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Special CSS MPT 2023 Solved Past MCQs |
FPSC CSS Special Screening Test Original Morning Batch-I Paper

Welcome to our esteemed CSSMCQs platform, here you will find an exclusive compilation of Special CSS 2023 MPT Solved MCQs. We proudly present the meticulously curated FPSC CSS Screening 2023 Test Original Paper MCQs, which were administered by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) on the distinguished date of May 21, 2023, at 9 am. These thoughtfully crafted MCQs reflect the essence of the Special CSS MPT 2023 Questions paper that was administered during the FPSC CSS Screening 2023 Test. We firmly believe that this invaluable resource will greatly benefit your academic pursuits and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In addition, we offer a convenient PDF download option for the CSS Screening Test 2023, complete with comprehensive answer keys, available for your perusal at the end and midway through this page. It is worth noting that for serious CSS aspirants, we recommend practising these CSS Special MPT 2023 Screening Test Original Paper MCQs without referring to the answers. This exercise will enable you to gauge your preparedness and ascertain whether you are poised to achieve a minimum of 50% marks.

Embrace this unparalleled opportunity to enhance your knowledge and elevate your performance in the upcoming CSS examination. Your dedication and commitment to mastering these MCQs will undoubtedly yield fruitful results on your path to success.
NOTE: As some of the questions are not cleared, therefore, we have excluded those MCQs. If you find any error or mistake, please let us know to update those MCQs.

CSS Special 2023 MPT Screening Test MCQs | Batch-I (Morning)

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belongs to the tribe:

A. Quresh
B. Khamaj
C. Makki
D. Ummavi

2. Which Prophet has the title of Khateeb-ul-Anbiya?

A. Hazrat Dawood (A.S)
B. Hazrat Noah (A.S)
C. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
D. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)

3. Al-Hudaibiyah treaty was signed by?

A. Hazrat Abu-Bakr (A.S)
B. Hazrat Umar (A.S)
C. Hazrat Usman (A.S)
D. Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (A.S)

4. The Ghazwa of Yarmuk was fought between the Muslims and ___?

A. Romans
B. Jews
C. Persians
D. None of these

5. Who compiled the first work of Hadith “Sahifa-e-Alsadiqa”?

A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
B. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Amr (R.A)
C. Hazrat Abu Hunain (R.A)
D. Imam Bukhari (R.A)

6. Who advised Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) to compile the Holy Quran?

A. Hazrat Umar (A.S)
B. Hazrat Usman (A.S)
C. Hazrat Ali (A.S)
D. Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit (A.S)

7. The phrase “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” is stated in which surah of the holy Quran?

A. Surah Yaseen
B. Surah Muhammad
C. Surah Rehman
D. Surah Al-Fatiha

8. In what year did “Bait-e-Rizwan” take place?

A. 5 AH
B. 6 AH
C. 7 AH
D. 8 AH

9. Which night has been regarded as better than one-thousand nights in the Holy Quran?

A. Night of Miraj
B. Night of Eid-ul-Fitr
C. Night of Qadar
D. Night Barat

10. The Ottoman Empire was based for ___ Centuries.

A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. None of these

11. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stayed at Hazrat Ayub Ansari’s house for ___ months.

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 12

12. Hazrat Haleema looked after the Holy Prophet for ___years?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 6

13. Maliki Fiqh was introduced in Spain in the region of:

A. Hashim
B. Abdul Rehman
C. Ibn-e-Ishaq
D. Yazid

14. At the time of His last Hajj, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) addressed ___ Muslims at Arafat.

A. 200,000
B. 140,000
C. 150,000
D. None of these

15. Jizya was imposed in the Islamic State by the Prophet of Islam in ___ year A.H?

A. 9
B. 7
C. 11
D. None of these

16. According to the Quran there are ___ heads where Zakat can be spent.

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. None of these

17. Lady Haleema (R.A) was the foster mother of the Prophet (PBUH) who belonged to:

A. Banu Saad
B. Banu Adi
C. Banu Taym
D. None of these

18. In the beginning of Madinan life, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed in the settlement of?

A. Banu Saad
B. Banu Aws
C. Banu Nuzair
D. None of these

19. At the time of the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was accompanied by ___ companions.

A. 10,000
B. 15000
C. 20,000
D. None of these

Fill in the Blanks and Corrections

46. ____ Woman that we saw turned out to be our CEO.

A. A
B. The
C. That
D. An

47. When the meeting had finished, they went ____ the Plan once again.

A. Down
B. On
D. Over

48. We have been able to obtain no information ____ his whereabouts.

A. That of
B. According to
C. In Which
D. As to

49. I didn’t know whether you had to have of these or not, if you ____ one, however, I would have given it to you freely.

