“Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers” is a statement of
A. Aufbau principle
B. Pauli exclusion principle
C. Hund’s rule
D. Periodic law
Correct Answer: B. Pauli exclusion principle
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A. Aufbau principle
B. Pauli exclusion principle
C. Hund’s rule
D. Periodic law
A. In a given atom, the maximum number of electrons having principal quantum
number n = 3, is 18
B. The number of orbitals in a given f subshell is 7
C. For n=4, the largest possible value of I is 3
D. For n=4, the largest possible value of mI is 2
A. Scowl
B. Hide
C. Display
D. Summon
A. The glass was not broken by the boy.
B. The glass has not been broken by the boy.
C. The glass is not broken by the boy.
D. The glass had not been broken by the boy.
A. In
B. At
C. On
D. For
A. -1.11
B. -1.48
C. -2.22
D. -2.96
A. Obscure
B. Written
C. Copied
D. Dead