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KPPSC PMS Solved Past Papers of Screening Test

Here, you will find the rest 80 MCQs of KPPSC PMS 2016 Solved Past Papers of Screening Test. These KPPSC PMS Solved Past Papers of Screening Test 2016 are necessary to prepare for the upcoming PMS Screening test MCQs. For PMS KPK Written Exam, preparation for an MCQs based test is necessary to get a good score and becomes eligible for the next phase of the PMS KPK Exam. KPPSC PMS Solved Past Papers of Screening Test is shared with our viewers. We try to share the best job preparation material.


  • The study of heavenly bodies is called:
    1. Astrology
    2. Astronautics
    3. Astronomy
    4. Astrophysics



  • Which is not a ‘renewable’ source of energy?
    1. Water
    2. Petroleum
    3. Sun
    4. Wind



  • Which gas is used in electric bulb?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Carbon dioxide
    3. Chlorine
    4. None of these


  • (Argon gas or argon gas mixed with a little nitrogen is filled in the bulb under some pressure)
  • A person sitting under a fan feels cool. If a thermometer is put below the fan, what will be the reading?
    1. It’ll read only room temp
    2. It’ll show a lower value of room temp
    3. It’ll show a higher reading
    4. It can’t be assessed



  • Glycolysis is a process of
    1. Photosynthesis
    2. Reproduction
    3. Respiration
    4. Transpiration



  • Which of the following is an asexual form of reproduction in bacteria?
    1. Transformation
    2. Conjugation
    3. Transduction
    4. Binary Fission



  • The Stevenson Screen is a:
    1. Screen for projecting films
    2. Standard shelter for thermometers
    3. Device for measuring atmospheric pressure
    4. Device for measuring rainfall



  • Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to the__
    1. Rotation of Earth
    2. Revolution of Earth
    3. Gravitational Pull of Earth
    4. Gravitational Pull of Sun



  • Isobars are the lines connecting the places having same___
    1. Atmospheric Pressure
    2. Rainfall
    3. Height
    4. Temperature



  • A small weight put on the pressure cooker increases the pressure of the steam because:
    1. It is airtight
    2. Area of contact is very small
    3. The density of metal is very high
    4. None of these



  • Diabetes is caused due to the malfunctioning of:
    1. Pancreas
    2. Liver
    3. Kidneys
    4. Spleen



  • If red blood cells are placed in distilled water. They will eventually be destroyed. Which process is most likely to be the chief cause of destruction?
  • Hydrolysis
  • Osmosis
  • Plasmolysis
  • None of these



  • Universal recipient in blood transformation belongs to:
  • Group B
  • Group AB
  • Group O
  • Group A



  • In order to effectively make sea water pure enough to drink, that water must first be:
    1. Chlorinated
    2. Filtered
    3. Distilled
    4. Oxidized



  • Aging in human beings is caused by disappearance of which of the following glands?
    1. Thyroid
    2. Parathyroid
    3. Pituitary
    4. Thymus



  • Nutrients that are required in fairly large amounts in the diet are called:
    1. Caloric
    2. Macro minerals
    3. Trace elements
    4. Dietary Supplements



  • An egg shell is composed of:
    1. Iron
    2. Starch
    3. Calcium Carbonate
    4. None of these



  • What does make the blood look red?
    1. Red corpuscles
    2. certain secretions
    3. Hemoglobin
    4. Plasma



  • A mobile phone sends and receives messages through:
    1. Sound waves
    2. Ultraviolet waves
    3. Radio waves
    4. Micro waves



  • Color blind can’t distinguish red from:
    1. White
    2. Green
    3. Yellow
    4. blue



  • Choose a correct word among the options given nearest in meaning to the Italic words. (41-45)
  • He was drawn to the vortex of politics at a very early age
  1. Whirlpool
  2. Field
  3. Arena
  4. Hell



  • Fifty years after independence there can be no alibi for not providing basic amenities to every citizen.
  1. Cause
  2. Plea
  3. Factor
  4. Reason



  • 43 The community is agog with speculation about the fate of the money collected.
    1. Excited
    2. Worried
    3. Depressed
    4. Annoyed



  • It is quite unseemly that person should so behave with his elders.
  1. Childish
  2. Ugly
  3. Discourteous
  4. Improper



  • The story which Gaurav narrated was very exciting.
  1. Disclosed
  2. Told
  3. Revealed
  4. Explained