A. Had to Have
B. Had had to have
C. Had to Had
D. Have to had

50. Some compound adjectives contain hyphens. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. He’s a decent-judge of Character
B. She submitted a 190-page document supporting her position
C. We’re adopting a two year old parakeet
D. We’re reading Sanskrit dialect

51. Do you ___ go to sleep early, is it insomnia?

A. Ever
B. Sometime
C. Never
D. Every time

Select the Synonyms of the Following

53. Obdurate:

A. Trustable
B. Malleable
C. Amenable
D. None of these

54. Pejoratives:

A. Laux
B. Complementary
C. Approbatory
D. Deprecatory

55. Circumstantial

A. Surplus
B. Evidential
C. Trivial
D. Versatile

Choose the Synonym of Underlined word

56. She showed a blatant disadvantage to the rules.

A. Obvious
B. Hidden
C. Last-minute
D. Rebellious

57. As soon as the details of the election were released to the media, the newspaper was inundated with calls far too many to be handled effectively.

A. Provided
B. Bothered
C. Reminded
D. Flooded

Select Antonyms of the following

58. Cajole:

A. Wheedle
B. Cans
C. Badly
D. Dissuade

59. Ephemeral:

A. Fleeting
B. Permanent
C. Transitory
D. Momentary

60. Flagrant:

A. Overt
B. Trifling
C. Evident
D. None of these

61. Quixotic:

A. Impulsive
B. Pragmatic
C. Dreamy
D. Profligate

63. Dependable: Capricious

A. Fallible : Cantankerous
B. Capable : Inept
C. Malleable : Inept
D. Incorrigible : Guilty

64. True health and true success go together for they are inseparably ___ in the realm or thought.

A. Intertwined
B. Bound Up
C. Tied UP
D. Inter-related

65. His mural decadence was marked by his ____ from the ways of integrity and honesty.

A. Obsession
B. Declivity
C. Opprobrium
D. Departure

66. The ___ arguments put forth for not disclosing the facts did not impress anybody.

A. Convincing
B. Specious
C. Spurious
D. Intemperate

67. The children were ___ by the seemingly nonsensical clues until Kinan pointed out that the messages were in code.

A. Censured
B. Pondered
C. Feigned
D. Perplexed

68. For a ____ fee, it is possible to upgrade from regular gasoline to premium.

A. Nominal
B. Substantive
C. Exorbitant
D. Bountiful

69. It is difficult in believe that charging 20% on an outstanding credit card balance isn’t ____?

A. Bankruptcy
B. Usury
C. Expensive
D. Taxation

70. Which of the following is an example of the Infinite verb form?

A. Running
B. Runs
C. Run
D. Ran

71. Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?

A. I and my Friends went to the Movie.
B. My Friends and I went to the Movie.
C. I and My Friends went to the Movie.
D. My Friends and me went to the Movie

72. Which of the following is an example of a subordinate clause?

A. I like Pizza
B. Because I like Pizza
C. Pizza is my Favorite Pizza
D. I Ate Pizza for dinner

73. Which sentence uses the subjunctive mood correctly?

A. If I was you, I would Study more.
B. If I were you, I would Study more.
C. If he was here, He would help us.
D. If he were here, he would help us.

74. Which sentence uses the correct tense?

A. I have been reading this book since two hours
B. I had read that book last week
C. I will have finished my homework by 7 Pm
D. I was reading the book when the phone rang.

75. Which sentence uses the correct adjectives form?

A. The movie was more scarier than I expected
B. The movie was scarier than I expected
C. The movie was scare than I expected
D. The movie was scary than I expected

76. The presence of armed guards at the building entrance ___ us from doing anything disruptive.

A. Defeated
B. Excited
C. Prevented
D. Prohibited

77. ‘Argus eyed’ mean:

A. Watchful
B. Devoted
C. Lethargic
D. Clumsy

78. Perfect or highly accomplished means?

A. Impropriety
B. Sinister
C. Consummate 
D. None of these

Detail about Mcqs+

79. Dearth means:

A. Scarcity
B. To punish or Criticize severely
C. To cause, produce, or stir up
D. Habitually fond of associating in a company or herd

80. Fastidious means:

A. A person hard to please
B. A person hard to convince
C. A person hard to get angry
D. A person hard to get essential

81. Choose the correct Sentence:

A. All that is glitters is not gold
B. All that is glittering is not gold
C. All that glitters is not gold
D. All which glitters is not gold

82. Choose the correct sentence:

A. No less than twelve minutes left the hosted
B. No fewer than twelve minutes left hosted
C. No lesser than twelve minutes left the hosted
D. None of these

83. Choose the correct Sentence:

A. He found the gold coins as he cleans the floor
B. He found the gold coins while cleaning the floor
C. He found the gold coins while he cleaning the floor
D. None of these

84. Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet. Is this a?

A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence
D. Compound Complex Sentence

85. I know both of them are short ____ money because of their extravagant nature.

A. On
B. Of
C. In
D. With

86. He writes ___ red ink

A. With
B. In
C. Of
D. By

87. He was accused ___theft.

A. Of
B. In
C. With
D. None of these

88. Do not jeer ____ sacred things.

A. With
B. Upon
C. At
D. None of these

89. He is so dull that he is insensible ___ the beauties of nature.

A. For
B. To
C. Of
D. With

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