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Appraising and Valuation Officer Batch 1 Solved MCQs of today (25th Sept, 2020) Test

Here, you will find Today FPSC Test Appraising and Valuation Officer Batch 1 Some Solved MCQs which was conducted by FPSC today on 25th Sept, 2020.

Please that these MCQs are shared by users therefore some incorrect information and not right answer can be anticipated.

1. Capital city of austria? Veinna
2. PM of spain was elected in? 2 June 2018
3. Number of Makki surah? 86
4. Meaning of Quran? recited one
5. Which negro was killed in america? Alton Sterling
6. insert hyperlink short key? Ctrl + K
7. Short key of find and replace? ctrl+H
8. Extension of word documents? .docx
9. When was the constitution of 1973 was implemented? 14 August 1973
10. Name of imam bukhari? Muhammad Bin Ismail
11. When Qasem Sulemani was killed? 3 January 2020
12. Imran khan delivered historical speech in un assembly or security council? 27 September 2019
13. Rukus in Quran? 558
14. which companion of the Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in the quran? Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris
15. PIDC stands for? Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation formed in 1952
16. Mohen jo darro located in which district? Larkana District
17. first deputy district judge allow to wear headscarf in uk? Raffia Arshad
18. india citizenship bill date? 11 December 2019
19. India implement cerfew in india date? 24 March 2020
20. Jamal khashugi works in which newspaper? The Washington Post
21. WHO warns corona virus can again reactivate and its 2nd wave can come by which person said? Jeong Eun-kyeong

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