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Here, you will have CSS 2024 MPT MCQs. FPSC CSS Screening 2024 Test Original Paper MCQs. However, all the MCQs are not available so far which was conducted by FPSC today dated 11/19/2023. We have provided many dimensions of the MCQs asked in FPSC MPT 2024 Test which might be very useful for your studies and concept clearance.
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CSS Screening Test 2024 available MCQs
Here, you can find the available mcqs questions of the CSS MPT 2024 Past Paper FPSC CSS Screening Test. Please note that these are not final. Some modifications are still needed, therefore, corrections in the comment box below are always welcome. You can check the entire paper just above or HERE.
- The first drama in Urdu was written by:
A. Abdul Halim Sharar
B. Agha Hashar
C. Deputy Nazir Ahmed
D. Agha Hassan Amanat
- During the nineteenth century, Urdu Drama was dominated by:
A. Historical events
B. Folklore
C. Dance and music
D. Stories based on mythologies
- Free verse was introduced in Urdu Drama by:
A. Abdul Halim Sharar
B. Aga Hassan Amanat
C. Altaf Hussain Hali
D. Imtiaz Ali Taj
- Urdu Drama got increasingly close to everyday life:
A. In the nineteenth century
B. In the first half of the twentieth century
C. In the first quarter of the twentieth century
D. In the second quarter of the twentieth century
- Mirza Adeeb was the contemporary of:
A. Abdul Halim Sharar
B. Imtiaz Ali Taj
C. Altaf Hussain Hali
D. Agha Hashar
What is a synonym for Quandary?
A. Predicament
B. Difficulty
C. Consternation
D. Simplicity
What is a synonym for Obstreperous?
A. Noisy
B. Angry
C. Saddened
D. None of these
What is a synonym for Effervescent?
A. Lively
B. Quick
C. Compassionate
D. None of these
What is a synonym for Penurious?
A. Impoverished
B. Generous
C. False
D. None of these
What is a synonym for Histrionic?
A. Dramatic
B. Happy
C. Joyous
D. Thoughtful
What is a synonym for Quiescent?
A. Dormant
B. Whispering
C. Noisy
D. Sonorous
What is an antonym for Turpitude?
A. Virtue
B. Passion
C. Happiness
D. Corruption
What is an antonym for Vituperate?
A. Praise
B. Indifferent
C. Agree
D. Berate
What is an antonym for Insouciant?
A. Carefree
B. Angry
C. Anxious
D. Dull
What is an antonym for Vitriolic?
A. Graceful
B. Bitter
C. Active
D. Amiable
What is an antonym for Equanimity?
A. Tranquility
B. Astonishment
C. Displeased
D. Agitation
What is an antonym for Sibilant?
A. Sonorous
B. Loud
C. Whispering
D. Noisy
53. “To have a chip on one’s shoulder” means:
A. To carry a piece of wood
B. To be angry or resentful
C. To be physically strong
D. To have a big ego
54. “To cast in the teeth” means:
A. To confront someone openly
B. To criticize or reproach someone
C. To compliment someone sincerely
D. To share a secret with someone
55. “To pass the buck” means:
A. To share a responsibility
B. To play a card game
C. To ignore a problem
D. To make a decision quickly
56. What does the idiom “To ride roughshod over” mean?
A. To have a bumpy ride
B. To treat someone with kindness and respect
C. To dominate or treat someone harshly without consideration
D. To take a leisurely horseback ride
57. What does the idiom “To read the riot act” mean?
A. To review a book about a riot
B. To threaten someone with legal action
C. To deliver a stern warning or reprimand
D. To organize a protest or demonstration
58. What does the idiom “To put a spoke in one’s wheel” mean?
A. To assist someone in their endeavors
B. To obstruct or hinder someone’s plans
C. To repair a oken wheel
D. To engage in a friendly race
59. What does the idiom “To have a bone to pick with someone” mean?
A. To enjoy a hearty bone-based meal with someone
B. To have a dispute or unresolved issue to address with someone
C. To support archaeological excavations
D. To engage in a competitive bone-collecting hobby
What is the output voltage of a step-up transformer?
