What is the concept of gender performativity?

A. The idea that individuals perform gender roles based on societal expectations and norms
B. The idea that individuals perform sexual orientation based on societal expectations and norms
C. The idea that gender is a natural characteristic that cannot be changed
D. The idea that gender is a choice individuals make

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Correct Answer: A. The idea that individuals perform gender roles based on societal expectations and norms.

Gender Performativity

“Gender performativity” is a term used to describe the idea that individuals perform gender roles based on societal expectations and norms, rather than the idea that gender identity and expression is an inherent or natural aspects of the self. It was first introduced by Gender theorist Judith Butler in her book “Gender Trouble” (1990) to describe how gender identities are constructed through repetitive acts and behaviors, rather than being fixed or innate. The concept of gender performativity highlights the idea that gender is not just a personal identity but also a social construct that is shaped and reinforced through the actions, behaviors, and expectations of those around us.

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