ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download | For CSS, PMS and All Other Competitive Exams
Here, you can study ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs all Lists and can also get their Pdf Download. The ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf are equally important for CSS, PMS and All Other competitive Exams. In KPPSC exams tests, there are even ten of such words MCQs. Therefore, for such students, it becomes the need of the hour to learn and revise these Words and their Substitutions. They will also be helpful for English vocabulary.
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-1 (1 to 100)
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-2 (101 to 200)
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-3 (201 to 300)
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-4 (301 to 400)
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-5 (401 to 500)
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION list set-6 (501 to 600)
Compulsory Sub MCQs
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download (1 to 100)
1 | A bicycle for two or more people | Tandem |
2 | A body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge and give their verdict (decision) | Jury |
3 | A brief or a short stay at a place | Sojourn |
4 | A broad road bordered with trees | Boulevard |
5 | A building in which aircraft are housed | Hanger |
6 | A building where an audience sits | Auditorium |
7 | A child born after death of his father | Posthumous |
8 | A collection of slaves | Coffle |
9 | A decorative ring of flowers and leaves | Wreath |
10 | A den for small animals | Hutch |
11 | A disease that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time | Epidemic |
12 | A disease which is spread by direct contact | Contagious |
13 | A doctor who specializes in the eye diseases of the eyes | Ophthalmologist |
14 | A doctor who treats children | Paediatrician |
15 | A dramatic performance | Masque |
16 | A drawing on transparent paper | Transparency |
17 | A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles | Simile |
18 | A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth | Geo-stationary |
19 | A former student of a school, college or university | Alumnus |
20 | A four footed animal | Quadruped |
21 | A four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed by a person on foot | Pram |
22 | A game in which no one wins | Draw |
23 | A general pardon of offenders | Amnesty |
24 | A geometrical figure with eight sides | Octagon |
25 | A government by officials | Bureaucracy |
26 | A group of girls | Bevy |
27 | A group of three powerful people | Triumvirate |
28 | A guide-post pointing out the way for a place | finger-post |
29 | A heavy continuous fall of rain | Downpour |
30 | A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics | Cartoon |
31 | A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes | Wag |
32 | A large number of fish swimming together | Shoal |
33 | A large sleeping-room with many beds | Dormitory |
34 | A light sailing boat built specially for racing | Yacht |
35 | A list of books and writings of one author or one subject | Bibliography |
36 | A list of books available in a library | Catalogue |
37 | A list of passengers and luggage | Waybill |
38 | A low-area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure | Cyclone |
39 | A man having no hair on scalp | Bald |
40 | A man of lax moral | Licentious |
41 | A man who does not know how to read or write | Illiterate |
42 | A man who knows a lot about things like food, music and art | Connoisseur |
43 | A man who waste his money on luxury | Extravagant |
44 | A man with abnormal habits | Eccentric |
45 | A medicine to nullify the effect of poison | Antidote |
46 | A method which never fails | Infallible |
47 | A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one | Euphemism |
48 | A mournful poem or a song | Elegy |
49 | A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land | Isthmus |
50 | A notice of a person’s death | Obituary |
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51 | A number of stars grouped together | Constellation |
52 | A paper written by hand | Manuscript |
53 | A part of a word that can be pronounced separately | Syllable |
54 | A person coming to a foreign land to settle there | Immigrant |
55 | A person devoted to sensual enjoyment, especially that derived from fine food and
drink |
Epicurean |
56 | A person eighty years of age | Octogenarian |
57 | A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle | Outrider |
58 | A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things | Antiquarian |
59 | A person interested in reading books and nothing else | Book-worm |
60 | A person not sure of the existence of God | Agnostic |
61 | A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power | Intellectual |
