What is the second most abundant element in the earth‟s crust?
A. Silicon
B. Aluminium
C. Sodium
D. Magnesium
Here, you will find all Chemistry MCQs with their Answers. These MCQs would help you achieve good marks in ALL kinds of entry tests of FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS, OTS, CTS, MDCAT, ECAT, ETEA, NUMS and all other entry tests preparation etc. They will also help you get better marks in any types of job or university admission tests. Our focus will be on the fundamental level of the Chemistry course. However, advance level and its main branches MCQs will also be shared with their correct answers. For other subject’s MCQs Click HERE
B. Aluminium
C. Sodium
D. Magnesium
B. 29.996 g/mol
C. 19.996 g/mol
D. 09.996 g/mol » Read More…
A. N/m^-2
C. Nm^2
D. All of the above
A. Electronegativity
C. Electroplating
D. Electrolysis
A. Na
C. Rb
D. Cs