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Everyday Important Idioms for CSS, PMS & ESL Students with their Meanings

Welcome to everyday important and most repeated common Idioms for (Central Superior Services) and PMS (Provincial Management Services) and ESL (English as a Second Language) aspirants, this article is designed to enhance your linguistic prowess. In the competitive landscape of these examinations, a nuanced understanding of language is paramount. This article will unravel everyday important Everyday Important Idioms for CSS, PMS & ESL Students with their Meanings, providing their meanings and insights into how they can be effectively utilized in written and verbal communication. As you embark on this linguistic journey, prepare to equip yourself with the idiomatic arsenal crucial for success in CSS and PMS examinations.

The idioms and expressions below are some of the most common in English and equally important for CSS, PMS and all Competitive Exams. Here,  some common and important idioms with meaning and examples are given. The example sentences show how idioms are used in context are also given here.

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SUMMARY of the Article “Pakistan’s Image,” by Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Dawn [Published on December 10th, 2023]

The rapidly changing global and regional geopolitics are significantly influencing Pakistan’s relevance in the world. The country faces challenges in its image, driven by concerns over political instability, economic troubles, weakening rule of law, and inconsistent policies. Pakistan, once a rising star in the 1960s, has lost some of its past glory. The world also perceives Pakistan through the lens of terrorism and extremism, exacerbated by India’s campaign to isolate Pakistan under the pretext of cross-border terrorism. The country’s human resource development, education, health, and overall development indices are lagging. Pakistan’s geopolitical situation with unresolved conflicts, particularly the Kashmir dispute and fragile peace in Afghanistan, adds complexity to its global standing. To improve its image, Pakistan needs to prioritize putting its political and economic affairs in order, address human resource development, leverage its young population, emphasize » Read More…

 SUMMARY of the article “The Killing Air,” by Omar Mukhtar Khan, Published on October 30th, 2023

The World Air Quality report reveals that Lahore was named the most polluted city in the world for 2022. The factors contributing to this alarming pollution include a population of 15 million people, 6 million vehicles emitting foul air, and poorly regulated industries that use tires and wood as fuel. Surprisingly, Peshawar ranked as the fifth most polluted city globally, despite having a smaller population (4 million) and fewer vehicles (around 1 million). Alarming statistics from the Air Quality Life Index show that if the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines were met, the life expectancy of citizens in Lahore and Peshawar would increase by six to eight years. Research also indicates that air pollution disproportionately affects children, the elderly, and individuals with compromised immunity. A study in low-income areas of Lahore found that public awareness about air pollution influences behavior, with people more likely to use masks or stay indoors during high pollution periods. In Peshawar, nearly 60% of air pollution results from transport-related activities, followed by dust, industry, and household wood burning. In Lahore, almost 80% of air pollution stems from transport vehicles, with the remainder attributed to industry and » Read More…