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All History Books and Their Authors for MCQs Test

History Books and Their Writers
History Books and Their Writers

Here, on this page, you will find lots of Historical Books of Pakistan and India with their authors. All History Books and Their Authors are given here for MCQs Test and quiz exams. Please add in the comment box if you also know some writers who are present in this list.

List of History Books and Their Authors

  • A history of Pakistan is written by 1 Manzoor-ud-din Ahmed
  • A history of Pakistan is written by 2 M. A. Aziz
  • A History of the Sikhs is written by Khushwant Singh
  • A new history of India is written by Stanley Wolpert
  • A short history of the Indian people is written by Tara Chand
  • A short history of Pakistan is written by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi
  • A survey of Indian history is written by Panikkar
  • Aab-e-Kausar is written by Dr. S. M. Ikram
  • Adab-ul-Muluk-wa-Kifayat-ul-Mamluk is written by Fakhr-e-Mudabbir
  • Administration of Sultanate of Delhi is written by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi
  • Advanced history of India is written by Ramesh C Majumdar
  • Aftermath of Revolt India, 1857 – 1870 is written by Thomas R. Metcalf
  • Agrarian System of Mughal India is written by Irfan Habib
  • Ahkam-e-Alamgiri is written by Inayat-ullah Khan
  • Ain-e-Akbari is written by Abul Fazal
  • Aja’ib-ul-Afsar is written by Ibn-e-Battutah
  • Akbar Nama is written by Abul Fazal
  • Akbar the great Mughal is written by Vincent A Smith
  • Alamgir Nama is written by Mirza Kazim (first 10 years rule of Aurangzeb)
  • Aml-e-Saleh is written by Muhammad Saleh Kamboh
  • An autobiography is written by Jawaharlal Nehru
  • An empire builder of the 16th century is written by Rushbrook Williams
  • An Atlas of the Mughal Empire is written by Irfan Habib
  • Anand Math is written by * Bunkum Chandra Chatterjee (1882)
  • Ancient geography of India is written by Major General Alexander Cunningham
  • Arab aur Hind ke Ta’aluqat is written by Syed Salman Nadvi
  • Arab conquest of Sind is written by Ramesh C Majumdar
  • Arab invasion of India is written by Ramesh C Majumdar
  • Asoka and Decline of the Mauryas is written by Romila Thapar
  • Bahmanis of Deccan is written by H. K. Sherwani
  • Band-e-Matram is written by * Bunkum Chandra Chatterjee
  • Birth of Pakistan is written by Dr. Sachin
  • Birth of a tragedy is written by Dr. Tahir Khan
  • Bridge of time is written by Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
  • Cambridge history of British empire is written by H.H. Dodwell
  • Cambridge history of India is written by Wilfred Cantwell Smith
  • The case for Pakistan is written by Afzal M. Rafique