Economics MCQs For CSS Set 6


  1. The largest source of tax revenue for the federal government is:
    A. the personal income tax
    B. the social security tax
    C. the property tax
    D. the sales tax

    2. When my income was $100,000, I paid $10,000 in taxes. When my income became $200,000, I paid $40,000 in taxes. My marginal tax rate is:
    A. 10%
    B. 20%
    C. 30%
    D. 40%

    3. The tax is question #2 is:
    A. progressive
    B. regressive
    C. proportional

    4. Which of the following taxes is regressive?
    A. the federal income tax
    B. the state income tax
    C. the sales tax
    D. the Medicare tax

    5. Assume that there are two goods, A and B. In 1996, Americans produced 10 units of A at a price of $10 and 20 units of B at a price of $20. In 2002, Americans produced 20 units of A at a price of $20 and 30 units of B at a price of $30. The Nominal GDP for 2002 is:
    A. $100
    B. $400
    C. $500
    D. $900
    e. $1300

    6. Using the numbers in question 5, the Real GDP for 2002 is:
    A. $400 B. $500 C. $800 D. $900 e. $1,300

    7. Which of the following statements is/are true?
    A. Business Investment Spending occurs when individuals buy stock in the stock market
    B. Productivity is the United States grew very slowly between 1973 and 1996
    C. Because of discouraged workers, the official unemployment rate is too high
    D. “Full employment” occurs when there is no frictional unemployment

    8. Immediately after a trough, we would expect to have a/an
    A. peak
    B. recession
    C. recovery
    D. another trough

    9. Last week, Martha spent one day cleaning a house. For this, she was paid $50. The rest of the week, she spent looking for a joB. Martha would be classified as
    A. employed
    B. unemployed
    C. not in the labor force

    10. John lost his accounting job when Montgomery Wards closed its stores in San Diego. He looked for a similar job for ten months before finding an accounting job at Sears. During the month John was unemployed, he was
    A. frictionally unemployed
    B. seasonally unemployed
    C. cyclically unemployed
    D. structurally unemployed

Answers: A C A C E C B C A D