62 | A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions | Cynic |
63 | A person who breaks into houses in order to steal | Burglar |
64 | A person who brings goods illegally into the country | Smuggler |
65 | A person who devotes his/her life for the welfare of others | Altruist |
66 | A person who does not believe in any religion | Pagan |
67 | A person who gambles or bets | Punter |
68 | A person who helps even a stranger in difficulty | Samaritan |
69 | A person who insists on something | Stickler |
70 | A person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things | Optimist |
71 | A person who is fluent in two languages | Bilingual |
72 | A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom | Venerable |
73 | A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs | Martyr |
74 | A person who is skilled in horsemanship | Equestrian |
75 | A person who is unable to pay debts | Insolvent |
76 | A person who is well known in an unfavourable way | Notorious |
77 | A person who is working in the same institution | Colleague |
78 | A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons | Assassin |
79 | A person who knows many foreign languages | Linguist |
80 | A person who lives by himself | Recluse |
81 | A person who loves mankind | Philanthropist |
82 | A person who never takes alcoholic drinks | Teetotaller |
83 | A person who opposes war or use of military force | Pacifist |
84 | A person who pretends to be what he is not | Imposter |
85 | A person who supports or speaks in favour of something | Advocate |
86 | A person who thinks only about himself and not about others needs | Egocentric |
87 | A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion | Pilgrim |
88 | A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things | Trickster |
89 | A person who writes decoratively | Calligrapher |
90 | A person with a long experience of any occupation | Veteran |
91 | A person without training or experience in a skill or subject | Novice |
92 | A person worship only one God | Monotheist |
93 | A person’s peculiar habit | Idiosyncrasy |
94 | A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner to cause a laughter | Caricature |
95 | A place of good climate for invalids | Sanatorium |
96 | A place of permanent residence | Domicile |
97 | A place where all religions are honoured | Secular |
98 | A place where bees are kept | Apiary |
99 | A place where birds are kept | Aviary |
100 | A place where clothes are kept | Wardrobe |
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download 2 (101 to 200)
101 | A place where government / public records are kept | Archive |
102 | A place where Jews worship according to their religion | Synagogue |
103 | A place where money is coined | Mint |
104 | A place where monks live as a secluded community | Monastery |
105 | A pole or beam used as a temporary support | Prop |
106 | A political leader appealing to popular desires and prejudices | Demagogue |
107 | A post with little work but high salary | Sinecure |
108 | A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army | Mercenary |
109 | A proficient public speaker | Orator |
110 | A religious discourse | Sermon |
111 | A remedy for all diseases | Panacea |
112 | A round or cylindrical container used for storing things such as food, chemicals or rolls of film | Canister |
113 | A school for infants and young children | Kindergarten |
114 | A sea abounding in islands | Archipelago |
115 | A set of three related works by same author | Trilogy |
116 | A short journey made by a group of persons together | Excursion |
117 | A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of drama | Epilogue |
118 | A short story based on your personal experience | Anecdote |
119 | A short trip or excursion | Jaunt |
120 | A sly look that is lustful | Leer |
121 | A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. | Pen |
122 | A small house with all rooms on one floor | Bungalow |
123 | A small room in a big house, hotel, etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons food, etc. are kept | Pantry |
124 | A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. | Boutique |
125 | A song embodying religious and sacred emotions | Hymn |
126 | A speaker’s platform | Podium |
127 | A special fondness or liking for | Propensity |
128 | A specialist who tests eyesight | Optometrist |
129 | A speech designed to incite action | Exhortation |
130 | A strong dislike | Animosity |
131 | A study of sounds is known as | Phonetics |
132 | A style full of words | Verbose |
133 | A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge | Pedantic |
134 | A supplement to a will | Codicil |
135 | A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function | Totalitarianism |
136 | A tank where fish or water plants are kept | Aquarium |
