Who made volume and pressure correction to explain the deviation of gases from ideal behaviour?
A. Clausius
B. Boltzmann
C. Charles
D. Vander Waal
Correct Answer: D. Vander Waal
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A. Clausius
B. Boltzmann
C. Charles
D. Vander Waal
A. Intermolecular attraction and infinite volume
B. Elastic collisions and finite volume
C. Intermolecular attractions and finite volume
D. Intermolecular attraction only
A. High temperature and high pressure
B. Low temperature and low pressure
C. High temperature and low pressure
D. Low temperature and high pressure
A. them
B. they
C. theirs
D. their
A. at
B. on
C. of
D. to
A. Thiefs
B. Thiefes
C. Thievse
D. Thieves
A. Giant
B. Tiny
C. Huge
D. Enormous