What is 92% of 92?
- 83.68
- 72.64
- 84.64
- 85
Step-by-Step Solution to solve Percentage MCQs:
To solve “What is 92% of 92?”, we will use the simple percentage formula:
Percentage of a number = (Percentage × Number) / 100
For this question:
Step 1: Set up the equation
We need to find 92% of 92.
So the equation becomes:
92% of 92 = (92 × 92) / 100
Step 2: Multiply the numbers
92 × 92 = 8464
Step 3: Divide by 100
8464 / 100 = 84.64
Therefore, 92% of 92 is 84.64.
Tips and Tricks to Solve Percentages Quickly:
1) Percentage Formula: Always remember the basic formula:
Percentage of a number = (Percentage × Number) / 100
2) Shortcut for Multiples of 10 or 5:
When working with percentages like 50%, 10%, or 25%, you can often solve it mentally:
– 50% is just half of the number.
– 10% is just moving the decimal one place to the left.
– 25% is one-fourth of the number.
3) Multiplying by 1%:
If the percentage is close to 100%, you can break it down:
– Find 1% of the number first and then multiply it by the required percentage.
– Example: For 92% of 92, first find 1% of 92, which is 0.92, then multiply it by 92:
– ( 0.92 × 92 = 84.64 )
Other Examples to Learn Percentage Questions:
1) What is 75% of 200?
Using the formula:
(75 × 200) / 100 = 150
Answer: 150
2) What is 10% of 500?
Move the decimal one place to the left:
10% of 500 = 50
Answer: 50
3) What is 30% of 120?
Using the formula:
(30 × 120) / 100 = 36
Answer: 36
4) What is 15% of 80?
Using the formula:
(15 × 80) / 100 = 12
Answer: 12
To solve percentage questions like a pro, remember to apply the percentage formula and use mental shortcuts for common percentages. Practice helps, so try solving similar problems to speed up your calculations!
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