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What is the concept of gender performativity?

A. The idea that individuals perform gender roles based on societal expectations and norms
B. The idea that individuals perform sexual orientation based on societal expectations and norms
C. The idea that gender is a natural characteristic that cannot be changed
D. The idea that gender is a choice individuals make

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Correct Answer: A. The idea that individuals perform gender roles based on societal expectations and norms.
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What is the patriarchal society?

A. A society in which men hold more power and status than women
B. A society in which women hold more power and status than men
C. A society where men and women hold equal power and status
D. A society in which men and women are not present

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Correct Answer: A. A society in which men hold more power and status than women
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Who proposed the strain theory of crime, which suggests that crime is a result of social and economic inequalities?

A. Robert Merton
B. Travis Hirschi
C. Edwin Sutherland
D. Albert Cohen

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Correct Answer: A. Robert Merton.
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What was the main focus of Shah Waliullah’s work?

A. Promoting the adoption of Western values and practices
B. Encouraging the spread of Islamic values and practices
C. Advocating for the rights of Hindus in India
D. Promoting the rights and politics of Muslims

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Correct Answer: B. Encouraging the spread of Islamic values and practices
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Who was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

A. A British colonial administrator
B. A Muslim reformer and educationalist
C. A Hindu nationalist leader
D. A Sikh political leader

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Correct Answer: B. A Muslim reformer and educationalist
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