137 | A test in which cells from diseased organs are removes and tested | Biopsy |
138 | A thing likely to be easily broken | Brittle |
139 | A thrown object or a weapon capable of returning to thrower | Boomerang |
140 | A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area | Dyke |
141 | A woman having more than one husband at the same time | Polyandry |
142 | A woman whose husband is dead | Widow |
143 | A woman with dark brown hair | Brunette |
144 | A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase | Acronym |
145 | A word which reads the same when read forward or backwards | Palindrome |
146 | A word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another | Anagram |
147 | A workman who fits and repairs pipes | Plumber |
148 | A writing or a speech in praise of someone | Eulogy |
149 | A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer | Testimonial |
150 | Able to use right hand and left hand equally well | Ambidextrous |
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151 | Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money | Fraud |
152 | Act of mercy killing | Euthanasia |
153 | Act of stealing in small quantities | Pilferages |
154 | Action that is likely to make people very angry | Inflammatory |
155 | All the arts, beliefs and social institutions etc, characteristics of a race | Civilization |
156 | Always ready to attack or quarrel | Aggressive |
157 | Amount of money demanded by kidnappers | Ransom |
158 | An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody | Foundling |
159 | An act of misappropriation of money | Embezzlement |
160 | An allowance made to a wife by her husband, when they are legally separated | Alimony |
161 | An animal which lives by preying on other animals | Predator |
162 | An apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas | Condominium |
163 | An area of land that is controlled by a ruler | Dominion |
164 | An assembly of worshippers | Congregation |
165 | An emolument over and above fixed income or salary | Perquisite |
166 | An established principle of practical wisdom | Maxim |
167 | An excessively morbid desire to steal | Kleptomania |
168 | An expression of mild disapproval | Reproof |
169 | An extract from a book of writing | Excerpt |
170 | An object or portion serving as a sample | Specimen |
171 | An obviously true or hackneyed statement | Truism |
172 | An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct | Manoeuvre |
173 | An unexpected piece of good fortune | Windfall |
174 | Animal that can live on land and in water | Amphibians |
175 | Animal that feeds on plants | Herbivorous |
176 | Animals that eat flesh | Carnivorous |
177 | Animals that live in a particular region | Fauna |
178 | Animals which live in water | Aquatic |
179 | Animals who live in herds | Gregarious |
180 | Animals without backbone | Invertebrates |
181 | Anything written in a letter after it is signed | Postscript |
182 | Art of writing for newspapers and magazines | Journalism |
183 | Be the embodiment or perfect example of | Personify |
184 | Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted | Heresy |
185 | Belief that God is in everything and that everything is God | Pantheism |
186 | Belonging to all parts of the world | Cosmopolitan |
187 | Belief that war and violence are unjustified | Pacifism |
188 | Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial | Mummy |
189 | Call upon God or any other power (like law) for help or protection | Invocation |
190 | Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses, and thus not definite | Ambiguous |
191 | Chanting of magic spells | Incantation |
192 | Chief of a group of workmen | Foreman |
193 | Clues available at the scene | Circumstantial |
194 | Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence | Protocol |
195 | Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter | Alliteration |
196 | Conferred as an honour | Honorary |
197 | Constant efforts to achieve something | Perseverance |
198 | Continuing fight between parties, families, clans, etc. | Feud |
199 | Deep in thought | Pensive |
200 | Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others | Sadism |
English ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-3 (201 to 300)
201 | Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones | Mosaic |
202 | Detailed plan of a journey | Itinerary |
203 | Detaining and confining someone | Internment |
204 | Determine the nature of disease | Diagnose |
205 | Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death | Autopsy |
206 | Doing something according to one’s own free will | Voluntary |
207 | Dry weather with no rainfall | Drought |
208 | Easily duped or fooled | Gullible |
209 | Easy to shape in any desired from | Malleable |
210 | Excessive preoccupation with one’s health | Hypochondria |
