9th Aug | Daily Dawn Vocabulary For CSS Aspirants
Boost your CSS exam preparation with our daily dose of vocabulary building! On August 9th, enhance your linguistic skills and elevate your chances of success in the highly competitive Central Superior Services (CSS) examination. Our carefully curated list of daily dawn vocabulary words, meanings, and usage will help CSS aspirants like you improve your English language proficiency and stay ahead in the game. Stay tuned for our daily updates and master the art of vocabulary building to ace your CSS exams!
Daily Dawn Vocabulary For CSS Aspirants
- Feeble (کمزور): Lacking strength or force.
- Sovereignty (خودمختاری): Supreme power or authority of a state to govern itself.
- Unified (متحد): Formed or united into a whole.
- Glacial (بہت سست): Extremely slow.
- Assassination (قتل): The act of deliberately killing someone, especially a prominent figure.
- Flagrant (ظاہر): Conspicuously or obviously offensive.
- Genocide (نسل کشی): The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group.
- Violation (خلاف ورزی): The action of breaking or failing to comply with a law or rule.
- Condemnation (مذمت): The expression of very strong disapproval.
- Atrocities (ظلم): Extremely wicked or cruel acts.
- Carnage (قتل عام): The killing of a large number of people.
- Punitive (سزایابی): Inflicting or intended as punishment.
- Rhetoric (بیانیہ): Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
- Provocative (اشتعال انگیز): Causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
- Hostilities (دشمنیاں): Acts of warfare or aggression.
- Destabilizing (غیر مستحکم کرنے والا): Causing instability.
- Unflinchingly (بے خوفی سے): Without hesitation or fear.
- Reined in (قابو میں کرنا): To control or limit.
- Criticism (تنقید): The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
- International Community (بین الاقوامی برادری): The countries of the world considered collectively.
- Misconceptions (غلط فہمیاں): Misunderstandings or incorrect views.
- Sustainable (پائیدار): Capable of being maintained over the long term.
- Promotive (فروغ دینے والی): Related to promoting or encouraging something.
- Curative (شفا بخش): Related to curing diseases or medical conditions.
- Rehabilitative (بحالی): Related to the process of helping someone recover from an illness or injury.
- Palliative (آرام دہ): Relieving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition.
- Continuity (تسلسل): The unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time.
- Alignment (مطابقت): Arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions.
- Fiscal (مالیاتی): Related to government revenue, especially taxes.
- Diagnostics (تشخیصات): Techniques or tools used to determine the cause of a disease.
- Prevention (روک تھام): The action of stopping something from happening or arising.
- Burden (بوجھ): A heavy load, often used metaphorically to refer to responsibilities or challenges.
- Adherence (پابندی): Sticking to or following strictly.
- Proxy (وکیل): A figure that can be used to represent the value of something in a calculation.
- Expansion (توسیع): The action of becoming larger or more extensive.
- Integration (انضمام): The process of combining things or bringing them together.
- Mobilized (متحرک): To make something capable of movement or action.
- Innovative (جدید): Featuring new methods; advanced and original.
- Comprehensive (جامع): Complete and including everything that is necessary.
- Empower (بااختیار): To give someone the authority or power to do something.
- Vulnerabilities (کمزوریاں): Weaknesses or areas where someone or something is at risk of harm.
- Sovereign (خود مختار): A supreme ruler or a nation that governs itself independently.
- Prerequisite (پیشگی شرط): Something that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen.
- Competitiveness (مقابلہ بازی): The ability of a company, country, or product to compete effectively in the market.
- Liberalization (آزاد کاری): The removal or loosening of restrictions, usually in an economic context.
- Protectionism (تحفظ پسندی): The practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports.
- Customs Duty (کسٹم ڈیوٹی): A tax imposed on goods when they are transported across international borders.
- Intermediate (درمیانی): Coming between two things in time, place, order, etc.
- Tariff (محصول): A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
- Infrastructure (انفراسٹرکچر): The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
- Monetary (مالیاتی): Relating to money or currency.
- Incentives (مراعات): Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
- Diversify (تنوع پیدا کرنا): To make or become more diverse or varied.
- Productivity (پیداواریت): The effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.
- Distorted (بگاڑنا): Pulled or twisted out of shape; not in its normal or natural shape or state.
- Openness (کھلا پن): The quality of being open to new ideas or opportunities.