A. The output voltage is greater than the input voltage.
B. The output voltage is equal to the input voltage.
C. The output voltage is less than the input voltage.
D. None of these
The voltage signal which is generated by a microphone is called:
A. Sound wave
B. Transverse wave
C. Audio signal
D. None of these
The most common gas that is found in the air to eathe is called:
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. None of these
Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength is:
A. Radio waves
B. Microwaves
C. Infrared waves
D. None of these
The most dangerous type of radiation is:
A. Gamma radiation
B. Beta radiation
C. Gamma radiation
D. None of these
The solar energy is radiated in the form of:
A. Heat waves
B. Light waves
C. Electromagnetic waves
D. None of these
The study of human body cells is called:
A. Cytology
B. Anatomy
C. Physiology
D. None of these
Excessive bleeding during an injury is a deficiency of:
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin B
D. None of these
Which gas is used in gas welding?
A. Acetylene
B. Oxygen
C. Ethylene
D. Hydrogen
Drum printers belong to which of the following category?
A. Chain printer
B. Inkjet printer
C. Laser printer
D. None of these
Machine learning is a sub-area of:
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Hardware Engineering
C. Cyber Forensics
D. None of these
Which of the following can be classified as a renewable energy source?
A. All of these
B. Geothermal energy
C. Solar energy
D. Tidal energy
How do scientists know that the Earth’s core is made up of metal?
A. The density of the surface layer of Earth is much less than its average density
B. The Earth’s rotation speed indicates its core structure
C. The density of the surface layer of Earth is greater than its total density
D. None of these
Maintenance of soil fertility without the addition of extra nutrition is due to:
A. Microbial activity
B. Crop residue
C. Moisture
D. None of these
Nanocomposite materials are useful in the food industry as they prevent packaged food from damage due to:
A. All of these
B. Fire
C. Heat
D. Floods
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body
B. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body
C. The body can absorb more of fat-soluble vitamin than required
D. All of these
What global agreement, signed in 2015, aimed to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels?
A. Paris Agreement
B. Kyoto Protocol
C. Copenhagen Accord
D. None of these
Which international organization or group is responsible for the implementation of the 3W initiative?
A. United Nations (UN)
B. Group of Seven (G7)
D. None of these
China gave a Peace Plan for the Ukraine war in 2023, How many points were included in China’s peace plan?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. None of these
What term describes the use of information warfare, disinformation, and other means to manipulate and undermine the influence of other countries?
A. Sharp power
B. Soft power
C. Smart power
D. None of these
The Regional Comprehensive and Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement among the nations of:
B. Asian Development Bank
C. Group of Seven (G7) countries
D. China and some other Asian countries
The AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) was established by:
A. China
B. Japan
C. India
D. None of these
What does the “12-U2” alliance stand for?
A. US-UK-Ukraine-UAE
B. Turkey-Israel-Ukraine-UK
C. North America
D. None of these
What does “CARICOM” stand for?
A. Caribbean Community
B. Canada, Australia, Romania, India Community
C. Canada, Argentina, Russia, Italy-Community
D. None of these
What does BECA stand for?
A. Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement
B. Basel Economic and Cultural Agreement
C. Bilateral Economic and Cooperation Accord
D. None of these
Which nation holds the distinction of being the top investor in Africa by 2023?
A. China
B. United States
C. Russia
D. None of these
Which important shipping lane, connecting the Arabian Sea to the Persian Gulf, passes through Pakistani waters and is vital for international trade?
A. The Strait of Hormuz
B. Gulf of Aden
C. The Bab-el-Mandeb
D. None of these
Which U.S. military operation in 2011 resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan?
A. Operation Neptune Spear
B. Operation Enduring Freedom
C. Operation Eradicating Terrorism
D. None of these
The world’s highest battlefield, the Siachen Glacier, is located in which mountain range?
A. Karakoram
B. Himalayas
C. Hindu Kush
D. None of these
In 2017, Pakistan became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). What is the primary purpose of the SCO?
A. To promote regional cooperation and stability in Eurasia
B. To facilitate trade amongst member countries
C. To establish a common currency for member states
D. None of these
Which Pakistani diplomat served as the President of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly?
A. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
B. Feroz Khan Noon
C. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
D. None of these
What is the length of the Baltoro Glacier, making it one of the largest and longest glaciers outside of the polar regions?
A. 64 kilometers
B. 18 kilometers
C. 7 kilometers
D. None of these
Which island is known as Pakistan’s largest island and is sometimes referred to as “Jazira Haft Talar,” meaning the island of seven mountains?
