Who said, “Man is a social animal”? (Sociology 2011)
A. Socrates
B. Aristotle
C. Einstein
D. None of these
Submitted by Arsalan ALi
A. Socrates
C. Einstein
D. None of these
Submitted by Arsalan ALi
a) 612 AD
c) 812 AD
d) None of these
a.Muslim League
c. Congress
d.None of these
B. 3-4 liters
C. 8-10 liters
D. 10-12 liters
A. Vitamin B1
B. Vitamin B2
C. Vitamin D
A. Higher than sky
B. Once upon a time
D. Many times
A. Martin Luther King Sr.
C. Nelson Mandela
D. None of these
Submitted by: CSS Aspirant