211 | Exclusive possession or control of anything | Monopoly |
212 | Existing only in the mind | Imaginary |
213 | Experts who scientifically study insects | Entomologists |
214 | Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool | Dotage |
215 | Extreme or irrational fear of heights | Acrophobia |
216 | Fear of being enclosed in small closed space | Claustrophobia |
217 | Fear of water | Hydrophobia |
218 | Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong | Conscience |
219 | Figure with many angles or sides | Polygon |
220 | Fit to be eaten | Edible |
221 | Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial | Plaque |
222 | Fluent and clear in speech | Articulate |
223 | Food which agrees with one’s taste | Platable |
224 | Full of criticism or mockery | Satire |
225 | General view of person’s character | Profile |
226 | Give and receive mutually | Reciprocate |
227 | Governed by a sense of duty | Conscientious |
228 | Government by ruler who has unlimited power | Autocracy |
229 | Government by the few | Oligarchy |
230 | Government by wealthy | Plutocracy |
231 | Government of the people, by the people and for the people | Democracy |
232 | Group of people living together in the same locality | Neighbourhood |
233 | Habitually silent or talking little | Taciturn |
234 | Hater of learning and knowledge | Misologist |
235 | Having a stale smell or taste | Rancid |
236 | Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissue | Succulent |
237 | Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes | Highbrow |
238 | In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense | On tenterhooks |
239 | In a threatening manner | Ghastly |
240 | Inability to sleep | Insomnia |
241 | Incapable of being approached | Inaccessible |
242 | Instrument that magnifies objects | Microscope |
243 | Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure | Barometer |
244 | Intense and unreasonable fear or dislike | Phobia |
245 | Interval between two events | Interlude |
246 | Lasting only for a moment | Momentary |
247 | Lasting only for a short while | Temporary |
248 | Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous | Evacuate |
249 | Life history of a person written by another | Biography |
250 | Likely to arouse envy (jealousy) | Enviable |
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251 | List of issues to be discussed at a meeting | Agenda |
252 | Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other (live in relationship) | Concubinage |
253 | Long poem based on a noble theme | Epic |
254 | Loss of memory | Amnesia |
255 | Man who is quite like a woman | Effeminate |
256 | Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria | Biodegradable |
257 | Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress | Rhetoric |
258 | Medical study of skin and its diseases | Dermatology |
259 | Men living in the same age | Contemporary |
260 | Money paid to employees on retirement | Gratuity |
261 | Motive or incitement to action | Incentive |
262 | Murder of a brother | Fratricide |
263 | Murder of a man | Homicide |
264 | Murder of a new-born child | Infanticide |
265 | Not easily pleased by anything | Fastidious |
266 | Not to be moved by entreaty | Inexorable |
267 | Of outstanding significance | Monumental |
268 | Of very bad morals ; characterized by debasement or degeneration | Depraved |
269 | One absorbed in his own thoughts and feelings rather than on things outside | Introvert |
270 | One living on vegetables | Vegetarian |
271 | One not concerned with right or wrong | Amoral |
272 | One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state | Anarchist |
273 | One who believes in offering equal opportunities to women in all spheres | Feminist |
274 | One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life | Hedonist |
275 | One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined is a | Fatalist |
276 | One who can think about the future with imagination and wisdom | Visionary |
277 | One who can walk on ropes (tightrope walker) | Funambulist |
278 | One who caters to the low desires of others | Panderer |
279 | One who collects coins | Numismatist |
280 | One who compiles a dictionary | Lexicographer |
281 | One who deserts his principle or believes | Renegade |
282 | One who deserts his religion | Apostate |
283 | One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs | Iconoclast |
284 | One who does not care for literature or art | Philistine |
285 | One who does not follow the usual way of life | Bohemian |
286 | One who does not marry, especially as a religious obligation | Celibate |
287 | One who eats both vegetables and meat | Omnivorous |
288 | One who eats human flesh | Cannibal |
289 | One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself | Masochist |
290 | One who finds nothing good in anything | Critic |
