaganda
38. Theory of bureaucracy by? Max Weber
39. Conflict management & Conflict Resolution are? two distinguished things but are part of Peace studies
40. US Electoral College is composed of? 538 seats
41. Jurisprudence is derived from? juris & prudentia
42. Pleading means? Written statement
43. What part of Diyat for plenty in an offence in which one part of paird organ is damaged? 1/2
44. In case of Khula ,according to Family Court 2015Act(amn.), wife to surrender her deferred dower to the husband”? 50%
45. Under CPC Judge means Presiding Officer of? Civil Courts
46. Warrant must be signed by? Presiding Officer
47. According to Q.S an accomplice cannot be Wada Muaf Gawah in Offences? Hadood
48. 5th layer of OSI model –Session?
49. Digital Analog computers joint on a network? Multiplexing
50. Incremental code for Java? +
51. Exponential sign in Java? Exp()
52. LAN, WAN, MAN are combined to make? Internetwork
53. Topology in which all computers are linked with 1 cable? Bus
54. ‘The Unstable Earth’ written by? J.A Steer
55. Sedimentary rocks are formed by which process? Lithification
56. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, air becomes? Less dense
57. Moving of highly skilled people from a country, called? Brain Drain
58. Region with dry summer and wet winter? Mediterranean
59. Regarding food thing inspired human permanent settlement? Agriculture
60. Earth crust and surface is continuously Evolving due to? Rock cycle
61. Move material in their parallel to direction of movement? P Waves
62. Source of light is placed on the opposite side for drawing graticules for? Stereographic projection
63. Amazon tropical rainforest is also known as? Selvas
64. Gneiss, schist, anthracite, diamond, marble are examples of? Metamorphic
65. The proportion of rocks decrease with depth? Silicon
66. Cold current? Benguela
67. Geography term was coined by a Greek scholar? Eratosthenes
68. The Great Barrier Reef is located in? Pacific Ocean
69. Themes in geography are? 5
70. The Royal Geographical society was founded in? 1830
71. Pakistan is a hard country written by? Anatol Lieven
72. Who was the prime Minister of Pakistan during 1971 war? Nur Al Amin
73. Who promoted Cricket diplomacy first? Zia Ul Haq
74. P.M Imran Khan attended UNGA meeting No? 74th
75. Who said “we will fight for Kashmir for thousand years.” Z.A Bhutoo
76. Security Agreement of Pak with China? Gawader Port
77. When Indus Basin treaty with India was signed in? 1960
78. Pakistan did not discuss Kashmir Issue on SAARC forum? Saarc not allow bilateral conflict
79. CPEC is a project for? Infra structural development
80. Head of Kashmir Committee? Fakher Imam
81. Fata Merger? May 2018
82. 25th amendment deals with? Fata merger
83. 18th Amendment also called? Provincial Autonomy
84. When did the Congress accept the Muslim demand for Separate Electorates for the first time? December 1916
85. Active struggle for Pak started after? 1940
86. 3 countries which discussed Kashmir in UNGA session? Malaysia, Turkey, China
87. Pakistan ODI Cricket Captain? Babar Azam
88. Security Adviser during Nawaz Sharif era? Lt. Gen. (Rtd.) Nasir Janjua
89. Currently who replaced Tehmina as Pak.’s Representative in UN? Munir Akram
90. After the merger of FATA Senate seats changed to? 96
91. 58 2(b) is about the presidential power of? Dissolving assemblies
92. Pakistan’s Doctrine of nuclear deterrence based on? First use
93. PM presented a report to assembly on 7 October 1951( actually in 1953) called? Bogras formula/ constitutional formula
94. Takht Bhai belongs to? Ghandhara Civilization
95. Sheikh Ahmad Sir Hindi opposed religious policies of Mughal Emperor? Jahanghir
96. Ormuri language is the language of which tribe? Burki
97. First battle of British East India Company in Bengal? Plessey
98. Gomal zam Dam is located in? S. Waziristan
99. Largest District of Pakistan by Area? District Chaghi
100. Which Indian Leader suggested the separate Muslim State long before Muslim League? Lala Lajpat Rai
101. Sahabi named in Quran? Zaid (R.A)
102. Food mentioned in Quran? (Palm Date, Fig, Grapes are all mentioned but fruits, Honey mentioned but a complete food)
103. Hazrat Halima took care of Holy Prophet? 2,4,6 (Most probably 4)
104. Nisab of Zakat on goats is? 1 goat on 40 goats
105. Hazrat Jafir Bin Abi Talib martyred in which battle? Mauta
106. “Short History of Saracens” Book by Syed Ameer Ali, is a history of? Arab Muslims

Flower A, Flower B, Flower C and Flower D are four different categories of distinguished according to their blooming seasons, such that
Flower A and Flower B bloom in winter and summer.
Flower C and Flower D bloom in autumn and spring.
Flower B and Flower C bloom spring and winter.
Flower A and Flower D bloom in summer and autumn.
107- The flower/s bloom(s) in autumn, winter and summer is
a- Flower A, b-Flower B, c-Flower C, d-Flower D
108- The flower/s bloom(s) in autumn, winter and spring is
a- Flower A, b-Flower B, c-Flower C, d-Flower D
109- The flower/s bloom(s) in spring, winter and summer is
a- Flower A, b-Flower B, c-Flower C, d-Flower D
110-The flower which does not bloom in spring is?
a- Flower A, b-Flower B, c-Flower C, d-Flower D
111-The flower which does not bloom min summer is?
a- Flower A, b-Flower B, c-Flower C, d-Flower D
112-Which Flower/s bloom (s) in spring and summer both?
a- Flower A, b-Flower B, c-Flower C, d-Flower D