A. Astola Island
B. Manora Island
C. Churna Island
D. None of these
How many members of the National Assembly must sign the notice of no confidence for it to be valid?
A. At least twenty percent (20%)
B. At least ten per cent (10%)
C. At least five percent (5%)
D. None of these
Pakistan’s position on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) is that
A. Pre-existing stockpiles should be included in the draft of the FMCT before negotiations
B. Ban on nuclear testing should be lifted before signing the draft
C. A criteria-based approach should be applied to the NSG before finalizing the FMCT
D. None of these
As of 2023, Pakistan is included in the roster of FATF.
A. Grey
B. White
C. Black
D. None of these
The Muslim League observed “Direct Action Day” on August 16, 1946, which led to communal violence in
A. Kolkata
B. Delhi
C. Lahore
D. Mumbai
Who wrote the book “Train to Pakistan,” which is set during the Partition of India in 1947?
A. Khushwant Singh
B. Bapsi Sidhwa
C. Amrita Pritam
D. None of these
In the Bogra formula, the proposed lower house of parliament was named as:
A. The National Assembly
B. The House of People
C. The House of Commons
D. None of these
Lenin prize was awarded to:
A. Faiz Ahmed Faiz
B. Ahmed Faraz
C. Habib Jalib
D. None of these
After India’s Independence, Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad was appointed as:
A. Minister of Education
B. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
C. Minister of Finance
D. None of these
Mujeeb-ur-Rehman presented his six points in:
A. 1966
B. 1968
C. 1970
D. None of these
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan is appointed by the:
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Majority vote in the Parliament
D. None of these
“G-2 or Group of Two” is an informal diplomacy between:
A. China and U.S.
B. Germany and Greece
C. Germany and Ghana
D. None of these
Which country hosted the regular meeting of the SCO Foreign Ministers Council in 2023?
A. China
B. Russia
C. Uzbekistan
D. None of these
The Belt and Road Initiative (I) consists of two main components: the Silk Road Economic Belt and:
A. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
B. The Desert Oasis Corridor
C. The Himalayan Trade Route
D. None of these
When was the “Made in China 2025” strategic plan initiated?
A. 2015
B. 2010
C. 2020
D. None of these
Djibouti is strategically located at the mouth of which sea?
A. Red Sea
B. South China Sea
C. North Sea
D. None of these
The Horn of Africa (HoA) is located in which part of the African continent?
A. East Africa
B. West Africa
C. Southern Africa
D. None of these
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formally came to an end in:
A. 1970
B. 1980
C. 1991
D. None of these
Who wrote “Anandi”?
A. Bapsi Sidhwa
B. Amrita Pritam
C. Faiz Ahmed Faiz
D. None of these
In which year of prophethood did “Bait e Auqba” take place?
A. 10th
B. 1st
C. 2nd
D. None of these
What does “Masnad” mean?
A. Throne
B. Mosque
C. Market
D. None of these
The study of the cell is called?
A. Cytology
B. Histology
C. Genetics
D. None of these
Who is the President of Pakistan’s diplomat to the UN?
A. Munir Akram
B. Maleeha Lodhi
C. Abdullah Hussain Haroon
D. None of these
What is the Bogra Formula?
A. A diplomatic agreement related to Kashmir
B. A mathematical equation
C. A political ideology
D. None of these
How many points are there in China’s peace policy on the Russia-Ukraine conflict?
A. 12
B. 8
C. 15
D. None of these
Who performed the compilation process after Prophet Muhammad’s demise?
A. Ali
B. Abu Bakr
C. Umar
D. None of these
Who signs the summary for the appointment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Pakistan?
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. All Assembly members
D. None of these
The Lenin Prize was awarded in Pakistan to:
A. Faiz Ahmed Faiz
B. Ahmed Faraz
C. Bapsi Sidhwa
D. None of these
What does “Quran” mean in Latin?
A. Both 1 and 2
B. To recite
C. To read
D. None of these
In which year did FATF end?
A. 2020
B. 2021
C. 2022
D. None of these
Why did Pakistan join SCO?
A. To facilitate trade among member countries
B. To promote regional cooperation and stability in Eurasia
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of these
Excessive bleeding is due to the deficiency of which vitamin?
