UNICEF work for _______?
A. Children
B. Women
C. Society
D. None of these
Here, you may find CSS Political Science MCQs. If you want to prepare MCQs for Political Science of CSS Exam then you are in the right place. You can prepare Political Science MCQs here because CSSMCQs platform is here to serve you while preparing your CSS Exam MCQs portion section-A. Please practice these CSS Political Science MCQs on a daily basis.
A. Children
B. Women
C. Society
D. None of these
D. Egypt
A. Al Kindi
B. Al Ghazali
C. Ibn Sina
D. None of these » Read More…
A. 11th Century
B. 19th Century
C. 25th Century
D. 20th Century » Read More…
A. Executive
B. Legislature
C. Judiciary
D. All of the above » Read More…
A. Federal
B. Unitary
C. Provincial
D. None of the above » Read More…
A. Permanent institution
B. Temporary institution ,
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above » Read More…