Economics MCQs

Here, you may find CSS Economics MCQs. If you want to prepare MCQs for Economics of CSS Exam then you are in the right place. You can prepare Economics subject MCQs here because CSSMCQs platform is here to serve you while preparing your MCQs portion section-A of your CSS Exam. Please practice these CSS MCQs on a daily basis.

MCQs of Economics & Political economy

CSS Economics MCQs Sets with Answers

Economics MCQs Sets 1
Economics MCQs Sets 2
Economics MCQs Sets 3
Economics MCQs Sets 4
Economics MCQs Sets 5
Economics MCQs Sets 6
Economics MCQs Sets 7
Economics MCQs Sets 8
Economics MCQs Sets 9

If there is a general shortage of liquidity in the money market then?

A. The banks will increase their lending
B. The short-term interest rate at which the economy’s commercial banks lend to and borrow from each other will fall and the central bank may be expected to reduce the supply of liquidity to the banks
C. The short-term interest rate at which the economy’s commercial banks lend to and borrow from each other will rise and the long-term interest rate may be expected to rise as a result
D. The short-term interest rate at which the economy’s commercial banks lend to and borrow from each other will rise and the central bank may be expected to increase the supply of liquidity to the banks.

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