Arya Samaj was founded in 1875
A. To protect the interest of India
B. To revive and reform Hindusium
C. To cooperate with the British Government
D. To be a social organization working for the good of the poor
Pak Study MCQs CSSMCQs
In this section, you will get Mcqs of Pakistan Studies for NTS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS Test Preparation. Basic Information About Pakistan Here are the Different Categories related to PakStudy Mcqs. From past since 1947 to the current time all Pak Study MCQs by CSSMCQs will be shared.
A. To protect the interest of India
C. To cooperate with the British Government
D. To be a social organization working for the good of the poor
A. Nawab Muhammad Ismail
C. Abdul Hameed khan
D. Syed Zakir Ali
A. Sir Saleemullah
B. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
D. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai
B. Cooperation with majority community
C. To remain loyal to the Government
D. Muslim to keep away from politics
B. Kala-Chitta Range (Attock)
C. Warchha
D. Hazro (Attock)
A. The Muslim League won the majority of seats reserved for the community
C. The Congress had success only in a few provinces
D. A number of political parties boycotted the elections
A. Encouraging education in the rural areas
B. Encouraging private sector investment in education
C. Encouraging primary education and adult education