In a wall graphy a painter is selecting two combinations of colors, combination-1 and combination-2 choosing from seven colors T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. combination-1 will contain four of the colors and combination-2 will contain the other three colors. The painter must select the colors for each combination according to following restrictions
T cannot be in the same combination as U.
If X is in combination-2, Z must also be in combination-2.
If Z is in combination-1, W must be in combination-1.
113- If T and Z are in combination-2, any of the colors can be in combination-2.
a- X, b-Y, c-U, d-V
114- If Z is in combination-1, which of the following must true?
a-X is in combination-2, b-U is in same combination as V. ,c-T is in combination-1 ,d-V is in combination-2
115- If X is in combination-2, which of the following must be true?
a- T is in combination-2, b-U is in combination-2, c-W is in combination-1, d- Z is in same combination as U.

This product stand sells fruits and vegetables. All fruits are delicious and all vegetables are rich in vitamins, every food that is vitamin rich is delicious, so everything sold at this stand is delicious.
116-Which of the following assumptions is necessary to make the conclusion in the argument above logically correct?
a-the stand sells many fruits and vegetables. b-this product stand sells only fruits and vegetables. c-something cannot be both vitamin rich and delicious. d-some stands sell fruits that are not delicious.

Six cupboards Cupboard U, Cupboard V, Cupboard W, Cupboard X, Cupboard Y, and Cupboard Z are being placed in hotel rooms, each of which can accommodate two cupboards and no more than two. Each cupboard must be placed in exactly one room and must be placed in that room either alone or else together with other six cupboards. Enough rooms are available to permit any possible assignment of cupboards to rooms, but the following restrictions must be observed:
Cupboard V cannot be placed with Cupboard W.
Cupboard W cannot be placed in a room with Cupboard X.
Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z must be placed in a room together.
117- Which of the following pairs of Cupboards can be placed in a room together?
a- Cupboard U & Cupboard Z., b- Cupboard W & Cupboard X., c- Cupboard Y & Cupboard V., d- Cupboard U & Cupboard X.
118- If Cupboard W is placed in a room alone, which of the following must be true?
a- Cupboard V placed in a room alone, b- The cupboards occupy either 4 or 5 rooms. , c- The cupboards occupy either 3 or 6 rooms. ,d- None other than Cupboard W is placed in a room alone.
119- If Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z are the only Cupboards placed in a room, how many rooms are the minimum that can accommodate the Cupboards?
a- 2, b- 3, c- 4, d- 5

A teacher asked the class to draw diagrams of four shapes namely rectangle, square, circle and triangle in a single class and has the following restrictions.
Rectangle has priority over square. Circle has priority over triangle.
If one shape has priority over another , the shape with priority must be drawn earlier than the other one.
120- given only the determinations above, each of the following is a possible sequence in which the four shapes could be drawn EXCEPT:
a- circle, rectangle , triangle, square.,b- circle, square , rectangle , triangle.,
c- rectangle , square, circle, triangle., d- rectangle, circle, square , triangle.
121- If each of the shapes takes equally long to draw, it must be true.
a- rectangle is drawn before triangle is drawn.,b- square is drawn before circle is drawn.,c- circle is drawn before square is drawn.,d- circle is drawn before triangle is drawn.
122- There would be exactly one order in which the four shapes would have to be drawn if it were determined that:
a- rectangle has priority over circle, b- triangle has priority over square, c- circle has priority over square
d- triangle has priority over rectangle.

In a game, six various small balloons colored Violet, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange on six different small tables. There are six tables numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6 and one balloon is to be placed on one table.
Violet cannot be placed immediately before or after the Pink.
Blue must be placed after the Green.
Orange cannot be on table number 6.
123-which of the following balloons can not be placed at table no.1?
a-Violet, b- Pink, c- Blue, d- Green
124- If green is placed on table no.3 , Blue must be placed on which table?
a- 1, b- 2 ,c- 4, d- 5
125- If Violet is placed on table no.5, which of the following balloons must be placed on table no,6?
a- Pink, b- Blue, c- Green, d- Yellow
126- If Orange is placed on table no.3 immediately before Green, which balloon must be placed on table no.5?
a- Violet, b- Pink, c-Blue d- Yellow

First Viceroy of Sub Continent was:
(a) Lord Canning
(b) Lord Lawrence
(c) Lord Mayo
(d) None of these

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(a) Lord Canning

The Jinnah book was written by:
(a) Quaid e Azam
(b) Stanley Wolpert
(c) Jaswant Singh
(d) None of these

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(c) Jaswant Singh

Red Cross Headquarter located in:
(a) Geneva, Switzerland
(b) New York, America
(c) London, UK
(d) None of these

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(a) Geneva, Switzerland

Ahmed shah abdali attacked on:
(a) Mughal Empire
(b) Turkish Empire
(c) Roman Empire
(d) None of these

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(a) Mughal Empire

East India Company was founded in:
(a) 1600
(b) 1757
(c) 1608
(d) None of these

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(a) 1600