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin B
D. None of these
The quadratic expression x² + 8x – 5 is also written as (x + a)² + b. What is the value of ‘a’?
What is the meaning of “Musnad”?
A. Solid
B. Verb
C. Adverb
D. None of these
Hazrat Usman did not take part in Ghazwa due to:
A. Illness
B. Old age
C. Family reasons
D. None of these
Who is the author of the novel “Aag Ka Darya”?
A. Qurratulain Hyder
B. Bano Qudsia
C. Ismat Chughtai
D. None of these
Some other random Questions of Today’s CSS MPT 2024 Test
- Who wrote “Anandi”? (A) Amrita Pritam (B) Faiz Ahmed Faiz (C) Bapsi Sidhwa (D) None of these
- In which year of prophethood did “Bait e Auqba” take place? (A) 1st (B) 2nd (C) 10th (D) None of these
- What does “Masnad” mean? (A) Throne (B) Mosque (C) Market (D) None of these
- The study of the cell is called? (A) Cytology (B) Histology (C) Genetics (D) None of these
- Who is the President of Pakistan’s diplomat to the UN? (A) Maleeha Lodhi (B) Munir Akram (C) Abdullah Hussain Haroon (D) None of these
- What is the Bogra Formula? (A) A mathematical equation (B) A diplomatic agreement related to Kashmir (C) A political ideology (D) None of these
- How many points are there in China’s peace policy on the Russia-Ukraine conflict? (A) 8 (B) 12 (C) 15 (D) None of these
- Who performed the compilation process after Prophet Muhammad’s demise? (A) Abu Bakr (B) Umar (C) Ali (D) None of these
- Who signs the summary for the appointment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Pakistan? (A) President (B) Prime Minister (C) All Assembly members (D) None of these
- The Lenin Prize was awarded in Pakistan to: (A) Faiz Ahmed Faiz (B) Ahmed Faraz (C) Bapsi Sidhwa (D) None of these
- What does “Quran” mean in Latin? (A) To read (B) To recite (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) None of these
- Synonyms:
- Quandary
- Obstreperous
- Effervescent
- Penurious
- Histrionic
- Quiescent
- Antonyms:
- Turpitude
- Vituperate
- Insouciant
- Vitriolic
- Equanimity
- Sibilant
- In which year did FATF end? (A) 2020 (B) 2021 (C) 2022 (D) None of these
- Why did Pakistan join SCO? (A) To facilitate trade among member countries (B) To promote regional cooperation and stability in Eurasia (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) None of these
- Excessive bleeding is due to the deficiency of which vitamin? (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin K (D) None of these
- The quadratic expression x² + 8x – 5 is also written as (x + a)² + b. What is the value of ‘a’?
- What is the meaning of “Musnad”? (A) Solid (B) Verb (C) Adverb (D) None of these
- Hazrat Usman did not take part in Ghazwa due to: (A) Illness (B) Old age (C) Family reasons (D) None of these
- Who is the author of the novel “Aag Ka Darya”? (A) Bano Qudsia (B) Qurratulain Hyder (C) Ismat Chughtai (D) None of these
- Define an “Ism” that expresses both time and place.
- What is an “Ism” that cannot be derived from another noun and cannot produce another noun?
- In which Hijri year did Hazrat Hamza (RA) emace Islam?
- Which country made the most investment in Africa in 2023?
- Define “Ism Jamaid.”
- In which book of Allama Iqbal is the poem “Tulu-e-Islam” included?
- What is the largest island in Pakistan?
- In which range is the Chichen Glacier located?
- During an injury, excessive bleeding is due to the deficiency of which vitamin?
- Who wrote the book “Train to Pakistan”?
- What is the title “Sheikh-ul-Nabeen” associated with?
- In a family, B is the mother of A, C is the mother of B, D is the sister of B, E is the son of D. What is E to A?
- In a sequence, the first term is 1, the next is 5, and all the remaining terms are the mean of the previous two. What is the 27th term?
- A train of length 91 m crosses a idge of length 231 m in 11 seconds. What is the speed of the train?
- After every 52 minutes, a bus leaves the bus station. The inspector tells the passenger that the last bus left the bus station 16 minutes ago, and the next bus will arrive at 8:23. What was the time when the inspector talked to the passenger?
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