Current Affairs MCQs by CSSMCQs

Current Affairs MCQs
Current Affairs MCQs

Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs

Here, you can seek Current Affairs MCQs of Pakistan and the World’s Current year important events, dates, accidents and issues in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Pakistan Current Affairs sample test and practise questions for job Test. Current Affairs of Pakistan, first in Pakistan, Important issues, current govt ministries etc. So, you will find in this category the updated 2022 Current affairs of Pakistan Mcqs.

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What does JCPOA stand for?

A. Joint Comprehensive Peace Agreement
B. Joint Cooperation Program of Action
C. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
D. Joint Coalition for Political Order and Advancement

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Correct Answer: C (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)
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Prompt Given:

CSS Exam stands for Central Superior Service Exam. This Exam is conducted by Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) Islamabad for the recruitment of candidates to posts (BS-17) in various elite services under the Federal Government. I am going to share some of its English Past papers. Suppose you are a high-calibre professor. Now, you have to analyze these papers deeply and prepare an English Essay Paper for 2023 with the same creativity, approach, and format.

This is CSS Essay Paper 2022.

  1. An analysis of the concept of globalization of markets.
  2. Digital democracy: social media and political participation.
  3. Global trade and trade policies of China.
  4. “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
  5. Global politics and international relations.
  6. The controversial issues of feminism in contemporary women’s rights movements
  7. World food systems: the economics of agriculture.
  8. Is there such a thing as ethical consumerism?
  9. Human development and economic sustainability.
  10. How is terrorism and its perception shaped by the Mass Media?

This is CSS Essay Paper 2021

  1. “Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream”.
  2. Meaning purposive education.
  3. COVID-19: A wake-up call for Pakistani researchers.
  4. Human inventions move societies backwards.
  5. Universal human equality is utopic.
  6. Bureaucracy doldrums.
  7. Gender equality: A popular slogan
  8. Pros and cons of globalization.
  9. Intercultural communication is the panacea to avoid the 3rd world War.
  10. “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed”.

ChatGPT Response (Which is out of the blue, you will surely find some of the topics in the Upcoming CSS Exams Paper:)

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What micronutrients are new wheat crops in Pakistan biofortified with to address deficiencies common in women of reproductive age and children under five?

A. Iron and Zinc
B. Vitamin A and D
C. Iron and Calcium
D. Zinc and Vitamin C

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Correct Answer: A (Iron and Zinc)
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