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Important 300 GK CSS MCQs of General Knowledge

Here, you will have the Top Most Important 300 CSS MCQs of General Knowledge. These MCQs of General Knowledge are equally important for the preparation of CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS and Etea eta exams of Pakistan.

201 Which Shakepeare play was set in Elsinore Castle, Denmark?

202. Who said: ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’?

203. The Kyukyu Island chain lies between which two countries?
Japan & Taiwan.

204. Which fibrous protein is the major constituent of hair, nails, feathers, beaks and claws?

205. Of which fruit is morello a variety?

206. Which explorer discovered Victoris Falls in Africa?
David Livingstone.

207. Who was the last king of Egypt?

208. What is the literal meaning of the word mafia?

209. Which war lasted 16 years longer than its name implies?
The Hundred Year’s War.

210. What is the national sport of Malaysia and Indonesia?

211. Which is the shallowest of the Great Lakes?
Lake Erie.

212. What name is given to minute or microscopic animals and plants that live in the upper layers of fresh and salt water?

213. Which country was originally named Cathay?

214. Sinhalese is a language spoken in which country?
Sri Lanka.

215. The Sao Francisco river flows through which country?

216. In which sport do teams compete for the Dunhill Cup?

217. Which Shakespeare character’s last words are: ‘The rest is silence’?

218. In economics, whose law states that: ‘bad money drives out good money’?

219. Who made the first navigation of the globe in the vessel Victoria?

220. Which mountaineer on being asked why he wanted to climb Everest said: ‘Because it’s there’?
George Mallory.

221 What was the former name for Sri Lanka?

222. Of which Middle East, country is Baghdad the capital?

223. How many arms does a squid have?

224. Which indoor game is played with a shuttlecock?

225. Do stalactites grow upwards or downwards?

226. What food is also called garbanzo?

227. What is the quality rating for diesel fuel, similar to the octane number for petrol?
Catane number.

228. Which German city and port is at the confluence of the rivers Neckar and Rhine?

229. Where in Europe are the only wild apes to be found?

230. The Brabanconne is the national anthem of which country?

231. In which country is the River Spey?

232. Which international environmental pressure group was founded in 1971?

233. What is the capital of Morocco?

234. How many balls are on the table at the start of a game of pool?

235. In which country is the volcano Mount Aso?

236. What name is given to inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, swelling and restriction of movement?

237. Which mineral is the main source of mercury?

238. What A is the national airline of Russia, code name SU?

239. What would be kept in a quiver?

240. What ‘ology’ is concerned with the study of unidentified flying objects?

241 Coal and longtailed are types of which bird family?

242. In the game of darts, what is the value of the outer bull?

243. In which part of the human body is the cochlea?

244. What is the modern name of the rocky fortress which the Moors named Gabel-al-Tarik (the Rock of Tarik)?

245. What was the name of German terrorist Andreas Baader’s female partner?
Ulrike Meinhof.

246. And what was the name of the urban guerrilla organisation they headed?
The Red Army Faction.

247. Which German bacteriologist discovered Salvarsan, a compound used in the treatment of syphilis, before the introduction of antibiotics?
Paul Ehrlich.

248. Which ancient Roman satirist wrote the 16 Satires?

249. Who became the Queen of Netherlands in 1980?

250. Who was the last Bristish king to appear in battle?
George II.

251. What is the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals to make lifelike models called?

252. What is the Beaufort scale used to measure?
Wind speed.

253. What is the technical name for abnormally high blood presure?

254. What part of eye is responsible for its color?
The iris.

256. The letter RF on a stamp would indicate it is from which country?

257. What is the meaning of the musical termcantabile?
In a singing style.

258. San Juan is the capital of which island in the West Indies?
Puerto Rico.

259. Which profession gets its name from the Latin word for lead?

260. On which part of the body do grasshoppers have their ears?
Hind legs. 261. Who wrote children’s stories about the land of Narnia?
C.S. Lewis.

262. What is the second planet from the sun?

263. What is the highest mountain in the Alps?
Mont Blanc.

264. Of which Caribbean country is Port-au-Prince the capital?

265. Which German city is asscociated with the legend of the Pied Piper?
Hameln, or Hamelin.

266. What name is given to the wind pattern that brings heavy rain to South Asia from April to September?

267. What is the first book of the New Testament?
The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.

268. What name is given to the time taken for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay?

269. Who was president of Kenya from 1964 to 1978?
Jomo Kenyatta.

270. Which German author wrote the anti-war novel All Quiet on the Western Front?
Erich Maria Remarque.

271. Which country had a police force called the Tonton Macoutes?

272. What would you find in formicary?

273. Who was the first British sovereign to make regular use of Buckingham Palace when in residence in London?
Queen Victoria.

274. Of where is Sofia the capital?

275. What is meant by the musical term andante?
At a moderate tempo.

276. In a bullfight, what is the mounted man with a lance called?
A picador.

277. Which team has a soccer team called Ajax?

278. Which Dutch explorer discovered New Zealand?
Abel Tasman.

279. Who became first black world heavyweight boxing champion in 1918?
Jack Johnson.

280. The name of which city in South America means Vale of Paradise?

281. Which gas used in advertising signs has the symbol Ne?

282. Which branch of mathematics uses symbols to represent unknown quantities?

283. What does the abbreviation RAF stand for?
Royal Air Force.

284. What name is given to the use of live animals in the experiments?

285. Viti Levu is the largest island of which country?

286. The Golden Arrow was a famous train that ran from Paris to which destination?
Monte Carlo.

287. Which country fought on both sides during World War II?

288. What centigrade temperature is gas mark 6 equal to?
200 degrees C.

289. In the game of chess, which piece is called springer in Germany?

290. What is the meaning of the Russian word ‘mir’?

291. Who, in World War II, were Axis Power?
Germany, Italy. Japan.

292. Which scientist used kites to conduct electrical experiments?
Benjamin Frankline.

293. What is the longest river in France?

294. Which inventore had a research laboratory at Menlo Park?

295. Which birds fly in groups called skeins?

296. In medicine, which is the most widespread parasitic infection?

297. What nationality was the explorer Ferdinand Magellan?

298. Which Italian city is called Firenze in Italian?

299. What is Australia’s largest city?

300. Which term meaning ‘lightning war’ was used to describe military tactics used by Germany in World War II?


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Top Most Important 300 CSS MCQs of General Knowledge