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Election Officer 2020 Complete Solved MCQs Past Paper |
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Election Officer 2020 Complete Solved MCQs Past Paper


What age was prescribed for President in the 1956 Constitution?

  1. 45
  2. 56
  3. 55
  4. None of these


– The President of Pakistan should be Muslim and at least 40 Years of age.

Constitution 1956 was the first Constitution of Pakistan. It consisted of 234 Articles.

– This Constitution 1956 was implemented form 1956 to 1958.


Nizam E Mustafa Movement was carried in the year?

  1. 1970
  2. 1975
  3. 1976
  4. 1977


– Nizam E Mustafa Movement was founded on 5th January


– The purpose of this movement to implement Islamic Laws.

– This movement was started by Jimat E-islami.


The period of the first five-year plan was

  1. 1947-1952
  2. 1950-1955
  3. 1970-1975
  4. None of these


– First Five Year Plan was proved by

the Prime Minister of Paksitan Liaqat Ali Khan in 1950.


Sindh was separated from Bombay in which year?

  1. 1932
  2. 1934
  3. 1938
  4. None of these


– Sindh was separated from Bombay on pt April 1936.

-Syed Qayyum Khan played a pivotal role in the separation of Sindh and Bombay.

– Sindh was separated from Bombay according to Government India Act 1935, Section 40 (3).


Boundary Agreement was singed between Paksitan and China in?

  1. 1947
  2. 1963
  3. 1961
  4. 1962


– This agreement is also called Sino-Paksitan Agreement.

– On 2nd March 1963, This agreement was signed

– between Foreign Ministers of Paksitan and China.

– The Boundary Line between Paksitan•is 592 Km.


The _____ valley gifted to China by Pakistan.

  1. Shinknm
  2. Skenma
  3. Shaksgam
  4. None of these


– Shaksgam is also called Trans Karakorum Tract.

– Pakistan gifted this valley to China in 1963.

The area of this valley is 5180 Km2


Karachi Radio Station inaugurated by Liaqat Ali Khan on :

  1. August 1950
  2. March 1948
  3. 23rd March 1949
  4. 14th August 1948

Explanation :

– There were working only 03 Radio Stations in Pakistan at the time of Partition.

– Now, There are working 22 FM Radio Stations in Pakistan.


The Historical Site Mehrgarh was discovered on the right bank of the …..

  1. Kabul River
  2. Indus River
  3. Bolan River
  4. None of these


– Mehrgarh Site is located near Bolan Pass between Quetta, Kallat and Sibbi.

– Mehrgarh Site was discovered in 1974.


Golan Heights are disputed between?

  1. Israel & Taiwan
  2. Israel & Egypt
  3. Israel & Syria
  4. None of these


– The area of Golan Heights is 1800 Km2•

– This area is basically Syria’s are.

-Israel captured this area during six days war in 1967.


Mutazillah was an Islamic School of Speculative that flourished 10th Centuries AD, Where is flourished?

  1. Al-Bayda Basra
  2. Basra, Baghdad
  3. Dam
  4. Urmia, Ghazni


This School was founded in 8th Century in Iraq.


AI-Azhar University is the Chief Center of Islamic & Arabic learning in the world located in the?

  1. Istanbul
  2. Cairo
  3. Yemen
  4. Tehran


AI-Azhar University was the oldest University of Egypt.

– AI-Azhar University was founded in October 975 AD.


ljma can be operating where?

  1. Ulema have different Opinions
  2. The Quran & Hadith have not clarified a certain aspect of the law.
  3. Where Surab is not present
  4. All of the Above


Name the Battle in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) awarded a sword namely “Zulfiqar” to Ali (R.A)?

  1. Khyber
  2. Uhad
  3. Khandaq
  4. Badar


– This sword “Zulfiqar” was a double-bladed sword.

– Battle of Uhad was fought in 7 Shawwal 3 Hijri.


Islamic Revolution in Iran took place in

  1. 1979
  2. 1987
  3. 1960
  4. None of these


– Islamic Revolution in Iran was started on 7th January 1978 and ended up on 11th February 1979.


AI-Khartoum is the capital of Sudan

which means :

  1. Head of Elephant
  2. Tail of Lion
  3. Head of Horse
  4. Leg of Crow


– Sudan is situated in Africa Continent.


Which Prophet was raised and preached in Egypt?

  1. Isa (A.S)
  2. Musa (A.S)
  3. Loot (A.S)
  4. Salleh (A.S)


What do you understand by AI-Salasa?

  1. Tuesday
  2. Monday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday


– Monday The Najam


Which Masjid has the tallest Minaret in the


  1. Dajamaa El Diazzair Masjid
  2. Masjid E Hassan
  3. Fateh Garh Masjid
  4. Al Noor Masjid


– The Mosque Ajama el Diazzair was

completed in 2019 and located in Algeris, Algeria.

– The height of the Minaret is 265 Meters


Who is called Jami UI Islam?

  1. Ali (R.A)
  2. Usman (R.A)
  3. Umar (R.A)
  4. Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)


In the period of Umar (R.A), most battles Muslim fought against?

  1. Byzantines
  2. Christians
  3. Jews
  4. Persians

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