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PPSC Assistant Post Past Paper Questions

Here, you will have today assistant post PPSC Paper some questions. This paper was conducted on 6th june 2020.

PPSC Assistant Post Past Paper Questions

1.capital of jordan
2. Fatima bhutto was daughter of
3. Space agency of p.k…..suparco
4. Defination of potential energy
5. Allama iqbal born in…
6. Pak steel mil established in the reign of..
7. When russia attack Cremian pensula ?? 2014
8.Diarchy in subcontinent …
9. Tyson was player of…boxing
10.optical fiber made up of….
11. Slogan No Taxiation without reservation ….
12. Benazir death….
13.Pakistan Purchase gawadar???
14. Parental ordinance pass in ….15,may 2021
15 First foriegn minister…..
16خدا کی بستی ناول ہے؟؟
17puncutation کو اردو میں کی کہتے ھیں
19اخری ادمی کس کا ناول ھے
20. جب میں نے لکھنا سیکھا تھا
سب سے پہلے تیرا نام لکھا تھا
یہ کس کا شعر ہے
ناصر کاظمی
Today’s Assistant paper PPSC 06-06-21

1.Tyson Luke fury…Which game player.
2.who is President of Hamas
3.Fatima Bhutto is tha daughter of….
4 .UN criminal prevention Conference held in which city.
5.No texation without representation slogan in which country.

6.Pakistan first foreign minister.
7.speaker of Punjab Assembly..
8.urdu me “Panctuation”ko.kia kehty hain.
9 .Allama iqbal ki wafat k bd kon c book publish hoi. .
10-تحفظِ نسواں ایکٹ کے تحت عدالت متاثرہ خاتون کی شکایت کو کتنے دن میں نمٹاتی ہے؟
11-When Punjab Govt introduced 12-Protection of Women against Violence act?
13-Helpline number Punjab Protection of Women against Violence?
14-Coking gas is the mixture of two gases ?
15-President ny parents k mutaliq ordinance kis date ko issue kia.
16-Borithe lake kha h.
17-Benzir ki death kb hui.
18-Hazrat Mohammad PBUH k gr kam kaaj k ly kis sahabi ra ki duty thi

19-Gwader kis country se purchase ki
20-Hijri calender kis date se start hua
21-General election ktny years bad hota
22-Alkanes ki definition
23-Steal mill kis govt m bni
24-Pushto language oroginated from which country?
25-Tanz o mzah k hwaly se urdu k writer ka name
26-India win freedom book k writer
27-Headquarter of ASEAN ?
28-Total members in ASEAN?

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