- Mitigate (کم کرنا): To make less severe, serious, or painful.
- Revamp (تازہ دم کرنا): To give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to something.
- Stifling (دم گھٹنے والا): Making one feel constrained or oppressed.
- Monetary Policy (نقدی پالیسی): The process by which a central bank controls the supply of money.
- Inflation (مہنگائی): The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.
- Fiscal Deficit (مالیاتی خسارہ): The difference between the government’s total expenditure and its total receipts (excluding borrowing).
- Reserves (ذخائر): Funds set aside for future use, often referring to foreign currency held by a central bank.
- Debt Rollovers (قرضوں کی تجدید): The act of refinancing existing debt by taking on new debt.
- Subdued (دبا ہوا): Lower in intensity or strength; restrained.
- Expansionary Fiscal Policies (وسعت پذیر مالیاتی پالیسیاں): Government policies that involve increasing spending or decreasing taxes to stimulate the economy.
- Sustainability (پائیداری): The ability to maintain or continue a defined behavior or activity indefinitely.
- External Sector (بیرونی شعبہ): The part of a country’s economy that involves trade with other countries.
- Debt Management (قرض کا انتظام): The process of establishing and executing a strategy for managing a government’s debt.
- Exchange Reserves (زر مبادلہ کے ذخائر): Foreign currency deposits held by a central bank.
- Public Debt (عوامی قرضہ): The total amount of money owed by the government to creditors.
- IMF (آئی ایم ایف): The International Monetary Fund, an organization that provides financial assistance to countries in need.
- Rollovers (تجدید): The extension or renewal of an agreement, such as a loan or contract.
- Economic Recovery (معاشی بحالی): The process of regaining the economic stability and growth following a recession.
- Growth Outlook (ترقی کا نظریہ): The expected or projected pattern of economic growth in the future.
- Tight Monetary Policy (سخت مالیاتی پالیسی): A policy stance where the central bank aims to reduce inflation by limiting the amount of money in circulation.
- Budgetary Measures (بجٹ کے اقدامات): Actions taken by the government as part of its budget to influence the economy.
- Interest Rates (سود کی شرحیں): The cost of borrowing money, usually expressed as a percentage.
- Expansionary (وسعت پذیر): Tending to expand or grow.
- Discourse (مکالمہ): Written or spoken communication or debate.
- Planet-warming (سیارہ گرم کرنے والا): Related to global warming or the increase in Earth’s average temperature.
- Nodules (چھوٹے پتھر): Small lumps of minerals found on the seabed.
- Photovoltaic (فوٹو وولٹک): Related to the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials.
- Supply Chain (رسدی زنجیر): The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity.
- Volatility (اتار چڑھاؤ): Liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
- Jurisdictions (دائرہ اختیار): The official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
- Repercussions (نتائج): Unintended consequences occurring after an event or action.
- Marine Biodiversity (سمندری حیاتی تنوع): The variety of life forms within the ocean.
- Anthropogenic (انسانی ساختہ): Originating in human activity, especially regarding environmental pollution.
- Onslaught (حملہ): A fierce or destructive attack.
- Ecosystems (ماحولیاتی نظام): Communities of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
- Paucity (کمی): The presence of something in insufficient quantities or amounts.
- Terrestrial (زمینی): Related to the earth or land.
- Moratorium (تعطیل): A temporary prohibition or suspension of an activity.
- Viability (قابلیت بقا): The ability to work successfully.
- Circularity (گردشی): Involving processes that are sustainable and regenerative, minimizing waste.
- Precautionary (احتیاطی): Taken in advance to prevent harm or to secure good results.
- Robust (مضبوط): Strong and healthy; vigorous.
- Lucrative (فائدہ مند): Producing a great deal of profit.
- Unequal (غیر مساوی): Not fair, not evenly balanced or proportionate.
- Circumvented (ہوشیاری سے بچنا): To avoid or find a way around (an obstacle or rule).
- Contempt (حقارت): The feeling that someone or something is not worthy of respect or approval.
- Harvested (کٹائی کرنا): To gather (a crop) as a harvest.
- Exploited (استحصال کرنا): To make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource), often unfairly.
- Caveat (تنبیہ): A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
- Anecdotal (واقعاتی): Based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
- Mobilised (متحرک کرنا): To organize or prepare people or resources for action.
- Alleviated (ختم کرنا): To make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
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