MCQs of Pakistan Constitution 1956
____ lists were enumerated (Federal list, Provincial list & Concurrent list).
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
____ form of government was introduced.
A. Presidential
B. Parliamentary
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
There are____ schedules in Pakistan Constitution 1956.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
There are ____ parts in Pakistan Constitution 1956.
A. 11
B. 13
C. 15
D. 17
____ are the total Articles of the 1956 Constitution.
A. 230
B. 232
C. 234
D. 236
The first Constitution of 1956 was enforced on 23rd March, ____.
A. 1956
B. 1957
C. 1958
D. None of these
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1962 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs
Here, you will find the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs. The Constitution of 1962 was the fundamental law of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from June 1962 until martial law was declared in March 1969. It was abrogated in the same year by President Yahya Khan. To know more about the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan, please follow this thread and read it with full attention.

The 1962 Constitution MCQs
East Pakistan was separated on December 16, ____.
A. 1969
B. 1970
C. 1971
D. 1972
The Primary function of LFO was to provide setup for____.
A. Democracy
B. Elections
C. Referendum
D. None of these
The Constitution shall provide maximum Provincial autonomy with a ____ central government.
A. Weak
B. Strong
C. Moderate
D. None of these
According to LFO, there shall be ____ system.
A. Federal
B. Presidential
C. Parliamentary
D. Dictatorship
Legal Framework Order was issued by Yahya Khan in ____.
A. 1968
B. 1969
C. 1970
D. 1971
Elections were held in December, ____.
Ayub Khan handed over power to Yahya Khan on March 25, ___.
A. 1965
B. 1967
C. 1969
D. 1971
The word ____ was dropped from 1962 Constitution and called Pakistan as the Republic of Pakistan.
A. Islamic
B. Federal
C. Union
D. None of these
President would be elected by ____ method.
A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. Election
D. Referendum
Under both the previous Constitutions parity of representation between East and West Pakistan was secured within ____ cameralism.
A. Uni
B. Bi
C. Tri
D. None of these