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Important Titles of Prophets and Companions in Islam MCQs

Here, you will have all the Important Titles of Prophets and Companions in Islam in MCQs form. In Islam, every prophet and some companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) have got some special titles. They are known by their particular titles, therefore, it is important to know all the Important Titles of Prophets and Companions of Islam.

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Islamic Studies Mcqs, Islamic world and practices. most important of Islamic Studies, Islamiat, Islamyat MCQs

Islamiat MCQs of Important Title of Prophets and Companions

Whose title is Safi Ullah?

A. Hazrat Nuah (A.S)

B. Hazrat Musa (A.S)

C. Hazrat Yusaf (A.S)

 D. Hazrat Adam (A.S)

Whose title is Naji Ullah?

A. Hazrat Noah(A.S)

B. Hazrat Shoaib(A.S)

C. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

D. Hazrat Dawood(A.S)

Whose title is Khalil Ullah?

A. Hazrat Adam (A.S)

B. Hazrat Yusaf(A.S)

C. Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S)

D. Hazrat Yahya(A.S)

Whose title is Zul-Noon?

A. HArat Zakrya (A.S)

B. Hazrat Younas(A.S)

C. Hazrat Yahya(A.S)

d)Hazrat Dawood (A.S)

Whose title is Rooh Ullah?

A. Hazrat Saleh (A.S)

B. Hazrat Hud(A.S)

C. Hazrat Essa(A.S)

D. Hazrat Yusaf(A.S)

Whose title is Kalim Ullah?

A. Hazrat Dawood(A.S)

B. Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)

C. Hazrat Lut (A.S)

 D. Hazrat Musa(A.S)

Whose title is Zabih Ullah?

A. Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S)

B. Hazrat Ismail (A.S)

C. Hazrat Adam(A.S)

D. Hazrat Saleh(A.S)

Whose title is Najeeb Ullah?

A. Hazrat Yahya (A.S)

A. Hazrat Musa(A.S)

C. Hazrat Hud (A.S)

D. Hazrat Dawood(A.S)

Whose title is Khateeb ul Anbia?

A. Hazrat Essa(A.S)

B. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)

C. Hazrat Yusaf(A.S)

D. Hazrat Dawood(A.S)

Whose title is Sheikh ul Anbia?

A. Hazrat Yuonas (A.S)

B. Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S)

C. Hazrat Nuah (A.S)

D. Harat Adam (A.S)

Whose title is Jadul Anbiya( Abu ul Anbia)?

A. Hazrat Adam (A.S)

B. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

C. Hazrat Zikrya(A.S)

D. Hazrat Hazrat Musa(A.S)

Whose title is Sahib ul Naqa?

A. Hazrat Musa (A.S)

B. Hazrat Yahya (A.S)

C. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

D. Hazrat Dawood (A.S)

Who is known as Israel?

A. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

B. Hazrat Zikrya (A.S)

C. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

D. Hazrat Dawood (A.S)

Whose title is Khatam un Nabyyan?

A. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

b)Hazrat Adam(A.S)

C. Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S)

D. Hazrat Essa(A.S)

Whose title is Asad Ullah?

A. Hazrat Usman

B. Hazrat Umer

C. Hazrat Zaid

 D. Hazrat Ali

Whose title is Saif Ullah?

A. Hazrat Owais Qarni

B. Hazrat Abu Bakr

 C. Khalid Bin Waleed

D. Hazrat Umer Farooq

Whose title is Sheikh ul Islam?

A. Hazrat Umer bin Ass

B. Hazrat Huzaifa

 C. Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari

d)Hazrat Ubaidah bIn Al Jarrah

Whose title is Khair ur tabeen?

A. Saad Bin Abi Waqas

B. Hazrat Awais Qarni

C. Abdur Rehman Bin Awf

D. Hazrat Abu Bakar

Whose title is Sayyed ul Muslimeen?

A. Hazrat Amr Bin Al Ass

B. Hazrat Masab bin Umair

C. Hazrat Ubaidah bIn Al Jarrah

D. None of these

Whose title is Zul shadteen?

A. Hazrat Rehman Bin Awf

B. Hazrat Khuzaima Bin Thabit

C. Khalid Bin Waleed

D. Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris

Whose title is Attique?

A. Hazrat Umer

B. Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas

 C. Hazrat Abu Bakar

D. Hazrat Usman

Quran MCQs

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Important Titles of Prophets and Companions in Islam

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