What is the meaning of “Et tu, Brute?”
A. “And you, too, Brutus?”
B. “To be or not to be?”
C. “All the world’s a stage”
D. “I came, I saw, I conquered”
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A. “And you, too, Brutus?”
B. “To be or not to be?”
C. “All the world’s a stage”
D. “I came, I saw, I conquered”
A. May 15
B. June 15
C. July 15
D. August 15
A. Tim Berners-Lee
B. Robert Cailliau
C. Tim Thompson
D. Charles Darwin
A. Equal
B. Less
C. Greater
D. None of these
A. Increase access to family planning services
B. Focus on economic development only
C. Ignore reproductive health needs
D. Depend solely on donor agencies for support
A. Enhances economic prosperity
B. Has no effect on economic prosperity
C. Impedes economic prosperity
D. Encourages economic prosperity