MOUNTAINS General Knowledge MCQs
Here, you will have MOUNTAINS General Knowledge MCQs. These MOUNTAINS GK MCQs are given with a pdf download at the end. These General Knowledge MCQ of Mountains questions and answers with solutions are equally important for competitive exams of Pakistan. These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

General Knowledge MCQs for MOUNTAINS
- Mount Olympus is in Greece.
- The mountain range in Russia that is regarded as the boundary b/w Europe & Asia is Urals.
- Margalla Hills of Islamabad are an extension of Himalaya range.
- Ural Mountains separate Asia from Europe.
- Ordovician are oldest rocks.
- The oldest mountain system is Aravali.
- The youngest mountain system is Himalayas.
- Andes Mountains are in South America.
- The Alps are Europe’s largest mountain system.
- Atlas are North Africa’s mountain range.The
- Atlas Mountains are in Morocco.
- The Himalayas mountain range (Asia) is the greatest mountain range in the world.
- Ayers Rock is the largest single rock in the world.
- Mauna kea volcano is in Hawaii
- What is the worlds longest mountain range-The Andes
- Black forest is a mountain in Germany.
- Rocky or Rockies Mountains is the largest mountain system of North America.
- Koh-i-Sultan is in Pakistan.
- The highest mountain system in the world is Himalayas.
- Sefid Koh is mountain range in Afghanistan.
- The Blue Mountains are in Australia.
- Mauna Kea volcano is in Hawaii.
- What is the name of the second highest mountain in Africa-Mount Kenya
- In what modern country is mount Ararat-Turkey
- The most active volcano Italiana is situated in Hawaii.
- Mount Everest is in Himalaya range with height 29,028 feet first ascent made on May 29, 1953.
- K2 named Goodwin Austin or Chagori is in Karakoram Range with 28,250 ft height. First ascent made on July 31, 1954.
- Nanga Parbat is in Himalaya range is known as Killer Mountain with height 26,660 ft. First ascent was made on July 3, 1953.
- Broad Peak I is in Karakoram range with height 26,470.
- Tirich Mir is in Hindu Kush mountain.
- Prince Charles is mountain range in Antarctica.
- Zardak is the highest peak of the Kirthar range.
- Where are the glasshouse mountains- Queensland Australia