291 | One who gains benefits from something | Beneficiary |
292 | One who gives free rein to his appetites | Libertine |
293 | One who goes to settle in another country | Emigrant |
294 | One who has become dependent on something or drugs | Addict |
295 | One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views | Fanatic |
296 | One who has obstinate and narrow religious views | Bigot |
297 | One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power or prestige | Parvenu |
298 | One who hates mankind | Misanthrope |
299 | One who hates women | Misogynist |
300 | One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage | Stowaway |
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MCQs List Pdf Download-4 (301 to 400)
301 | One who is all powerful | Omnipotent |
302 | One who is always doubting | Sceptic |
303 | One who is beyond reforms | Incorrigible |
304 | One who is converted from one religion to other | Proselyte |
305 | One who is fond of fighting | Bellicose |
306 | One who is greedy | Voracious |
307 | One who is honourably discharged from service | Emeritus |
308 | One who is in charge of museum | Curator |
309 | One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure | Stoic |
310 | One who is unable to pay one’s debt | Bankrupt |
311 | One who journeys from place to place | Itinerant |
312 | One who knows everything | Omniscient |
313 | One who knows many languages | Polyglot |
314 | One who lends money at a very high interest | Usurer |
315 | One who loves books | Bibliophile |
316 | One who loves or supports his or her country and is willing to defend it | Patriot |
317 | One who offers his services of his own freewill | Volunteer |
318 | One who performs daring gymnastics feats | Acrobat |
319 | One who plays for pleasure rather than as a professional | Amateur |
320 | One who practices one of fine arts | Artist |
321 | One who pretend to be what he is not | Hypocrite |
322 | One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen | Alien |
323 | One who secretly listens to talks of others | Eavesdropper |
324 | One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men | Cynic |
325 | One who speaks for others | Spokesman |
326 | One who stays away from school without permission | Truant |
327 | One who studies election trend by means of opinion polls | Psephologist |
328 | One who takes care of a building | Warden |
329 | One who thinks or speaks too much of himself | Egoist |
330 | One who uses fear as a weapon of power | Terrorist |
331 | One who walks in sleep | Somnambulist |
332 | One whose motive is merely to get money | Mercenary |
333 | Opposed to great or sudden change | Conservative |
334 | Paper/ story/ poem first written out by hand | Manuscript |
335 | Part of a church in which bells hang | Belfry |
336 | Partner in crime | Accomplice |
337 | Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank | Hinterland |
338 | Person believing in free will | Libertarian |
339 | Person leading a life of strict self-discipline | Ascetic |
340 | Person who believes that God is everything and everything is God | Pantheist |
341 | Person who eats too much | Glutton |
342 | Person who files a suit | Plaintiff |
343 | Person who insists on adherence to formal rules or literary meaning | Pedant |
344 | Pertaining to cattle | Bovine |
345 | Place of burial (especially not in churchyard) | Cemetery |
346 | Place that provide refuge | Asylum |
347 | Place where wine is made | Brewery |
348 | Placing a thing besides another | Juxtapose |
349 | Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards to a VIP | Outriders |
350 | Present opposing arguments or evidence | Rebut |
351 | Pretended attack | Feint |
352 | Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported | Contraband |
353 | Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors | Patrimony |
354 | Providing relief | Reprieve |
355 | Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth) | Prevaricate |
356 | Ready to believe anything | Credulous |
357 | Rebellion against lawful authority | Mutiny |
358 | Regard for others as a principle of action | Altruism |
359 | Related to moon | Lunar |
360 | Relating to kinship with the father | Patrilineal |
361 | Relationship by blood or birth | Consanguinity |
362 | Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and condition | Parole |
363 | Rules governing socially acceptable behavior | Etiquette |
364 | Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake | Richter |
365 | Science of diseases | Pathology |
366 | Science of Human mind and behavior | Psychology |
367 | Science of the races of mankind | Ethnology |
368 | Science regarding principles of classification | Taxonomy |
369 | Seeing something which is not actually present | Hallucination |
370 | Send or bring somebody back to his own country | Repatriate |
