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Solved English (Precis & Composition) CSS 2025 MCQs Paper

Are you preparing for the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) CSS English Precis & Composition paper in 2025 or beyond? This post features fully solved MCQs from the actual CSS 2025 past paper for English Precis & Composition. Use these solved MCQs to understand the question types, improve your accuracy, and significantly enhance your CSS exam preparation. Get ready to excel in the CSS 2025 English Precis & Composition paper!

English Precis and Composition CSS Past Papers Solved PDF

(a) Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the given word:

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Explanation: Frabjous is a word that means wonderful, joyous, or fabulous. It’s often used to express delight or great pleasure. Wonderful directly captures this sense of being exceptionally good and causing delight.

  • Surprising means causing astonishment or wonder, but doesn’t necessarily imply positive delight in the same way as “frabjous”.
  • Blithe means carefree and lighthearted, often to the point of being inconsiderate; it doesn’t relate to the ‘wonderful’ aspect of “frabjous.”
  • Gusto means enjoyment or enthusiasm in doing something; while positive, it relates to energetic enjoyment rather than the overall quality of being wonderful.

Therefore, Wonderful is the closest in meaning to Frabjous.

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Explanation: Accubation refers to the act of reclining at a table to eat, especially in ancient Roman or Greek customs. Reclining directly describes this position of resting or leaning back.

  • Conversation is verbal exchange, unrelated to the physical act of accubation.
  • Ambulation means walking or moving about, the opposite of reclining.
  • Occupation means a job or activity, also unrelated to the specific posture of accubation.

Thus, Reclining is the most accurate meaning of Accubation.

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Explanation: Levitate means to rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, typically against gravity. The opposite of rising and hovering would be to sink, which is to fall below the surface of a liquid or to move to a lower level.

  • Float is to rest or move on the surface of a liquid without sinking, and is actually closer in concept to levitating in that both involve not falling.
  • Plod means to walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps, unrelated to the concept of floating or rising.
  • Wander means to move about aimlessly or without a fixed direction, also not directly related to levitation or its opposite.

Therefore, Sink is the best antonym for Levitate among the options.

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Explanation: Sibylline describes something mysterious, oracular, and difficult to understand or interpret, like a prophecy. Enigmatic also means mysterious and puzzling; therefore, it’s the closest synonym.

  • Obvious means easily perceived or understood; this is the opposite of “sibylline.”
  • Transparent means easy to perceive or detect; similar to “obvious” and opposite to “sibylline.”
  • Subtle means delicately complex and understated; while it can imply some difficulty in understanding, it doesn’t capture the mystical and obscure nature of “sibylline” as well as “enigmatic” does.

Therefore, Enigmatic is the most similar in meaning to Sibylline.

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Explanation: Macadamized refers to a road or surface that has been constructed using macadam, which is a type of road construction involving layers of compacted small broken stones. Graveled means covered with gravel, which is similar to macadam in that both are made of small stones used for road surfaces, though macadam is more specifically constructed.

  • Paved usually implies a surface covered with concrete, asphalt, or larger set stones, a more refined surface than macadam or gravel.
  • Mudded would mean covered in mud, the opposite of a prepared road surface.
  • Turfed means covered with grass or turf, also not related to road construction.

While “Paved” might seem close, “Macadamized” specifically refers to a construction method using smaller stones, making Graveled a better, near-synonym in this context, especially considering gravel roads are a less refined, but still stone-based, road surface similar in material.

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Explanation: Finagle means to obtain something by devious or dishonest means. Manipulate means to control or influence cleverly or unscrupulously, especially to one’s advantage. Both words share the sense of using clever or slightly dishonest methods to get what you want.

  • Surrender means to give oneself up or to stop resisting, the opposite of aggressively trying to obtain something.
  • Cooperate means to work jointly towards a common goal, implying honesty and openness, unlike “finagle.”
  • Wheedle means to use flattery or coaxing to persuade someone to do something or give one something; it is a method of manipulation, making it a synonym, not an antonym.

Therefore, Surrender is the best option representing the opposite of Finagle.

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Explanation: Desiderium is a Latin word that means a strong feeling of longing or desire, especially for something lost or absent. Craving also means a powerful desire for something, making it a direct synonym.

