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August 2020 Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC and KPPSC

Here you will have August 2020 Pakistan Current Affairs Most Important MCQs for Preparation of FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC & NTS etc for Preparation of various exams in Pakistan. These Pakistan Affairs MCQs are made mostly on the basis of Current Affairs issues, upshots, events and movements of the month of August 2020 . These Current Affairs of Pakistan are very Important MCQs for the Preparation of FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS and all other competitive exams of Pakistan If you want to download it in PDF, go down to the button and click on the download button below.

August 2020 Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC and KPPSC
August 2020 Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs for FPSC CSS, PMS Exams

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List of ALL Current Federal Ministers of Pakistan (Updated 2022)
>   History of Sub-Continent MCQs Notes
>   Cultural History MCQs Notes
>   Indian National Movement MCQs Notes
>   History Of Pakistan MCQs Notes
>   Pakistan Movement MCQs Notes
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August 2020 Pakistan Current Affairs Most Important MCQs

NOTICE: Please note that these Current affairs MCQs are dynamic in nature, therefore, facts and figures can be changed at any moment. So, it is a humble request if there is a need for an update. Please, comment in the box below 🙂

The first Pakistani born American female astrophysicist who is appointed as Dean of school of science at MIT in 2020?

A.  Asifa Akhtar
B. Dr. Imrana Ashraf
C. Nergis Mavalvala
D. Malala Yousafzai

Who is the Current Special Assistant to Chief Minister Sindh on Bureau of Supply and Prices ?

A. Mr. Nawab Wassan
B. Mr. Ashfaq Memon
C. Dr. Khatumal Jeewan
D. Ms. Nasima Ghulam Hussain

Which Nation sells most Advanced Warship to Pakistan?

B. Russia
C. China
D. None of these

Which Muslim leader was declared “Man of the Year” by the Muslim 500?

A. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
B. Imran Khan
C. Mahathir bin Mohamad
D. None of them

Which Nine-year-old Pakistani girl beats Indian professor, sets world record in chemistry by arranging all elements of periodic chart in just 2 minutes and 42 seconds?

A. Abiha Haider
B. Liba wahaj
C. Natalia Najam
D. None of these

Which Kashmiri Journalist recently on ” Peter Mackler” prize for courageous and ethical journalism?

A. Musrat Zahra
B. Sadeeq Pasha
C. Hadeeq Wani
D. None of these

Which of the following Pakistani players has been inducted into ICC Hall Of Fame 2020 ?

A. Wasim Akram
B. Zaheer Abbas
C. Waqar Younis
D. Saeed Anwar

National Party chief Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo passed away in Karachi on_____________?

A. 20th August 2020
B. 25th August 2020
C. 19th August 2020
D. 26th August 2020

Which country has provided 12 T16 high-tech drones to help Pakistan combating locusts?

B. Turkey
C. China
D. Russia

Who is the Current Leader of the House in Senate of Pakistan ?

A. Shahzad Waseem
B. Raja Zafarul Haq
C. Shibli Faraz
D. Ahtazaz ahsan

Who is the Current CEO of Pakistan Steel Mills?

A. Engineer Ashiq Ali
B. Brig (r) Shujah Hassan
C. Sher Alam Mehsud
D. None

The Pakistan- China fiber optic is an 820- kilometer-long optic cable project from _______ to Khunjerab

A. Peshawar
B. Quetta
C. Karachi
D. Rawalpindi

President Alvi confers ____________ to Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani on 14th August 2020?

A. Sitara-i-Imtiaz
B. Nishan-i-Imtiaz
C. Nishan-e-Haider
D. Nishan-e-Pakistan

PM Imran Khan announced; __________ will be celebrated as the Tiger Force Day?

A. August 5
B. August 9
C. August 16
D. None of these

The handing over ceremony of the Al Khalid-I tank was held at ____________?

A. Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT)
B. Pakistan Ordance Factory Wah Cantt
C. China
D. Ukraine

Battle tank Al Khalid-I has been developed in collaboration with _______ and ________?

A. China and France
B. China and Turkey
C. Turkey and Ukraine
D. China and Ukraine

The Pak Army has upgraded the version of _______ tank known as ________?

A. Al Zarar and Al Zarar-I
B. Type 59 and Type 59-I
C. Al Khalid and Al Khalid-I
D. None of these

Pakistan will give the country’s prestigious award (Sitara-e-Quaid-i-azam) to a which famous Turkish professor for his work to promote Urdu?

A. Prof. Usman Balta
B. Prof. Mehmet Balta
C. Prof. Celal Soydan
D. Prof. Usman Sahin

President of Pakistan Dr Arif Alvi conferred Pakistan’s civil awards to __________ Pakistanis and foreigners in recognition of their services to Pakistan on 14 August, 2020?

A. 180
B. 184
C. 188
D. None of these

BRT stands for:_____________?

A. Blue Rapid Transport
B. Best Road Transportation
C. Bus Rapid Transit
D. Best Road Transit

PM Imran Khan Inaugurated Peshawar BRT on__________August, 2020?

A. 11th August, 2020
B. 12th August, 2020
C. 13th August, 2020
D. 14th August, 2020

Government launched Ehsaas Nash-o-Numa programme on _____________?

A. 11 August 2020
B. 12 August 2020
C. 13 August 2020
D. None of these

Pm Imran Khan has inaugurated “Roshan Pakistan Digital Account” for overseas Pakistani on_________?

A. 10 Sept 2020
B. 11 Sept 2020
C. 9 Sept 2020
D. None of the above

“Tiger Force Day” was celebrated on ___________?

A. 5th August 2020
B. 7th August 2020
C. 9th August 2020
D. None of these

The 660kV Matiari-Lahore HVDC Transmission line being built at a cost of $1.6 billion is_________km long.

A. 686
B. 786
C. 886
D. 986

The current test series being played between Pakistan and England in Aug, 2020 is the________test series between the two countries.

A. 24th
B. 25th
C. 26th
D. 27th

On Aug 07,2020 PM Imran Khan launched the Ravi Urban Development Project under which Ravi City would be created north of lahore near the Ravi river at a cost of_________?

A. Rs4 Trillion
B. Rs5 Trillion
C. Rs8 Trillion
D. Rs10 Trillion

Pakistan observed ‘Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir’ (Day of Exploitation in occupied Kashmir) on____________?

A. 3rd August
B. 5th August
C. 8th August
D. None of Above

Pakistan PM Imran Khan unveiled a new “political map of Pakistan” that counts ____________ as part of Pakistan?

A. Jammu & Kashmir
B. Junagadh
C. Sir Creek & Ladakh
D. A & B both
E. All of these

The Police Martyrs Day is observed on __________ in Pakistan?

A. August 01
B. August 02
C. August 04
D. None of these

When federal cabinet approved a new political map of Pakistan, which includes the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) and other disputed areas?

A. 27 July 2020
B. 2 August 2020
C. 3 August 2020
D. 4 August 2020



Consider linking to these articles:

February 2022 Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs With Answers in Pdf download

Pakistan Movement History MCQs Notes PDF

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August 2020 Pakistan Current Affairs Most Important MCQs