371 | Sentimental longing for a period in a past | Nostalgia |
372 | Severely abusive writing in journals | Scurrilous |
373 | Shaking movement of the ground | Tremor |
374 | Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease | Fungus |
375 | Small pieces of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb | Shrapnel |
376 | Soldiers who fight on horseback | Cavalry |
377 | Someone having many skills | Versatile |
378 | Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement | Arbitrator |
379 | Someone who scientifically studies the birds | Ornithologist |
380 | Something capable of being done | Feasible |
381 | Something kept as a reminder of an event | Souvenir |
382 | Something no longer in use | Obsolete |
383 | Something that can be heard | Audible |
384 | Something that cannot be explained | Inexplicable |
385 | Something that causes death | Fatal |
386 | Something that is difficult to believe | Incredible |
387 | Something that is poisonous and unhealthy | Toxic |
388 | Something that might happen in the future | Contingency |
389 | Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist | Figment |
390 | Something which is not thorough or profound | Superficial |
391 | Special trial of the Head of State by Parliament | Impeachment |
392 | Speed of an object in one direction | Velocity |
393 | Spoken or done without preparation | Extempore |
394 | State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion | Consternation |
395 | Stealthily done (something done in a quiet and secret way in order to avoid being noticed) | Surreptitious |
396 | Strong concentrated black coffee made under steam pressure | Espresso |
397 | Strong dislikes between two persons | Antipathy |
398 | Study of caves | Speleology |
399 | Study of mankind | Anthropology |
400 | Study of the nature of Gods | Theology |
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION list set-5 (401 to 500)
401 | Succession of rulers belonging to one family | Dynasty |
402 | Take great pleasure | Revel |
403 | Tending to move away from the centre or axis | Centrifugal |
404 | That which can be believed | Credible |
405 | That which cannot be avoided | Inevitable |
406 | That which cannot be called back | Irrevocable |
407 | That which cannot be defeated | Invincible |
408 | That which cannot be easily read | Illegible |
409 | That which is perceptible by touch is | Tangible |
410 | That which is without opposition | Unanimous |
411 | That which lasts for a short time | Transitory |
412 | The absence of law and order | Anarchy |
413 | The act of killing a king | Regicide |
414 | The act of killing one’s wife | Uxoricide |
415 | The act of killing whole group of people, especially a whole race | Genocide |
416 | The act of speaking about one’s thoughts when one is alone | Soliloquy |
417 | The action of looking within or into one’s own mind | Introspect |
418 | The art of delaying | Procrastination |
419 | The art of making maps and charts | Cartography |
420 | The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish | Taxidermy |
421 | The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old | Geriatrics |
422 | The conference that takes place once in three year | Triennial |
423 | The doctrine that human souls pass from one body to another at the time of death | Transmigration |
424 | The essential or characteristic customs , habits and conventions of a society or community | Mores |
425 | The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion | Fusillade |
426 | The first model of a new device | Prototype |
427 | The first public speech delivered by a person | Maiden speech |
428 | The first speech made by a person | Maiden |
429 | The height of object above sea level | Altitude |
430 | The line where the land and sky seems to meet | Horizon |
431 | The murder of parents or near relative | Parricide |
432 | The part of government which is concerned with making of rules | Legislature |
433 | The plant and vegetation of a region | Flora |
434 | The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence | Imperialism |
435 | The practice of having many wives | Polygamy |
436 | The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote | Referendum |
437 | The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food | Gastronomy |
438 | The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of money it spends | Budgeting |
439 | The process by which plants and animals breathe | Respiration |
440 | The process of deciding the nature of disease by examination | Diagnosis |
441 | The production of raw silk | Sericulture |
442 | The quality of being politely firm and demanding | Assertive |
443 | The scientific study of elections | Psephology |
444 | The study of ancient civilization | Archaeology |
445 | The study of birds | Ornithology |
446 | The study of plant life | Botany |