  • Satisfaction, Fulfillment, and Contentment all describe a state of being pleased because one’s wishes have been met, which is the opposite of longing or craving.

Thus, Craving is the closest in meaning to Desiderium.

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Explanation: Amanuensis is a person employed to write or type from dictation or to copy manuscripts. Secretary in a traditional sense, particularly historically, would often perform similar duties, taking dictation and writing documents. Scribe is also a very close synonym, specifically referring to someone who copies manuscripts, but in modern usage “Secretary” more broadly covers the duties of an amanuensis in contemporary terms.

  • Assistant is a more general term for someone who helps another person, but doesn’t specifically denote writing from dictation.
  • Clerk is also a general office worker, but again, less specifically related to the act of writing down dictated words.
  • Scribe is a very close synonym and in some contexts might be considered even more precise historically, but “Secretary” is a broadly understood modern equivalent for the function of an amanuensis.

Between Secretary and Scribe, Secretary is provided as the answer, and in modern English, it is a highly suitable synonym for the function of an amanuensis.

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Explanation: Cromulent is a word coined for the TV show The Simpsons, and it means acceptable or adequate; fine. Acceptable directly matches this meaning of being satisfactory or good enough.

  • Unacceptable, Questionable, and Dubious all imply that something is not satisfactory, doubtful, or not good enough, and are thus closer to antonyms rather than synonyms of “cromulent.”

Therefore, Acceptable is the closest meaning to Cromulent.

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Explanation: Propinquity means nearness in space, time, or relationship; proximity. The opposite of nearness or proximity is distance.

  • Closeness is a synonym for propinquity.
  • Remoteness and Isolation are also related to distance, but “Distance” itself is the most direct and general antonym for “propinquity.”

Thus, Distance is the best opposite of Propinquity.

(b) Choose the word that is nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:

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Explanation: Perspicacity refers to the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness. Acumen also means the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain, and implies shrewdness and insight, making it a strong synonym. Astuteness is also very close in meaning to both.

  • Naivety is the state of being innocent or showing a lack of worldly experience and wisdom, the opposite of perspicacity.
  • Intelligence is a more general term for the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. While perspicacity is a form of intelligence, “acumen” captures the specific sharpness and insight meant by “perspicacity” more precisely.

Therefore, Acumen is the most similar in meaning to Perspicacity while Naivety is the opposite word.

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Explanation: Confabulation is the invention of false experiences to fill gaps in memory, often done unconsciously. The opposite of inventing or falsifying information would be verification, which means the process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something.

  • Fabrication is the act of inventing or creating something false, a synonym for confabulation in the sense of inventing false memories.
  • Distortion and Exaggeration both involve misrepresenting facts, but confabulation is specifically about inventing false memories, making “fabrication” closer in one sense, but “verification” the true opposite.

Therefore, Verification is the best antonym for Confabulation.

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Explanation: Dilettante refers to a person who cultivates an interest in the arts without real knowledge or commitment. Amateur also describes someone who engages in a pursuit, especially in the arts, on a nonprofessional basis and often with limited expertise, making it a very close synonym. Novice is also similar, meaning a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation.

  • Connoisseur is an expert judge in matters of taste, often in food, wine, art, or literature, implying deep knowledge and commitment, the opposite of a dilettante.
  • Enthusiast is a person filled with enthusiasm for something, and while a dilettante might be enthusiastic, the core meaning is about superficiality rather than deep expertise.

Thus, Connoisseur is the best antonym, and Amateur the best synonym if we are considering synonyms, but for antonyms, Connoisseur stands out. However, for the purpose of finding the closest meaning (as the question initially asked for synonyms in part (a)), Amateur becomes the correct answer. There might be a slight ambiguity in how the question is framed if it mixes synonym and antonym sections without clear demarcation for each word individually. Given the answer choices and common understanding, Amateur as a synonym for Dilettante is the most likely intended association.

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Explanation: Kilter means in good working order; properly adjusted. The opposite of being in good working order or properly adjusted would be out-of-sync, meaning not coordinated or harmonized.

  • Balance, Order, and Harmony all describe states of being well-arranged and working correctly, synonyms for “in kilter.”

Therefore, Out-of-sync is the best antonym for Kilter.

