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Here, you may find CSS Optional Subjects MCQs. If you want to prepare MCQs of optional subjects, CSS MCQs platform is here to serve you while preparing your MCQs portion of your CSS Exam. Please practice these CSS Optional Subjects MCQs on a daily basis.

The three major categories researchers use to organize the entire brain are the

A. old brain, new brain, and cerebral cortex.
B. lower, middle, and upper brain.
C. hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain.
D. brain stem, limbic system, and cerebral cortex.

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You eat some bad sushi and feel that you are slowly losing control over your muscles. The bacteria you ingested from the bad sushi most likely interferes with the use of

A. serotonin.
B. insulin.
C. acetylcholine.
D. thorazine.

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Which chemicals pass across the synaptic gap and increase the possibility the next neuron in the chain will fire?

A. synaptic peptides

B. inhibitory neurotransmitters

C. adrenaline-type exciters

D. excitatory neurotransmitters

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According to the theory of evolution, why might we call some parts of the brain the old brain and some parts the new brain?

A. Old brain parts are what exist in very young children, and the new brain develops later.
B. The old brain developed first according to evolution.
C. The old brain becomes more active as we grow older.
D. The new brain deals with new information, while the old brain deals with information gathered when we were children.

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Deafness can result from damage to the inner ear or damage to what area of the brain?

A. connections between the auditory nerve and the auditory cortex in the frontal lobe
B. connections between the auditory nerve and the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe
C. connections between the areas of the sensory cortex that receive messages from the ears and
the auditory cortex
D. connections between the hypothalamus and the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe

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Paralysis of the left arm might be explained by a problem in the

A. motor cortex in the frontal lobe in the left hemisphere.
B. motor cortex in the frontal lobe in the right hemisphere.
C. sensory-motor cortex in the temporal lobe in the left hemisphere.
D. motor cortex in the parietal lobe in the left hemisphere.

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Blindness could result from damage to which cortex and lobe of the brain? A. visual cortex in the frontal lobe B. visual cortex in the temporal lobe C. sensory cortex…