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SUMMARY of the Article “Two Struggles” by Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Published on November 5, 2023

The article highlights the parallel struggles of Palestine and Kashmir, two longstanding disputes originating in 1947, both rooted in the right to self-determination and resistance to foreign occupation. The genesis of these conflicts can be traced back to British geopolitics. In the case of Palestine, the Balfour Declaration in 1917 expressed Britain’s intent to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine while preserving the rights of non-Jewish communities. However, Israel has consistently disregarded these commitments, including the UN resolution for a two-state solution. In Kashmir, the dispute arose when the Maharaja hesitated to join Pakistan despite the state’s Muslim-majority status. India deployed forces, and the matter was taken to the UN, which called for a plebiscite. However, India has refused to comply with UN resolutions, and the conflict remains unresolved. The commonalities between these disputes are striking, including territorial and religious dimensions, defiance of international community will, and strong US support for the occupying powers. While there are differences, such as » Read More…