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SUMMARY of the Article “Securing borders,” Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, February 4th, 2024

Pakistan faces security challenges on both its eastern and western borders. The article highlights India’s aggressive posture, accusing it of deploying assassins to eliminate so-called anti-India elements on foreign soil, including in Pakistan. The author urges both countries to cooperate against transnational terrorism instead of engaging in confrontation. On the western front, cross-border terrorism involving Iran and Pakistan is discussed, emphasizing the need to address the root causes to prevent recurring incidents. The resurgence of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) following the Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan is examined, with a call for Islamabad to engage with Kabul to curb TTP activities. The article also touches upon security concerns related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and calls for an in-depth » Read More…

14 important Areas for CE-2024: Pakistan & Current Affairs Guess Paper CSS Exam 2024

Are you preparing for the CSS Exam 2024 Guess paper and seeking guidance on the most crucial areas to focus on, especially regarding Pakistan and current affairs? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into 14 essential areas that are likely to feature prominently in the CSS Exam 2024’s Pakistan & Current Affairs Paper. From domestic issues to regional and global dynamics, understanding these key topics can significantly enhance your preparation and boost your chances of success in the upcoming CSS examination. » Read More…

SUMMARY of the “The perils of heatwaves,” Ayesha Malik, January 11th, 2024**:

The article discusses the origins and exacerbated impact of heatwaves, emphasizing their catastrophic consequences on the environment, economy, and communities. Born from intricate atmospheric interactions influenced by climate change and natural climatic patterns like El Niño and La Niña, heatwaves pose challenges such as devastated ecosystems, stressed energy systems, and increased health hazards. Historical incidents in Pakistan, like the 2015 heatwave in Sindh claiming over 700 lives and the 2022 heatwaves and subsequent natural disasters, highlight the severity. The article emphasizes the importance of efficient heatwave mitigation and adaptation strategies, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency measures, and the creation of green spaces to mitigate urban heat islands. Policy measures like early warning systems and sustainable urban planning are proposed. Additionally, adaptation strategies involve climate-resilient agriculture, improved emergency response plans, research and monitoring, and health protection measures. The article concludes by stressing the global » Read More…