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General Knowledge MCQs

Here, you will have 300 Plus Interesting Facts About Human Body GK MCQs List. These Facts About Human Body lists are given with a pdf download at the end. These General Knowledge MCQ of Facts About Human Body questions and answers with solutions are equally important for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, NTS and all other competitive exams of Pakistan. Thus, These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS
General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS

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GK World MCQs List of Facts About Human Body

  1. Normal temperature of body is 98.4 deg: F = 37 deg: C
  2. Corrine is used as a paralyzing agent
  3. A nerve cell is called neuron. Each neuron has several inputs called dendrites and a single output called axon
  4. The weakest bone is clavicle bone
  5. The hardest bone is collar bone
  6. The part of small intestine that joins large intestine is colon
  7. The hardest part of the body is the tooth
  8. Systole is heart contraction
  9. Diastole is heart relaxation
  10. Dendrites are connected with neurons
  11. Epidermis = outer skin is called the True skin, it is free from blood vessels and its cells are nourished by lymph
  12. Tendons hold muscles to the bones.
  13. The largest part of the human brain is the Cerebrum
  14. Blood fails to clot in the absence of Calcium
  15. the two most abundant elements by mass found in Earth’s crust are Oxygen and Silicon
  16. The eardrum helps in keeping balance of the body
  17. In general, the probability of flooding decreases when there is an
  18. increase in the amount of infiltration
  19. Where is the ‘Atlas’ bone in the human body located? Neck
  20. What does intelligent people have more in their hair? zinc and copper
  21. Which base differentiates DNA and RNA? Uracil
  22. Eye is filled with liquids: two
  23. What is the name of bones of human finger? Phalanges
  24. Pons varolii is found in brain
  25. Human brain contains 4/5th of water
  26. % of water in the body is 70%
  27. Carbon in human body is 18%
  28. Heart is conical in shape
  29. Weight of heart is 9 ounces with 4 cavities
  30. Weight of kidney is 41/2 ounces
  31. Weight of brain is 1.4 kg and it consists of 14 billion nerve cells
  32. Right kidney is shorter and little lower than left
  33. Kidneys are supplied blood though renal arteries
  34. Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through Heptic Portal vein
  35. Coronary artery supplies blood to heart
  36. Each kidney contains about one million nephrons
  37. Eye ball is moved by six muscles
  38. Most active muscle of human body is eye muscle
  39. Digestion of food takes 3 to 4 hours in stomach
  40. Capacity of stomach is one and a half kilo of food
  41. Clavicle is the collar bone
  42. Scapula is the shoulder bone
  43. Sternum is the chest bone
  44. There are 24 ribs
  45. Spinal cord has 33 disks
  46. Bones in hand are 27
  47. Ulna is the bone of forearm
  48. Radius is the second bone of forearm
  49. Carpal are 8 small bones of wrist
  50. Tarsal is the ankle bone
  51. Femur and patella (knee cap), tibia and fibula are bones of lower limbs
  52. Femur is the longest bone
  53. Head or skull has 29 bones
  54. Total bones are 206
  55. Total muscles are 600 (chk 650)
  56. 60 thousand miles of capillaries of blood
  57. Chemically finger nails are made of protein
  58. Nails are made of a tough material called keratin
  59. Average body has 2 square yards of skin
  60. Weight of skin is 6 pounds
  61. Smallest bone is stirrup in the ear about 1/10th of an inch
  62. A newborn baby has 300 bones
  63. In 22 weeks baby is formed completely
  64. Ovum is a female germ cell
  65. The sensation of skin is perceived by epidermis
  66. Number of systems in body are of 7 types
  67. Man breathes 20,000 times in a day
  68. Root of hair is called follicle
  69. More than 2/3rd of body weight is made of fluids/water
  70. Messages sent in brain at 240 miles/hour
  71. Weight of eyes is 1 ½ ounces each
  72. There are 100,000 hairs
  73. Muscle of jaw exerts 219 kg weight
  74. Circadian rhythm is a medical term of heart beat
  75. Atmosphere exerts a pressure of 15 pounds per square inch on human body
  76. Iris of eye regulates the quantity of light admitted into the eye ball
  77. Outer layer of eyeball is called sclerotic
  78. The front portion of sclerotic is called cornea
  79. In eye a convex lens is placed
  80. Cornea is the only part of body without blood supply
  81. In front of eye is Cornea, which bends light as it passes into the eyeball. It is covered by a thing membrane called Conjunctiva.
  82. Image made on ratina is upside down, but our brain turns it right.
  83. Behind the Cornea is a sheet of muscles called the Iris with the small hole in the middle called the pupil.
  84. Iris manages the amount of light entry into eye. In dark it relaxes to let pupil enter light as much as possible and in bright light it contracts.
  85. The muscles attached to the lens are ciliary muscles. These muscles can contract the lens thin to see distant objects and for close objects these muscles relax.
  86. Retina contains cone shaped cells that can detect colors.
  87. Retina contains rod shaped cells that can see dim light.
  88. In the centre of retina is a small yellow area called the fovea where each cell has its own connection to the brain.
  89. Skeleton word comes from a Greek word meaning dried up.
  90. The defect of vision because of which a person cannot see distant
  91. objects clearly: Myopia or Short sightedness
  92. Where on your body are the most sweat glands-Feet
  93. Your eyeballs are 3.5% what-Salt
  94. The human bodies got 45 miles of them – what-Nerves
  95. Where is your zygomatic bone-Cheek
  96. Pancreas lies partly on the left side and partly on the right side of the body.
  97. Development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is a common example of: Use and disuse of organ
  98. Cerumen is the technical name for what body part-Earwax
  99. Skin does not excrete oil.
  100. Male child is born if xy chromosomes are united.
  101. Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through hepatic portal vein.
  102. For short-sightedness (man cannot see distant objects) a concave lens is used
  103. For long-sightedness (man cannot see near objects) a convex lens is used
  104. Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors, doctors use concave mirrors for the examination of ear, nose or eyes of a patient
  105. Concave mirrors are used to focus light in case of searchlights
  106. and headlights of automobiles.
  107. Cerebellum co-ordinates movements, conscious control and balance, allowing you to move smoothly.
  108. The largest and most complicated part of brain is cerebrum. It controls conscious actions, speech and all your senses. It also does all your thinking and is the centre of memory and learning. It has two halves linked by bundles of nerve fibres. Its right side does artistic, creative tasks while the left is responsible for understanding, reading and thinking
  109. A reflex action is controlled by the nerves of the spinal cord without involving brain.
  110. Skeleton word comes from a Greek word meaning dried up
  111. Most abundant mineral in human body is calcium
  112. Iris in the eye contracts on the entry of light.
  113. Retina acts as a lens in the entry of light.
  114. Weight of heart is 300 gram.
  115. Water in human body is 85%
  116. A human being drinks 27 tons of water in a year
  117. Peritoneum is a membrane
  118. Unused fat in body is converted into animal fat and stored in different parts of body
  119. Substances which bring down body temperature are Antipyretics
  120. Antibodies are proteins
  121. Most easily breakable bone of body is Collar bone
  122. There is 21/2 pounds of calcium in human body
  123. A human body has 236 joints
  124. Dental enamel is the hardest thing present in human body
  125. A man breathes 18 times in a minuteNEXT PAGE>>>>Next page of List of Facts About Human Body

    General Knowledge MCQ questions and answers with solutions

General Knowledge MCQ questions and answers with solutions

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List of Facts About Human Body