447 | The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs | Theology |
448 | The study of the origin and history of words | Etymology |
449 | The study of worms and insects | Entomology |
450 | The study or collection of coins | Numismatics |
451 | The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets | Choreography |
452 | The use of many words where only a few are necessary | Circumlocution |
453 | The worship of idols or images | Idolatry |
454 | Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own | Plagiarism |
455 | Thing that can be felt or touched | Palpable |
456 | Those who do malicious damage | Saboteurs |
457 | Through which light cannot pass | Opaque |
458 | To accustom oneself to a foreign climate | Acclimatise |
459 | To bite like a rat | Gnaw |
460 | To cause troops etc. to spread out in readiness for battle | Deploy |
461 | To confirm with the help of evidence | Corroborate |
462 | To cut something into two pieces | Sever |
463 | To destroy completely | Annihilate |
464 | To die without having made a will | Intestate |
465 | To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings | Introspection |
466 | To free completely from blame | Exonerate |
467 | To have a very high opinion about oneself | Conceited |
468 | To injure one’s reputation | Defame |
469 | To look at someone in an angry or threatening way | Glower |
470 | To mediate between two parties in a dispute | Intercede |
471 | To officially take private property away to seize | Confiscate |
472 | To play the part of and function as, some other person | Impersonate |
473 | To reduce to nothing | Null |
474 | To remove an objectionable part from a book | Expurgate |
475 | To renounce a high position of authority or control | Abdicate |
476 | To secretly store more than what is allowed | Hoard |
477 | To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination or demand something | Hijack |
478 | To slap with a flat object | Swat |
479 | To struggle helplessly | Flounder |
480 | To supply land with water by artificial means | Irrigate |
481 | To take back, withdraw or renounce | Recant |
482 | To walk with slow or regular Steps is to | Pace |
483 | To write under a different name | Pseudonym |
484 | Too much official formality | Red-tapism |
485 | Tough tissues in joints | Ligaments |
486 | Trouble and annoy continually | Harass |
487 | Unfair advantages for members of one’s own family | Nepotism |
488 | Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something | Coercion |
489 | Very dramatic | Histrionic |
490 | Very pleasing to eat | Palatable |
491 | Violation of something holy and sacred | Sacrilege |
492 | Wild and noisy disorder | Pandemonium |
493 | With much liveliness and a sense of purpose | Jauntily |
494 | Without risk of punishment | Impunity |
495 | Word that reads the same as backward or forward | Palindrome |
496 | Words inscribed on a tomb | Epitaph |
497 | Words uttered impiously about God | Blasphemy |
498 | Write or carve words on stone or paper | Inscribe |
499 | Written law of a legislative body | Statute |
500 | Yearly celebration of a date or an event | Anniversary |
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION list set-6 (501 to 600)
501 | Ridiculous use of words | Malapropism |
502 | Speech or writing in a form that is no longer in general use now | Archaic |
503 | A song sung at burial | Dirge |
504 | Something which can be taken for granted | Postulate |
505 | That which cannot be understood | Unintelligible |
506 | A short walk for pleasure or exercise | Stroll |
507 | One who is bad in spelling | Cacographist |
508 | The form of madness which gives a person the idea that his importance is very great | Megalomania |
509 | The strong and unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best | Chauvinism |
510 | A ride on someone else’s back or shoulders | Piggyback |
511 | That which cannot be rectified or make good | Irreparable |
512 | That which is extremely important and necessary | Indispensable |
513 | To twist or move part of your body, with small, quick movements | Wriggle |
514 | Transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood | Adolescence |
515 | A verse letter | Epistle |
516 | A person who betrays someone or something | Traitor |
517 | A public declaration of policy and aims, issued before an election by a political party | Manifesto |
518 | Word for word reproduction | Verbatim |
519 | A tube containing mirrors and pieces of coloured glass or paper, whose reflections produce
changing patterns when the tube is rotated |
Kaleidoscope |
520 | A person who studies the formation of the earth | Geologist |
521 | A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them | Slave |
522 | Impossible to harm, damage, or defeat | Invulnerable |
523 | A small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes | Scullery |