  • (46 – 50):
  • The young leading the young is like the blind leading the blind: they will both fall into the ditch. The only sure guide is he who has often gone the road which you want to go. Let me be that guide, who have gone all roads, and who can consequently point out to you the best. If you ask me why I went any of the bad roads myself, I will answer you very truly that it was for want of a good guide, ill example invited me one way, and a good guide was wanting to show me a better. But if anybody, capable of advising me had taken the same pains with me, which I have taken, and will continue to take with you, I should have avoided many follies and inconveniences, which undirected youth ran me into.
  • The central idea of the passage is:
    1. youth is ill informed
    2. experience is a sure guide
    3. pitfalls for the young
    4. old is gold



  • A sure guide is a person:
    1. who has traveled on the bad roads
    2. who has traveled on the path you want to traverse
    3. who has gone on all the roads
    4. who knows many roads



  • What happens when the blind leads the blind?
    1. They can’t lead each other
    2. They encounter lot of gains
    3. They will fight each other
    4. They get better destinations


  • The writer went on the bad roads because of:
    1. lack of experience
    2. lack of knowledge
    3. following ill-examples
    4. lack of guidance



  • The expression “gone the roads” would mean:
    1. traveled a lot
    2. guided many people
    3. gone through fewer road
    4. having firsthand experience



  • A change in eating habits to a very thin look is not just an innocent _____ or trend; it is a serious ______ for many women who may suffer from dietary disorders.
    1. Victim…..Peril
    2. Idea…Response
    3. Fad….Hazard
    4. Prank……Challenge



  • Just like ferocity is the trademark of a courageous person, ______ is to the _________.
    1. Timidity….hero
    2. Timorousness—–coward
    3. Avarice—-philanthropist
    4. Cowardice—crave



  • In this form of business, the management _____ its employees to be docile and prefer to ostracize those who don’t_____.
    1. Expects: Disobeyed
    2. Requires: Conform
    3. Forces: Rebel
    4. Allows: Withdraw



  • The lecture droned on about the ______ points of mathematical models to solve poverty, while omitting the details that might _____ the reader’s interest.
    1. Week….. Sell to
    2. Trivial—— boost
    3. Stylistic—-irritate
    4. Essential—-limit



  • Over and above
    1. After all
    2. As high as much
    3. below
    4. In addition to



  • Pay through the nose means;
    1. Pay a lot for something
    2. Pay by heart
    3. Pay less
    4. None



  • Weather the storm means;
    1. Endure disaster
    2. To make noise
    3. To quarrel
    4. None



  • By Leaps and Bounds means;
    1. Slowly
    2. Rapidly
    3. By excuses
    4. None



  • No love lost between means;
    1. Much affection
    2. Attraction
    3. Dislike and hate
    4. None



  • Itching Palm means;
    1. Avarice
    2. Ambiguous
    3. Vague
    4. None of these



  • UNGA approved Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) on
    1. 15th Oct, 1996
    2. 10th Sep, 1996
    3. 25th Nov, 1996
    4. 21st Dec, 1996



  • Which of the following countries had the nuclear capability but after gaining independence gave up their nuclear capability?
    1. Belarus
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Ukraine
    4. All of them



  • Which of the following countries has a unique system of “revolving monarchy” The rulers of it’s nine states take a five year turn as king:
    1. Nepal
    2. Morocco
    3. Indonesia
    4. Malaysia



  • Australians are known as Kangaroos and people of New Zealand are called Kiwis while South Africans are known as:
    1. Barbers
    2. Zulu
    3. Protease
    4. Negros



  • British relinquish the control of Hong Kong and thus it became part of China on:
    1. July 1997
    2. Sep 1998
    3. May 1995
    4. December 1998



  • Portugal handed over Macao to China on:
    1. Sep 1998
    2. Dec 1999
    3. July 1996
    4. Aug 1997



  • India consists of how many states?
    1. 18
    2. 21
    3. 29
    4. None of these



  • Kigali is the capital city of
    1. Myanmar
    2. Costa Rica
    3. Rwanda
    4. Laos



  • The Security Council of the UN:
    1. Shares power with the UNGA
    2. Take action by unanimous consent
    3. Established subsidiary organs as it deems necessary to perform its functions.
    4. All of these



  • What is meant by MILF?
    1. Muslim International Legal Fund
    2. Muslim International Labor Fund
    3. Moro Islamic Liberation Front
    4. None of these



  • Who is the current 2016 supreme leader of Hezbollah?
    1. Syed Hassan Nasrullah
    2. M Javed Naqvi
    3. Hassan Nasir Johri
    4. None



