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Here, you will five hundred MCQs of Health and Physical education for FPSC, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS, UTS, OTS  and competitive exams of Pakistan.


301 Rovers Cup is associated with the game Football
302 Runner up team of 2003 world cup _________ India
303 Running barefoot may cause: Hook warm infection
304 Salivary gland produces Ptyalin
305 Scoliosis is a postural deformity related with? Vertebral column
306 Sergeant jump measures? Explosive leg strength
307 Serum is the fluid which is obtained afer blood has been allowed to _____ Clot
308 Set Shot’ is related to? Basketball
309 Shin splint’ occurs in Abdomen
310 Shuttle run ‘Test’ measures Agility
311 Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction was given by: Pythagoras
312 Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction was given by: Huxley
313 Smaller part of information in which resercher is interested is called? Sample
314 Somatic nervous system controls the skeletal system and ___________movement. Voluntary
315 Speed which gradually increases in sprint races is called? Acceleration sprint
316 Sphygmomanometer is used to measure? Blood Pressure
317 Sprain is an injury to: Muscle
318 Standard Deviation represents spread of scores around? Mean
319 Standard track total distance is ____________ 400 m
320 Strategy ‘Fast break’ is related with the game? Basketball
321 Summative evaluation Involves? Administration of test
322 Sunlight is a source of: Vitamin D
323 Sympathetic nervous system works in the __________function of the body. Emergency
324 Taresals, metatarsals are bones of: Foot
325 Tennis in the word of which language ___________ Tenez
326 The _____________neurons conduct the impulses form the sensory organs towards the brain. Sensory
327 The ____________twitch muscle fibers are shape white contract rapidly. Fast
328 The ___________neurons conduct the impulses from the brain toward the muscles. Motor
329 The __________of the muscle belly attach tendon to tendon is type of fusiform muscles. Muscle fibers
330 The __________twitch muscle fibers are red shape and contract slowly. Slow
331 The ________filament of the muscle fiber is myosin. Thick
332 The _______change their shape rapidly on contact with injured vessels or foreign surfaces and take part in clot formation. Blood platelets
333 The ______bone hang in the chest between the ribs. Sternum
334 The 50th percentile is also known as? Mean
335 The ability to maintain equliibrium while in motion is called Balance
336 The American player who made 23.12 m record in Shot Put is Rendiboms
337 The amount of Blood comes out from ventricle, per minute is called? Cardiac output
338 The amount of calories required by an adult of average body weight per day is? 2500 calorie
339 The Anaerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose results in the production of? 38 ATP
340 The angle of sector for Hammer Throw is 34.92 Degree
341 The another name for percussion manipulation is? Tapotment
342 The average life to the nature red blood cells is surprisingly long, having a span of about________. 120 days
343 The axis around which a movement takes place is always? At right angles to the plane
344 The back thigh muscles are also know as? Hamstring
345 The Basal Metabolic Rate may vary from person to person but it is closely related to a person’s amount of? Physical activity
346 The beginning of Shot Pur first in the history started from throwing Stone
347 The best know special message is: Connective massage
348 The best method for training of emotions in sports is? Repression
349 The blood platelets are small ______bodies about 3 um long and occur in large numbers in circulating blood. Rod like
350 The bottom tail of the ____________is coccyx. Spinal cord
351 The cardio respiratory capacity is related to Normal physical endurance
352 The cause of postural defects/deformities is? Malnutrition
353 The central nervous system consist of brain and __________ Spinal cord
354 The circulating ________________to the body cells and is thus an important means of maintaining the homeostasis of the body. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen
355 The color of lines of standard Track is White
356 The color of stop board in Shot Put is White
357 The color of take off in Board Jump and in Triple Jump is White
358 The combination of strength and speec ability la called? Explosive strength
359 The cool down after exercise is important because it? Speeds the removal of lactic acid
360 Thecordiac muscles related to the ___________. Heart
361 Thecreatine kinase reaction is: Inhibited by low ph in the muscle
362 The cross country races are held in Winter
363 The deltoid muscle located above the ___________joint. Shoulder
364 Thedevelopmetn of the full potential of each Individual? Humanism
365 The diameter of circle of Hammer is 2.135 M
366 The diameter of discuss for women is 180-182 MM
367 The Diameter of Shot Put for men 11.13 CM
368 The Diameter of Shot Put for women 09.5-11 CM
369 The difference in the wieght of the shout put and throw for male is? None
370 The distance between the first and 2nd athlete in 400 meter race 7.04 M
371 The distance between the two goal post of hockey is? 3.66 M
372 The elbow joint is the kind of _________joint Hinge
373 The energy for all forms of muscle contraction is provided by: Atp
374 The first modern Olympic games were held in the year? 1896
375 The first National Marathon Race was organized at? Kolkata
376 The first region of the spinal cord is __________region. Cervical
377 The first treatment recommended for long distance exhausted athlete is: Cryotherapy
378 The folloiwng are the standard distance of hurdle race for men? 100 M and 400 Meters
379 The following bones form the elbow joint except: Scapula
380 The function study of the body is called___________. Physiology
381 The functional cell of the nervous system is ___________. Neuron
382 The greater the momentum of an object? The Greater distance is will travel
383 The hall of judo is called________ a) Judo Jo
384 The hamstring muscle consists of the _________muscles. Three
385 The heart pumps blood through the __________. Arteries
386 The height of human being is measured by? Vernier scale
387 The height of human being is measured by? Vernier scale
388 The height of protecting net in discuss is 4 M
389 The height of stop board in Shot Put is 9.6 to 10.2 CM
390 The highest sports award of India is Rajeev Gandhi KhelRatan
391 The hip and shoulder joints are the kind of the __________joint. Ball and Socket
392 The initial rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction depends on: All of the above
393 The Instrument to measure height is called? Stadiometer
394 The internal diameter of circle of Shot Put is 2.135
395 The internal measurement/length of stop board in Shot Put is 1.14 to 1.16 M
396 The Javelin has parts 3 Parts
397 The labrum Glendale is Triangular in cross section
398 The landing arena of High Jump will be 5 x 3 mts
399 The largest bone in the body is ___________. Femur
400 The last region of the spinal cord is______________. Coccyx