524 | Land so surrounded by water as to be almost an island | Peninsula |
525 | A person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people | Chaperon |
526 | Deviation or departure from common rule or standard | Anomaly |
527 | A book or picture produced merely to bring in money | Pot-boiler |
528 | To surround with armed forces | Besiege |
529 | Explicit understanding to do something | Promise |
530 | Room with toilet facilities | Lavatory |
531 | A person who is talkative | Garrulous |
532 | A statement which cannot be understood | Incomprehensible |
533 | An alphabetical list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations | Glossary |
534 | A person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter | Arbiter |
535 | Irrational fear of crowds | Ochlophobia |
536 | To remove the skin of a potato or an orange | Peel |
537 | A tumour which is not likely to spread | Benign |
538 | Run away from home with lover | Elope |
539 | That which can be carried | Portable |
540 | People in a riot causing trouble or violence | Mob |
541 | To congratulate someone in a formal manner | Felicitate |
542 | One who talks continuously | Loquacious |
543 | The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism | Habitat |
544 | A book containing an alphabetical index of the names and addresses of persons in a city,
district, organization, etc |
Directory |
545 | A rough and bad-mannered person | Boor |
546 | Place which provides both boarding and lodging | Inn |
547 | A person from the countryside who is considered to be awkward and stupid | Bumpkin |
548 | Having both male and female organs | Hermaphrodite |
549 | A person who sneaks into a country | Infiltrator |
550 | One who is reckless and wasteful with his money | Spendthrift |
551 | Emission of light or heat from a central point | Radiation |
552 | Government by a king | Monarchy |
553 | A room where dead are kept until burial | Mortuary |
554 | The ceremony of crowning a sovereign | Coronation |
555 | Act of making things new like before | Renovate |
556 | No longer a child, but not yet an adult | Adolescent |
557 | Proposition made as a basis for reasoning without the assumption of its truth/ facts | Hypothesis |
558 | A place where animals are slaughtered | Abattoir |
559 | A state of emotional or intellectual separation | Alienation |
560 | That which makes one highly knowledgeable | Erudition |
561 | A drug which makes one see things that are not really there | Hallucinogen |
562 | A shady fertile place in a desert | Oasis |
563 | The act of setting free from bondage of any kind | Emancipation |
564 | Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light | Flicker |
565 | Hard working and diligent | Sedulous |
566 | A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land | Isthmus |
567 | Pertaining to the west | Occidental |
568 | An unimportant person | Nonentity |
569 | Committing murder in revenge | Vendetta |
570 | To make atonement to one’s sins | Expiate |
571 | Falsification of documents etc. | Forgery |
572 | A person who has lost protection of law | Outlaw |
573 | Killing one’s sister | Sororicide |
574 | A place where astronomical observations are made | Observatory |
575 | Regular user of places/restaurant etc. | Clientele |
576 | A place where soldiers live | Barracks |
577 | Of the highest degree | Superlative |
578 | A piece of shelter for ships | Harbour |
579 | One who sets type for books, newspapers, etc. | Compositor |
580 | Solemn religious acts | Rites |
581 | A large body of people playing musical instruments | Orchestra |
582 | Obsession with books | Bibliomania |
583 | A brave, noble – minded or chivalrous man | Gallant |
584 | A rough, violent, troublesome person | Tartar |
585 | The branch of philosophy concerned with the study of principles of beauty, especially in art | Aesthetics |
586 | Drug which cause people to sleep early | Soporific |
587 | Stick with a thick end used in mortar for pounding | Pestle |
588 | Lack of skills | Ineptness |
589 | Someone who is incapable of being quietened or pacified | Implacable |
590 | Suitable or intended only for young persons | Juvenile |
591 | The first public performance of musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film | Premiere |
592 | Submission to all that happens as inevitable | Fatalism |
593 | A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time | Lease |
594 | Art of working with metals | Metallurgy |
595 | Someone not fit to be chosen | Ineligible |
596 | A cinema show held in the afternoon | Matinee |
597 | A handsome man | Adonis |
598 | Intentional damage to arrest production | Sabotage |
599 | Introductory part or lines to discourse or play | Prologue |
600 | Too willing to obey other people | Subservient |
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