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1st September – Dawn Important Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

It is often said that DAWN is the Bible for CSS exam preparation. If you’re considering appearing for competitive exams but neglecting to read a newspaper, you’re making a significant mistake. Now is the time to start reading newspapers daily, especially DAWN, and regularly focusing on its editorials and opinion sections.
Additionally, pay special attention to the vocabulary we share daily. Based on my 8 years of experience, I have observed that FPSC frequently selects words for the precis paper directly from newspapers. It has often been noticed that words related to similar events have appeared in past CSS exams. Those who read the newspaper daily tend to store these words subconsciously, allowing them to recognize and use the correct words in the exam without needing to rely on external sources for vocabulary building.

Daily 1st September Dawn Newspaper Vocabulary PDF Download

Here is the list of 1st Sep Dawn Editorial and Opinion Important words in alphabetical order:

  1. Acutely (شدت سے): In a way that shows a severe and immediate effect.
  2. Adhered (پابند ہونا): Stuck to a policy or course of action.
  3. Afflicted (متاثرہ): Suffering from or affected by something.
  4. Alienation (بیگانگی): The state of being isolated or estranged.
  5. Apprehensive (خوفزدہ): Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
  6. Apathy (بے حسی): Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
  7. Authentic (حقیقی): Genuine, real, and true.
  8. Avenue (راستہ): A way of achieving something or a method.
  9. Bastion (قَلعَہ): A stronghold or defense.
  10. Belligerent (جنگجو): Hostile and aggressive.
  11. Bilateral (دو طرفہ): Involving two parties, usually countries.
  12. Burden (بوجھ): A heavy load, especially one that is carried with difficulty.
  13. Caucus (اجلاس): A group of people with shared concerns within a political party or organization.
  14. Censorship (سنسرشپ): The suppression or prohibition of speech, public communication, or other information.
  15. Civil Society (سول سوسائٹی): Society considered as a community of citizens linked by common interests and collective activity.
  16. Collaboration (تعاون): The action of working with someone to produce something.
  17. Complemented (مکمل کرنا): Added to something to improve or complete it.
  18. Confidence (اعتماد): The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
  19. Connectivity (ربط): The state or extent of being connected or interconnected.
  20. Coordination (ہم آہنگی): The organization of different elements or groups to work together effectively.
  21. Coordinated (ہم آہنگ): Organized to work together effectively.
  22. Counterproductive (غیر مؤثر): Having the opposite effect to the one intended.
  23. Credibility (معتبر ہونا): The quality of being trusted and believed in.
  24. Credible (قابل اعتبار): Believable or convincing.
  25. Crunch (بحران): A severe shortage or a difficult situation.
  26. Despair (مایوسی): The complete loss or absence of hope.
  27. Detrimental (نقصان دہ): Tending to cause harm.
  28. Deteriorating (بگڑتا ہوا): Becoming progressively worse.
  29. Disenfranchised (حقوق سے محروم): Deprived of power; marginalized.
  30. Disenfranchisement (حق رائے دہی سے محرومی): Depriving someone of their rights, especially the right to vote.
  31. Disparity (فرق): A great difference.
  32. Disposable Income (آمدنی جو خرچ کے قابل ہو): Income remaining after deduction of taxes and living expenses.
  33. Dividends (منافع): Profits or benefits gained from an investment.
  34. Daunting (مشکل): Seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation.
  35. Electoral Game (انتخابی کھیل): The strategies and tactics used by candidates and parties during elections.
  36. Electorate (ووٹر): All the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.
  37. Empowerment (اختیارات دینا): The process of becoming stronger and more confident.
  38. Engagement (مذاکرات): The process of being involved or participating in something.
  39. Engender (پیدا کرنا): To cause or give rise to a feeling, situation, or condition.
  40. Enforced disappearances (جبری گمشدگی): The practice of abducting individuals by the state or agents acting on its behalf.
  41. Exploitation (استحصال): The action of making use of and benefiting from resources.
  42. Facilitator (سہولت کار): A person or thing that makes an action or process easier.
  43. Faith (ایمان): Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  44. Fundamentals (بنیادی اصول): The basic principles or underlying concepts.
  45. Gloom (اداسی): A state of partial or total darkness or a feeling of being unhappy and without hope.
  46. Grievances (شکایات): Complaints or resentments, especially those that may justify retaliation.
  47. Heritage (ورثہ): Property or qualities passed down from previous generations; cultural traditions.
  48. Hybrid (مخلوط): Composed of different elements.
  49. Infrastructure (انفراسٹرکچر): The basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
  50. Insurgency (بغاوت): An active revolt or uprising.
  51. Insurgents (باغی): Rebels or revolutionaries.
  52. Isolation (تنہائی): The process or fact of being separated from others.
  53. Jostled (ٹکرانا): Pushed or bumped against roughly, typically in a crowd.
  54. Justifications (جواز): Reasons given for an action or belief.
  55. Legislator (قانون ساز): A person who makes laws; a member of a legislative body.