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Explanation: Rhubarb in this context (not the plant) refers to a noisy or heated dispute or argument; a commotion. The opposite of noise, argument, or commotion is serenity, which means the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

  • Cacophony means a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds; it is a synonym for the noise associated with a “rhubarb” (dispute).
  • Harmony means agreement or concord; a pleasing arrangement of sounds, the opposite of a noisy dispute in the context of “rhubarb.”
  • Sweetness refers to a pleasant taste or quality, unrelated to the concept of noise or dispute.

While “Harmony” is also related to peacefulness, Serenity more directly captures the opposite of a noisy commotion, making it the better antonym for Rhubarb in its disputatious sense.

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Explanation: Coruscating means sparkling or gleaming; flashing; or metaphorically, brilliant and exciting or impressive. Mundane means lacking interest or excitement; dull. This is directly opposite to the sparkling and brilliant nature of “coruscating.”

  • Tenebrous means dark, shadowy, or obscure; while it contrasts with “sparkling,” it doesn’t directly address the “brilliant and exciting” metaphorical sense of “coruscating.”
  • Sparkling and Brilliant are synonyms for “coruscating.”

Therefore, Mundane is the best antonym for Coruscating.

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Explanation: Velleity refers to a mere wish, desire, or inclination; a slight wish or tendency. Aversion means a strong dislike or disinclination. While seemingly disparate at first glance, in this context, “velleity” implies a weak inclination or wish, making the opposite a strong disinclination or dislike – which is captured by Aversion. Consider it as moving from a weak positive inclination to a strong negative one.

  • Passion is a very strong emotion or desire, the opposite of a weak inclination.
  • Indifference and Apathy both mean a lack of interest or concern; while related to weakness of feeling, they describe a lack of any feeling (positive or negative), whereas velleity is still a positive but weak inclination.


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Explanation: Baroque describes a highly ornate and extravagant style of European art and architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. Minimalist describes something characterized by simplicity and lack of ornamentation. This is directly opposite to the elaborate and ornamented style of Baroque.

  • Ornate is a synonym for Baroque, meaning elaborately decorated.
  • Classical refers to a style that emphasizes balance, proportion, and order, and while different from Baroque, it isn’t its direct opposite in terms of ornamentation level.
  • Rococo is a later, even more elaborate and ornate style that developed from Baroque, making it a further degree of ornamentation rather than an opposite.

Therefore, Minimalist is the best antonym for Baroque.

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Explanation: Caveat is a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations. Guarantee is a formal assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be of a certain quality or reliability. A guarantee removes doubt and assures success, while a caveat introduces doubt and limitation. Therefore, Guarantee is the opposite of a caveat in that it provides certainty where a caveat provides caution.

  • Warning and Disclaimer are synonyms for Caveat; they both serve to caution or limit responsibility.
  • Assurance is similar to a guarantee but can be slightly less formal. However, in this context, “Guarantee” is presented as the intended antonym of “Caveat.”

While “Assurance” is close to “Guarantee”, and both contrast with “Caveat”, Guarantee is offered as the correct antonym, likely emphasizing the aspect of removing doubt versus introducing caution.

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Explanation: Bluster means to talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect. It also implies empty threats or boasting. Meekness means quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive. This is the direct opposite of the loud, aggressive, and boastful nature of bluster.

  • Bravado and Boast are synonyms for Bluster; they both involve showing off or bragging loudly and often emptily.
  • Confidence can sometimes be genuine self-assurance, but in the context of “bluster,” “confidence” here might be interpreted as a part of the outward show that “bluster” represents, making it closer to a synonym in this specific contrast.

Therefore, Meekness is the best antonym for Bluster.

Important Notice: This has been created using Gemini which  provides information, but it may not be error-free. Critical evaluation is advised in case of error.

English MCQs by CSS MCQs

English (Precis and Composition)
General English Mcqs Prepositions Mcqs
Fill in the blinks Mcqs One Word Substitutes Mcqs
Synonyms Mcqs Idioms And Phrases Mcqs
Antonyms Mcqs Active and Passive Voice Mcqs
Tenses Mcqs Direct And Indirect Speech Mcqs
Correct Spelling Mcqs CSS Vocabulary MCQs
Pair of Words Mcqs: 100 Most Important English Idioms
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION Mcqs 65 Most Important Idioms
English Important Prepositions English Grammer Mcqs

MCQs of English Language

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