Choose a word with the Closest Meaning to “CELIBACY”.
A. Chastity
B. Abstinence
C. Promiscuity
D. Fidelity
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A. Chastity
B. Abstinence
C. Promiscuity
D. Fidelity
A. Tahajjud prayers
B. Monasticism
C. polygamy
D. Observing optional fasts
A. 99 years
B. 300 years
C. 309 years
D. 500 years
A. Ghazwa Tabuk
B. Ghazwa Badar
C. Ghazwa Uhad
D. Ghazwa Ahzab
A. Hazrat Sulaeman (A.S)
B. Hazrat Dawood (A.S)
C. Hazrat Saleh (A.S)
D. Hazrat Younas (A.S)
A. Surah Al-Baqarah
B. Surah Al-Imran
C. Surah An-Nisa
D. Surah Al-Tawbah
A. Farz
B. Wajib
C. Sunnat
D. Mustahab