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General Knowledge MCQs

Here, you will have IMPORTANT MOUNTAIN PASSES General Knowledge MCQs. This IMPORTANT MOUNTAIN PASSES GK MCQs are given with a pdf download at the end. These General Knowledge MCQ of IMPORTANT MOUNTAIN PASSES questions and answers with solutions are equally important for competitive exams of Pakistan. These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS
General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS


  1. Namni Pass is in Myanmar.
  2. Khunjerab Pass is the highest pas in Pakistan.
  3. Alpine Pass is in the USA.
  4. Lowari Pass is in Pakistan.
  5. Khojak tunnel is in Balouchistan.
  6. Bolan (Sulaiman range) pass is in Baluchistan.
  7. Kolpur pass is in Baluchistan.
  8. Shandur Pass is in Pakistan.
  9. Donner pass is in California (USA)
  10. Hispar & Biafo glacier is in Pakistan.
  11. Siachen glacier is in Karakoram Range.
  12. Baltoro glacier is in Karakoram Range.
  13. Chogo Lugma is in Karakoram range.
  14. Hispar glacier is in Hunza.
  15. Malaspina glacier is in Alaska (US),
  16. Tasman Glacier is in New Zealand.
  17. Alpine is the highest mountain pass in the world.
  18. Siachen, batoro and chogo lugma glaciers are in Karakorum.
  19. April 1984, India conducted an Operation known as ‘Operation Meghdoot’ to capture Siachen.
  20. Siachen Glacier is the Worlds Biggest Glacier outside the two Poles. It is also the world’s Highest Glacier which is why it is referred to as “The Third Pole.” It is also the World’s Highest Battle Ground Ever
  21. Africa is without glaciers.
  22. The highest point of Asia is Mount Everest (Nepal-Tibet).
  23. Mount Aconcagua, highest peak in the western hemisphere, located in the Andes IMPORTANT MOUNTAIN PASSES of western Argentina, near the border with Chile.
  24. Bodpo La pass is highest pass in Tibet (China) with a height of 19,412.
  25. Vesuvius is a volcano in Italy.
  26. Swat valley is in the mountain range of… Hindukush
  27. Saddle peak is the highest peak in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  28. Karoko tao is a volcano in Indonesia.
  29. Approximately the southwest monsoon begins in Pakistan in late July.


English Most Important ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION Set-3 (201 to 300)


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