  • Arak nuclear power plant is located in
    1. China
    2. Iran
    3. Iraq
    4. Israel



  • Skopje is the capital of
    1. Macedonia
    2. Norway
    3. Rwanda
    4. Austria



  • Which of the following pairing is wrong?
    1. England—Sterling
    2. Vatican city— Lira
    3. Saudi Arabia—- Riyal
    4. Sweden—– Mark


  • (Vatican City currency is Euro)
  • The current premier of the State Council of People’s Republic of China is:
    1. Xi Jinping
    2. Li kigiang
    3. Chan peo
    4. none of these



  • The president of India is:
    1. Narendra Modi
    2. Ram Nath Kovind
    3. Pranab MukherJee
    4. None


  • *updated
  • The North Atlantic Sea Route is regarded as an important international trade route because:
    1. It is the oldest sea route
    2. There are lesser number of sea storms in this water way.
    3. It connects two industrially developed parts of the world .
    4. Trade winds will help the shipping.



  • When was Karachi Agreement executed?
    1. Jan 1948
    2. Nov 1948
    3. April 1949
    4. None of these



  • Who was the person behind conversion of East India Company from trading company into a regional power?
    1. Lord Warren Hastings
    2. Lord Clive
    3. Lord Dalhousie
    4. Lord Wellesley



  • The movement withdrawn immediately after the Chaura Chori incident was?
    1. Khilafat Movement
    2. Takhreek Rishmi Rumal
    3. Non-Cooperation Movement
    4. None of these



  • Who convinced Quaid e Azam to join Muslim League?
    1. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
    2. Maulana M Ali Joher
    3. Allama Iqbal
    4. none of these



  • Zia ul Haq requested for re-insertion of which country in OIC?
    1. Bangladesh
    2. Turkey
    3. Egypt
    4. None of these



  • Chenab Formula for the resolution of Kashmir conflict was presented by?
    1. Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan
    2. Ali Shah Gilani
    3. Yaseen Malik
    4. None of these



  • The name of the Governor of Banaras at the time of URDU-HINDI controversy?
    1. Macdonald
    2. Shakespeare
    3. Sari Vadis
    4. none



  • Who said this, “I would prefer to die in a foreign country so long as it is a free country, and if you do not give us freedom in India, you will have to give me a grave here”?
    1. Allama Iqbal
    2. Maulana Zafar Ali
    3. Maulana M Ali Johar
    4. None of these



  • Doctrine of Lapse was introduced by;
    1. Lord Clive
    2. Lord Mountbatten
    3. Lord Curzon
    4. Lord Dalhousie



  • Who presented the flag on 11th August 1947?
    1. Qauid e Azam
    2. Ghulam Muhammad
    3. Liqauat A. Khan
    4. None of these



  • Who was the PM of UK at the time of the creation of Pakistan?
    1. Clement Attlee
    2. Mountbatten
    3. Michael Baylor
    4. None of these



  • Operation Eagle by India was against?
    1. Sikhs
    2. Pakistan
    3. Kashmir insurgents
    4. None of these


  • (1971 War)
  • Sukker Barrage is located on
    1. Indus
    2. Jhelum
    3. River Kabul
    4. None of these



  • First Governor General of India
    1. Lord Mayo
    2. Lord Hastings
    3. Lord Curzon
    4. None of these



  • 14 Points by Quaid were presented in
    1. 1927
    2. 1928
    3. 1929
    4. None



  • The Green Berets are
    1. US Army Special Forces
    2. Series of movies
    3. Sensors
    4. None of these



  • First President of India
    1. Rajendra Prasad
    2. Gandhi
    3. Nehru
    4. None



  • Who built the “Rohtas Fort” near the Jhelum?
    1. Akbar
    2. Sher Shah Suri
    3. Hamayun
    4. Shah Jehan



  • The world’s famous bridge “Golden Gate” is located at
    1. New York
    2. Mexico
    3. Italy
    4. San Francisco



  • “Decision Point” book is written by
    1. Modi
    2. Obama
    3. George Bush
    4. None



  • Garuda Airline is the airline of
    1. Malaysia
    2. Indonesia
    3. Turkey
    4. None of these



  • When Pakistan introduced CNIC?
    1. 1972
    2. 1973
    3. 1974
    4. None of these



  • Where is the headquarters of Amnesty International?
    1. London
    2. Paris
    3. Geneva
    4. Berlin

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