4th Aug | Dawn Vocabulary 100 Words List by CSSMCQs:
Here, you find the Most Important CSS Dawn Vocabulary 100 Words List. These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams with our latest list of 140 important vocabulary words from Dawn. This list includes simple meanings to help you understand and use these words confidently. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed. Check out the meanings of these important words and start using them in your daily practice today!
Most Important CSS Dawn Vocabulary 100 Words List
- Assassinations (قتل): The action of killing someone suddenly or secretively, especially a prominent person.
- Provocations (اشتعال): Actions or speech that make someone angry, especially deliberately.
- Embarrassment (شرمندگی): A feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
- Security lapse (سیکیورٹی کی ناکامی): A failure in maintaining security.
- Punitive (سزایابی): Inflicting or intended as punishment.
- Conflagration (بڑی آگ): An extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property; here, used metaphorically for a large conflict.
- Benefactor (سرپرست): A person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.
- Diplomacy (سفارتکاری): The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.
- Artillery (توپ خانہ): Large-caliber guns used in warfare on land.
- Pentagon (پینٹاگون): The headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.
- Inferno (دوزخ): A large fire that is dangerously out of control; here, used metaphorically for a conflict zone.
- De-escalate (کشیدگی کم کرنا): To reduce the intensity of a conflict or potentially violent situation.
- Genocidal (نسلی قتل عام): Relating to or involving the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group.
- Military structure (فوجی ڈھانچہ): The organized framework of military forces.
- Mixed signals (متضاد اشارے): Conflicting or ambiguous messages.
- Firepower (آگ کی طاقت): The capacity of a military force to use weapons effectively.
- Technological advantages (ٹیکنالوجی کے فوائد): The benefits gained from advanced technology.
- Prolonged (طویل): Continuing for a long time.
- Messy (گندا): Chaotic or disorganized.
- Prime Minister (وزیراعظم): The head of an elected government.
- Tizzy (پریشانی): A state of nervous excitement or agitation.
- Iteration (تکرار): The repetition of a process or utterance.
- Patriarchy (پدرشاہی): A social system in which men hold primary power.
- Ire (غصہ): Anger.
- Norm (معیار): A standard or pattern, especially of social behavior.
- Inundated (ڈوبنا): Overwhelmed with things or people to be dealt with.
- Obscenity (فحاشی): Offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.
- Coy (شرمیلا): Pretending to be shy or modest.
- Brigade (بریگیڈ): A group of people with a common characteristic or purpose.
- Detractors (نکتہ چین): People who criticize someone or something.
- Marginalized (حاشیہ پر رکھنا): Treating a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral.
- Ghaddari (غداری): Treason or betrayal.
- Vulgarity (فحاشی): The quality of lacking sophistication or good taste.
- Consent (رضامندی): Permission for something to happen.
- Ideological (نظریاتی): Based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals.
- Fortnight (پندرہ دن): A period of two weeks.
- Injustice (ناانصافی): Lack of fairness or justice.
- Inquisitive (تجسس): Curious or inquiring.
- Existence (وجود): The fact or state of living or having objective reality.
- Inevitable (ناگزیر): Certain to happen; unavoidable.
- Solvent (ادائیگی کے قابل): Having assets in excess of liabilities; able to pay one’s debts.
- Equitably (منصفانہ طور پر): In a fair and impartial manner.
- Burden (بوجھ): A load, typically a heavy one.
- Macro-economic (میعیشت سے متعلق): Relating to the branch of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors.
- Fiscal Deficit (مالی خسارہ): The difference when a government’s total expenditures exceed the revenue that it generates.
- Revenue Target (آمدنی کا ہدف): The projected amount of revenue a government aims to generate in a fiscal year.
- Subsidize (اعانت دینا): Support financially.
- Undertaxed (کم ٹیکس): Not taxed sufficiently.
- Vulnerable (غیر محفوظ): Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
- Compliance (تکمیل): The action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
- Recession (کساد بازاری): A period of temporary economic decline.
- Expenditure (خرچ): The action of spending funds.
- Distribution (تقسیم): The action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
- Implement (نافذ کرنا): Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.
- Pronounced (واضح): Very noticeable or marked; conspicuous.
- Imposition (نفاذ): The action or process of imposing something.
- Surge (اچانک اضافہ): A sudden powerful forward or upward movement.
- Anticipate (توقع کرنا): Regard as probable; expect or predict.
- Cushion (نرم کرنا): Mitigate the adverse effects of.
- Gloating (شیخی بگھارنا): Expressing great pleasure or self-satisfaction.
- Impunity (بے خوفی): Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
- Genocide (نسل کشی): The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group.
- Hegemony (غلبہ): Leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
- Resurgent (ابھرتا ہوا): Increasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.
- Prudently (دانشمندی سے): Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
- Provocation (اشتعال انگیزی): Action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.
- Cherished (عزیز): Protect and care for (someone) lovingly.
- Disarray (انتشار): A state of disorganization or untidiness.
- Eradicate (ختم کرنا): Destroy completely; put an end to.
- Sanctions (پابندیاں): Measures taken by a state to coerce another to conform to an international agreement or norms of conduct.
- Reconciliation (مفاہمت): The restoration of friendly relations.
- Atrocities (مظالم): Extremely wicked or cruel acts, typically involving physical violence or injury.
- Escalation (شدت): An increase in the intensity or seriousness of something.
- Dominance (غلبہ): Power and influence over others.
- Humanitarian (انسانی): Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
- Aggression (جارحیت): Hostile or violent behavior or attitudes.
- Influence (اثر): The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
- Crackdown (کریک ڈاؤن): A series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal activities.
- Incited (اکسانا): Encouraged or stirred up violent or unlawful behavior.
- Judiciary (عدلیہ): The judicial authorities of a country; judges collectively.
- Hatred (نفرت): Intense dislike or ill will.
- Founders (بانی): People who establish an institution or organization.
- Acquitted (بری): Free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
- Bigotry (تعصب): Intolerance toward those who are different or hold different opinions from oneself.
- Protests (احتجاج): Public demonstrations expressing strong objection to policies or situations.
- Extremism (انتہا پسندی): The holding of extreme political or religious views.
- Vandalism (تخریب کاری): Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
- Proscribed (ممنوع): Forbidden, especially by law.
- Disclaimers (اعلان لاتعلقی): Statements that deny something, especially responsibility.
- Electoral (انتخابی): Related to elections or voting.
- Zealots (جنونی): People who are fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
- Banned (ممنوع): Officially or legally prohibited.
- Maneuver (چال): A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
- Anarchy (انتشار): A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
- Controversial (متنازعہ): Giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement.
- Radical (بنیادی): Relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
- Stalemate (تعطل): A situation in which no progress can be made.
- Tumult (ہنگامہ): A loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.
- Impasse (بند گلی): A situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement.
- Detained (حراست میں لیا): Kept in custody.
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