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The gas used in a refrigerator in order to cool the water is________?

A. Ammonia

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Methane

D. Oxygen

Refrigerator Gas Used

The gas used in a refrigerator in order to cool the water is Ammonia. It is a clear liquid that boils at a temperature of -28°F. Besides, Ammonia is a gas that is also used as a refrigerant gas, for the purification of water supplies, and in the manufacture of plastics, explosives, textiles, pesticides, dyes, and other chemicals. It is found in many household and industrial-strength cleaning solutions.


The gas used in a refrigerator is called a refrigerant, which is responsible for absorbing heat from the inside of the refrigerator and releasing it outside. Refrigerators can use different types of refrigerants, but the most commonly used ones are ammonia, fluorocarbons, and hydrocarbons.
Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong odor, and it has been used as a refrigerant for more than a century. It has good thermodynamic properties, is efficient in absorbing heat, and is inexpensive compared to other refrigerants. Ammonia is also environmentally friendly, as it has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). However, it can be dangerous if leaked, as it is toxic and flammable.

Carbon dioxide and hydrogen are also used as refrigerants, but they are less commonly used compared to ammonia. Carbon dioxide is environmentally friendly and has no ODP and low GWP, but it is less efficient in absorbing heat. Hydrogen is also environmentally friendly and efficient, but it is flammable and has safety concerns.

Oxygen is not used as a refrigerant, as it is not a suitable gas for refrigeration systems.

What Gas is Used in Refrigerators?

Refrigerators are common appliances found in households and commercial establishments, and they work by removing heat from inside the unit and releasing it outside. The gas used in refrigerators, known as refrigerant, plays a vital role in this process.

There are different types of refrigerants used in refrigerators, but the most commonly used one is ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong odor, and it has been used as a refrigerant for more than a century. It is efficient in absorbing heat, has good thermodynamic properties, and is inexpensive compared to other refrigerants.

One of the main advantages of using ammonia as a refrigerant is that it is environmentally friendly. It has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP), which means that it does not contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer or to climate change. However, ammonia can be dangerous if leaked, as it is toxic and flammable.

Apart from ammonia, other refrigerants used in refrigerators include fluorocarbons and hydrocarbons. Fluorocarbons, such as Freon, were widely used in the past, but they are now being phased out due to their adverse impact on the environment. Hydrocarbons, such as propane and isobutane, are also used as refrigerants, but they are less common compared to ammonia.

In conclusion, ammonia is the most commonly used gas in refrigerators due to its efficiency, low cost, and environmental friendliness. However, safety precautions should be taken when using ammonia, as it can be dangerous if not handled properly.

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