  56. Macroeconomic (معاشیاتی): Relating to the large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity.
  57. Mainstream Media (مرکزی میڈیا): Traditional forms of media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, that reach a large audience.
  58. Malnutrition (غذائی قلت): The condition of having insufficient or unbalanced nutrition.
  59. Media Managers (میڈیا منیجر): Individuals responsible for overseeing the operations, content, and business strategies of media organizations.
  60. Minions (نوکر): Unimportant followers or underlings, especially those who obey a powerful leader.
  61. Moribund (مردہ حالت میں): In a state of dying or inactivity.
  62. Multilateral (کثیر القومی): Agreed upon or participated in by three or more parties, especially the governments of different countries.
  63. Narrative (بیانیہ): A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.
  64. Neglect (غفلت): Failure to care for something properly.
  65. Negligence (غفلت): Failure to take proper care or to give proper attention to something.
  66. Non-Combatants (غیر جنگجو): People not involved in fighting, especially civilians.
  67. Optimism (پر امیدی): Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.
  68. Overweight (زیادہ وزن): Weighing more than is healthy or expected.
  69. Pacify (امن قائم کرنا): To calm or soothe, bring peace to.
  70. Partisan (جانبدار): Strongly supporting a specific cause, group, or political party, often without considering other perspectives.
  71. Patriotic (محب وطن): Expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.
  72. Perimeter (گھیرا): The outer boundary of an area.
  73. Perpetrators (مجرم): Those who commit a harmful or illegal act.
  74. Pervasive (ہر طرف پھیلنے والا): Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
  75. Pessimism (مایوسی): A tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
  76. Picturesque (دلکش): Visually attractive, especially in a charming or quaint way.
  77. Polling Figures (انتخابی اعداد و شمار): Statistics or data related to public opinion surveys, particularly in elections.
  78. Prevalence (غلبہ): The fact or condition of being widespread or common.
  79. Prevailing (رائج): Existing at a particular time; current.
  80. Press Credentials (پریس کی اسناد): Official permission or identification given to journalists that allow them to attend events and access information.
  81. Prudent (احتیاط): Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
  82. Propaganda (پروپیگنڈا): Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause.
  83. Proxies (نمائندے): Individuals or groups representing others, especially in political contexts.
  84. Provocation (اشتعال انگیزی): Action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.
  85. Prospects (امکانات): The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.
  86. Rampant (بے قابو): Flourishing or spreading unchecked.
  87. Radical (انتہا پسند): Favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms.
  88. Ramping (بڑھتا ہوا): Increasing rapidly above the usual level.
  89. Reckons (سمجھنا): Concludes after calculation or thought.
  90. Reiterating (دہرانا): Saying something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis.
  91. Relinquish (چھوڑ دینا): To voluntarily give up something.
  92. Repercussions (نتائج): Unintended consequences of an event or action.
  93. Resilient (مضبوط): Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
  94. Resonates (گونجنا): Evokes or suggests images, memories, and emotions.
  95. Rhetoric (خطابت): The art of persuasive speaking or writing.
  96. Ruthless (بے رحم): Having or showing no pity or compassion for others.
  97. Sanctity (تقدس): The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly.
  98. Saturated (سیر): Holding as much water or moisture as possible.
  99. Sectors (شعبہ جات): Distinct parts or areas within a larger system, such as the economy or society.
  100. Shrugged Off (نظر انداز کرنا): To dismiss something as unimportant.
  101. Solidarity (یکجہتی): Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest.
  102. Strategic Maneuvers (حکمت عملی کی چالیں): Planned actions or movements designed to achieve a specific goal.
  103. Structural (ساختی): Relating to the arrangement or organization of parts within a system.
  104. Stunned (حیران): Shocked or amazed.
  105. Subjugation (ماتحت کرنا): The act of bringing under control or dominance.
  106. Surging (تیزی سے بڑھنا): Moving powerfully upward or forward.
  107. Sustained (برقرار رکھا): Continued for an extended period or without interruption.
  108. Tangible (ٹھوس): Perceptible by touch; clear and definite.
  109. Teetering (لڑکھڑاتا ہوا): Moving or balancing unsteadily.
  110. Theorizing (نظریہ سازی): Forming a theory or set of theories about something.
  111. Threshold (حد): The starting point or level at which something begins.
  112. Trajectory (راستہ): The path followed by an object moving under the action of given forces.
  113. Transparency (شفافیت): The quality of being open and honest.
  114. Trepidation (گھبراہٹ): A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
  115. Undoubtedly (بلا شبہ): Without a doubt; certainly.
  116. Upliftment (بہتری): The improvement or enhancement of something.
  117. Vulnerable (کمزور): Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
  118. Widespread (پھیلاؤ): Found or distributed over a large area.
  119. Wrangling (جھگڑنا): Engaging in a long and complicated dispute.

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