Sociology MCQs by CSSMCQs

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Sociology MCQs

Here, you may find CSS Sociology MCQs. If you want to prepare MCQs for the Sociology of CSS Exam then you are in the right place. You can prepare social science Multiple Choice Questions here because the CSSMCQs platform is here to serve you while preparing your CSS Exam MCQs portion section-A. Please practice this CSS social science MCQ on a daily basis.

The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:

A. Stimulus-response psychology
B. Drive psychology
C. Trait psychology
D. None of these

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Correct Answer:
B. Drive psychology
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Abstract Sentiments are:

A. Closer to the centre of the self than moral rules
B. Provide a focus for allegiance
C. Are compellers of action
D. None of these

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Correct Answer: B. Provide a focus for allegiance
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WID approach believes in:

A. Gender mainstreaming
B. Gender Segregation
C. Incorporating women in development activities
D. None of these

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Correct Answer: C. Incorporating women in development activities
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