My elder brother has got a motorbike, but I _____.
A. have not
B. has not
C. had not
D. could not
Correct Answer: A. have not
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A. have not
B. has not
C. had not
D. could not
A. 1942
B. 1945
C. 1946
D. 1948
A. 71
B. 67
C. 45
D. 31
A. To Laugh occasionally
B. To Laugh openly
C. To Laugh at slaves
D. To Laugh secretly
A. 1983
B. 1994
C. 2004
D. 2006
A. little
B. some
C. no
D. many
A. is a few
B. are many
C. is a lot
D. is some